Balance Permeating Wrath
It’s balanced by exactly the two points you posted but it does need a fix, just not for the things you think is wrong.
The main issue is that it does nothing for active VoJ. That’s a travesty as a GM trait. Even the mid level trait does something for passive and active VoJ.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Those points do not balance each other out. That’s like saying a country with alot of rich people balances out having alot of poor people. You have one thing thats really good, and one thing thats really bad
As a guardian I accept that I’ll always be better in a team fight scenario but its to much of an extreme to have it like that
Also I never touch my F1 as a condi guard. Ironic right?
Try doing aoe VoJ without PW and see how well you do in multiple fights. PW is fine as it has a job and does it to GM status.
Also I never touch my F1 as a condi guard. Ironic right?
Depends completely on what your condi build is. I don’t see that as ironic, I see that as making a choice.
PW is broken because it doesn’t benefit choice.
Ideally they would combine allot of the traits for virtues & make some baseline.
Also ideally each skill type would have a trait similar (in the end effect it has, not exactly how it does it) to monk’s focus so that the other skills were viable PvP choices.
However since they seem to have no idea WTF they are doing when it comes to guardian I wouldn’t expect much.
Right now permeating wrath has 2 issues
1. It’s almost useless in 1v1 fights
2. It’s IDIOTICALLY powerful in group fights
…. -snip
Want a more focused Condi burst? Roll a Warrior. Want some where in between but more viable in higher tier? Roll a Mesmer.
Guardian has always been strong in AoE damage dealing… you’re wanting a change to something that has always been true. Worse yet, to a skill that’s already very balanced.
Just roll a warrior dude, their single target burn stacks doesn’t need a group and it’s exactly what you’re asking for.
If you’re wanting a more 1v1 oriented burn build, go Guardian runes, radiance & drop perneating wrath unless you can make it work without stability.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
Want a more focused Condi burst? Roll a Warrior. Want some where in between but more viable in higher tier? Roll a Mesmer.
Guardian has always been strong in AoE damage dealing… you’re wanting a change to something that has always been true. Worse yet, to a skill that’s already very balanced.
Just roll a warrior dude, their single target burn stacks doesn’t need a group and it’s exactly what you’re asking for.
If you’re wanting a more 1v1 oriented burn build, go Guardian runes, radiance & drop perneating wrath unless you can make it work without stability.
Ok usually i dont drag these threads out longer than is purposeful but you….
Dear Saiyan
1. If i want more condi burst ill trait for it, not roll another class
2. If i want to be more viable in a higher tier ill either get better at my class or ask that it —-— get balanced compared to other classes
3. Guardians ok in AoE damage. ELEs are strong in AoE, the only thing we have a leg up on most other classes with cleaving melee weapons is our symbols. Furthermore PW is a trait that causes AoE abilities that are across the board quirky and unaverage and in no way similar to any other abilities our class has (except I would say shattered aegis)
4. The whole point of this thread is suggesting a re-balancing of a skill I don’t believe is balanced. If you don’t believe that’s true provide some evidence to the contrary like some of the fine gentlemen before you but don’t just say it like its true
5. Again, I’m not rolling another class just because you’re too lazy to stop and consider the fact that ours might need some tweeking
6. Speccing for a single target build would not in any way shape or form rebalance PW. So thanks for that suggestion but its kinda not whats needed here
To everybody else, Thanks for the feedback
P.S. We have 4 traits that improve our burning. Oh sure we got some thatll tac it on like with spirit weapons or our symbols. But as far as improving burning and how we apply it we have Amplified Wrath, the torch trait, supreme justice, and permeating wrath. Seeing as those 4 are just in 2 traitlines I think its kinda important PW not just be some quirky niche trait when we don’t have that many other options available to us. It’s not like theres much choice there. You have to have Radiance, And then you either make some kind of block based burn build bunk or go with Virtues line.
(edited by Silhouette.5631)