"Best" WvW Armor/Trinket Build?
I’m running knights armour + weapons and soldier trinkets and soldier runes, its a pretty balanced setup; you have a pretty good healthpool and about 3200-3400 armour depending on your trait setup.
for traits I recommend 0 0 30 30 10 with AH and shouttraits/utilities.
GW2: Velocity [VcY]
Thanks a ton for the input! I was thinking of knights trinkets and PTV armor with soldier runes (since I can get a karma set without spending gold) so I wonder how that compares in dps/durability vs PTV trinkets and knights armor.
Also, how do you think 0-5-30-30-5 would compare to your 0-0-30-30-10 setup? I’m running triple shout so master of concentrations doesn’t really help me. 5 in radiance would let me f1 aoe blind which seems more useful. Any thoughts?
0/5/30/30/5 is at the same level as 0/0/30/30/10, is just a matter of preference. I prefer 0/5/30/30/5 with triple shout, but if you go with Santuary the last option is better.
I rly like the extra 25% duration on retaliation, thats why I have the 10 in virtues =)
GW2: Velocity [VcY]