Best stat combo for resilience?
It depends on what you’re up against. If you’re up against condition dmg you’ll be better off with the healing, vs direct dmg you’re better off with toughness.
Go full Soldier’s gear and Forge runes and you’ll get 23k health and 3500ish toughness.
You’ll still be sitting on 3.3k atk or so but crit chance will be in the 10-20% with sup accuracy sigils.
3500 is an excessive amount of toughness. I consider about 2800-2900 to be a heavy tank, more is, well, 10% crit chance is very low.
Can you mix & match these sets?
If that’s the case, I’d do a mix, grab some jewelry to buff up your Precision. I’d also go for some Dolyak runes instead of the Forge Runes, but that’s just my personal preference.
Precision is hardly necessary on any build that doesn’t get a particular benefit from crits.
Generally speaking, healing power is best used when you’re playing a character with healing abilities that heal other people rather than just yourself. The amount of healing that healing power provides for just your 6 really isn’t worth the drop in toughness/vitality. It only really justifies itself if you have several abilities that provide healing, like if you’re going mace/focus or staff with a healing utility or two.
In other words: power/toughness/vitality is for personal survivability, power/toughness/healing is for group support.