[BUG][Smite condition] - skill/server lag?

[BUG][Smite condition] - skill/server lag?

in Guardian

Posted by: pmargeti.7680



I’ve noticed this skill sometimes produces it’s audio and visual effect much later than intended. At first I’ve thought it could be related with the audio, so I’ve tested it by running the game with -nosound parameter. My results were the same, up to 10 seconds of delay on execution of this skill. My guess is it’s waiting for server response, something along the lines of this:

player: I want to use smite condition
server: do you have conditions on you?
player: this is my list of conditions
server: you can remove this condi… <have a break, have a kittkatt> …ition here
player: oh snap, I’m already dead, nvm then

Can this be looked into? Perhaps make the server querry higher priority? I’m sick of dying to 15 stacks of bleeding I can’t remove because server is on a break.
Anyone else having similar issues with this skill?

[BUG][Smite condition] - skill/server lag?

in Guardian

Posted by: Reif.9234



I haven’t seen a 10 second delay but it does always lag.
Usually when I activate the ability it takes about 1-2 seconds before the animation plays and a condition is removed. The sound and damage portion seem to happen instantly as they should though.

(Damage numbers and sound happen right away)

[BUG][Smite condition] - skill/server lag?

in Guardian

Posted by: pmargeti.7680


Time may vary. I play wv3 almost exclusively and 10 second delay is not uncommon in gold league.