Block Build for open PvE (maybe raid-tank)

Block Build for open PvE (maybe raid-tank)

in Guardian

Posted by: Andwari.2978


I know that u dont need special builds for open PVE, but playing solo on the HoT maps vs all those champions and veterans is not that possible, i testet all the Skillpoint enemys on the maps as solo guard with that build and it worked fine.

Maybe i am wrong but i think it is not that bad.

Just want to know what u think

Block Build for open PvE (maybe raid-tank)

in Guardian

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


Had this similar build i focussed more on toughness than on vitality, because i get barely hit without aegis and i have a 80% block uptime with this build.
You could switch Retreat with another trap like PoB to do more AoE burst.
It works wonders in Maguuma.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

Block Build for open PvE (maybe raid-tank)

in Guardian

Posted by: Yannir.4132


I know that u dont need special builds for open PVE, but playing solo on the HoT maps vs all those champions and veterans is not that possible, i testet all the Skillpoint enemys on the maps as solo guard with that build and it worked fine.

Maybe i am wrong but i think it is not that bad.

Just want to know what u think

Really does look good for open world but I’m afraid it’ll fall short in raids. The DPS can’t possibly be high enough to compete with other classes, and you can’t tank without RF but without DM your CC isn’t good enough. In other words, it’s a good hybrid build between tanking and DPS, but for raids you really want to specialize in one or the other. Aaand there are better tanks than guardians, so you are mostly forced into a DPS role.

What stands out the most is your crit chance/precision. Even with Spotter, Food buffs and Fury, you stay at a bit over 60%. Which is too low. You would need to be at +85% with all the buffs. It has a huge impact on your damage potential and it affects Air Sigil procs significantly.

Yannir for males. (guard,thief,war,ele)
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.

Block Build for open PvE (maybe raid-tank)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sigfodr.9576


For open world, play anything you think is fun, it all work

For raids, DH is actually a really good tank (though not often used), for VG, Gors and KC its a strong and safe tank. That allow your chrono/chrono’s to focus on buffing and running full dmg. (I dont know about xera but I assume it will also work there).

However, you still want to do dmg so depending on the rest of the group a few small changes can be needed. Here are a few build, going from Very tanky —> less tanky

When your healer ignore you and dont want to heal you at all, then go:

When you still need to be super tanky but your healer actually heal you:

When you learn to tank and dodge/block when needed:

stay on hammer and auto attack 99% of the time. Make sure to finish your 3’th AA before you use traps/F1 so you can provide protection to yourself and everyone else.

Generally groups prefer chrono tank, but DH is a safe pick if the group strugle. Also since its rotation is 99% AA’s so you can focus on tanking without having to think about anything else.

Block Build for open PvE (maybe raid-tank)

in Guardian

Posted by: Andwari.2978


Thanks for all the answers helped alot

Block Build for open PvE (maybe raid-tank)

in Guardian

Posted by: Pregnantman.8259


Here is something I used before:

You basically rotate between blocks and dodging for survival. You have high endurance regen, so you should be able to dodge (and heal and get might) like every 4.5 seconds if you do it right. You can also get a lot of protection barring perma with the sigil and rune. You have a lot of blocks, and each of them give you might, healing power, toughness and cleanse while Aegis additionally heals you. Even with solely Mace 2, you have 440 ish heal per second on minimum. You have a decent amount of healing power that scales really well with your heals.