Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: longshot.1397


ok, so its a simple PvE only build. looking for feedback.

Been GS/Staff all my guardian life and mostly AH/EM, so its a big breakaway.. also any tipss for this style of play would be great.

(edited by longshot.1397)

Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: ODB.6891


ok, so its a simple PvE only build. looking for feedback.

Been GS/Staff all my guardian life and mostly AH/EM, so its a big breakaway.. also any tipss for this style of play would be great.

I use this exact trait set up, so my best advice is to stay mobile with this build. Make maximum use of blinds and aegis. If you don’t have blinds or aegis available again yet, make sure to dodge often. Your crit chance is pretty low…although I’m pretty sure rhs doesn’t show up on the stat sheet on that talent calculator. A high crit chance maximizes empowering might and vigorous precision for this build. The only consecration I routinely use is WoR. I always swap that one utility between WoR, Bane, SYG depending on the encounter. My other two slots are always retreat and save yourselves.

Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


PvE incl. dungeons and fractals? the only thing i’d worry slightly about is condition removal. but if that’s not a big problem for ya, tis a strong build!

i personally would have gone for different runes. and armor is quite low, though, again, the goal is to not get hit anyways, so that’s fine. ; )) it does take a bit of time to get used to, since AH gave you a lot of cushion and we, or at least i, got used to getting hit by attacks that i could outheal, but now, i’d have to actively blind before a big hit, aegis before a big hit or dodge. which in a sense, is more a reactive / preventive type play style so it’s pretty fun.

like ODB said, just keep as mobile as you can. i constant strafe, keep an eye on your surroundings.

and re: crit chance, i would like to see it a bit higher as well. but you can give it a shot first and see how it goes.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
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Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: matemaster.2168


thats a very strong versatile build OP
I am using slightly different version of it

I would suggest to use scepter instead of staff due to right hand strenght ofc.
Also I am using signet of judgment. This is very strong signet after it was patched. It breaks stun apply weaknes and provide 10% damage reduction.
As far I know the damage reduction is applied after the damage is allready reduced by armor so I was able to calculate the damage reduction by SoJ and “convert” it to +armor
Here is the result (which only applies to my guardian) my native armor is 2486 but with SoJ I receive as much damage as if my armor was 2763 (without SoJ) which is compared to the offensive strenght of this build very good number

(edited by matemaster.2168)

Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: longshot.1397


Wow… what a difference. I feel like an d/d ele… that ah was soooo keeping me alive. This is much more dynamic.. I get the build to around 71% crit chance with food buffs and solo. Dont want to take on multi mobs too much. I grabbed scept/torch for switch. All in all it feels very different and may take a bit of getting used to.

what other runes could be used? Need vit to stay alive specially with low armor.

Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: guanlongwucaii.3162


you don’t really need vit. spam your f1 like there’s no tomorrow. blinds = damage mitigation, and also give vuln = kills stuff faster. I prefer GS S/F though, the GS pull is invaluable and there is normally enough burst DPS to down a bunch of normals with pull + whirl + symbol. after that I swap to S/F. S/kittend of sucks when dealing with multiple mobs at range.

the only place where I find that the paltry hp pool hurts me is in some dungeon boss fights (like tazza in SE P1, her autoattack is already doing heavy damage to me).

Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

If you really want a challenge and lots more dps, use torc h. It’s way more fun than focus but you have to play tapdance a whole lot more. I’ll get my build up sometime today. GS can take a hike far as I’m concerned lol. It’s beyond boring
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: Rigel.3092


Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: purgatoryz.6038


Welcome to the club. Sword DPS is the best we’ve got when traited, and it’s super easy: spam auto attack and F1 ftw.

I think focus provides more utility than torch, and sword DPS > torch anyhow so I usually don’t bother. Remember focus 5 is a blast finisher so you can use purging flames to get some nice long might stacks at the start of each fight.

Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Welcome to the club. Sword DPS is the best we’ve got when traited, and it’s super easy: spam auto attack and F1 ftw.

I think focus provides more utility than torch, and sword DPS > torch anyhow so I usually don’t bother. Remember focus 5 is a blast finisher so you can use purging flames to get some nice long might stacks at the start of each fight.

When torch really comes in handy over focus is in wvw small man roaming (2-6 person group) With a S/T strong condi/crit build you can keep condis off allies and hit a crazy 7k on your cleansing flame, while choosing to either hit 3 enemies at once with 4, or focus down the guy thats almost dead with 4 by throwing the fire at him.

Isle Of Janthir

Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: longshot.1397


thanx for all the replies…. i have tweaked my build a little, mostly equipment

im finding the sigil of blood and the sigil of perception are keeping me alive and getting me upto 73% crit solo..

also moved 5 from virtues into valor for more aegis. bit more playtime and i’m really finding this playstyle runs well. Might get into a group or 2 and see how group buffs work with the food.

i’m swapping 7 between Retreat, WoR, Bane, purging flames.. depending on the encounter.

My take aways from the responses

  • Spam your f1 like there’s no tomorrow. blinds = damage mitigation, and also give vuln = kills stuff faster.
  • Stay mobile with this build
  • Focus 5 is a blast finisher so you can use purging flames to get some nice long might stacks at the start of each fight.
  • Make maximum use of blinds and aegis. If you don’t have blinds or aegis available again yet, make sure to dodge often.

And in all, it works for me.. maybe not optimal, but certainly more fun/dynamic than AH/EM with GS.

Again, thanx everyone. hope this might help some others who want to move away from that build. its a great build, don’t get me wrong, just boring after awhile.

Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: archerT.1935


Been using this setup myself for a few weeks and really enjoying it.

Traits are simple enough to switch over to GS/Staff, and the damage output is very nice no matter which way you go. I prefer signet traits with bane signet, signet of judgment, and SYG for stability. Extra power and extra damage reduction is generally helpful.

And, when I want to use my one-handed weapons, just flip a few traits and utilities and it works fantastically.

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