[Build] PvP Decap Guardian

[Build] PvP Decap Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Belarorn.9062


Recently been using this in PvP. My response to the Turret Engi’s and Longbow Rangers and other Meta builds that actually work because of Conquest.

DPS Medi Variant

Shout Bunker Variant

Basically its your standard Medi or Shout build but utilizing a hammer and Sword/ shield. Personally I like the Medi version better because I like dps Guards but if you dont like the squishyness you can use it with shouts. Your Job is to get to a point and get everyone off the enemy off the point using Shield # 5 and Hammer # 3.4. and 5. You can solo reasonably well with hammer and sheild just keep them KBed or immobilized. Using this you should be able to turn a full opponent cap into a full cap for you even fighting on the point.

Sheild #5 only is a Knockback when you hit it so after you use it spam it for the heal. NEVER keep it up for the full duration unless a ranger is trying to range you. that and Sword #3 should keep you safe from range.

The bubble on Sheild 5 is also excellent for downed players either to stop enemy’s from ressing or Knocking back stompers so you can res

Mighty Blow hits like a truck Don’t miss it.

Judge’s Intervention and Banish go together perfectly for a 1200 range launch no one sees coming

Normally start Sword sheild after your KB go to hammer keep them controlled with ring of warding and banish

If you are some l2p troll or want to bash shield because you think it sucks do yourself a favour and take a long walk off a short pier and hug an octopus. i find this build useful whether or not you like it is up to you put if you dont like it dont use it dont troll the comments.

Have a Nice Day

[Build] PvP Decap Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I’ve played builds similar to the Shout-based variant, but it quickly ran into the problem that it’s just less effective than the standard Shout-build. When it comes down to it, you’re just using weapons that aren’t as effective as the other weapons you could be using. Not just the Shield (I find the Shield a viable replacement for the Focus with good teammates), but you also miss out on the Heal from Empowered or the heals and block from the Mace. Your survivability drops quite a bit for very little gain in either damage or your ability to cap a point. Come to think of it, Hammer/Staff is a pretty fun weapon combination and missing out on the knockback from the Shield might not be such a big deal.

I can recommend Sigil of the Hydromancer on the Hammer though.

“Come on, hit me!”

[Build] PvP Decap Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: robertul.3679


You can play scepter hammer dps so you both decap and also..you know..dps stuff..

[Build] PvP Decap Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

While I admire the effort to think of a build that’s a little bit outside the box, the fact is that guardians simply don’t have the proper tools to make a decap build that’s comparable to the likes of engi or warrior.