Builds/Guides/Tips (newbie for guardian)

Builds/Guides/Tips (newbie for guardian)

in Guardian

Posted by: GodSpeedFist.8642


Hi guys can anyone give me updated info on guardians?? whether its pve/pvp/wvw doesn’t matter..
I starting a new character and I was thinking of making a guardian…
I was told that meditation build is the “best” guardian build at the moment…

Please share whatever info you may have…
I literally have no idea on how to play / build a guardian.. ( Only know how to fight them)..

Thank you.

Cecilla Alcotte(Ranger)
Fatina Flameheart(Elementalist)

Builds/Guides/Tips (newbie for guardian)

in Guardian

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


- GS + Mace/Torch (or Focus) with a Zeal/Radiance/Virtue (Best DPS)
- Hammer + Mace/Torch (or Focus) with Zeal/Radiance/Honor (3-4% less DPS)
- GS + Mace/Torch (or Focus) with a Zeal/Radiance/Honor (6-8% less DPS)

Those three build are similar in DPS and pretty much the best. Choose which one you prefer.

- GS + Mace/Torch (Scepter) with Zeal/Radiance/Virtue in sinister gear is also a pretty decent build. It’s equal to zerker build in solo. In group it’s about 8-10% less dps against single target, but it have highest dps against group of mobs.


3 Main family of Build : Bunker, Medi Guard or Burn Burst. Which with some variation. Bunker is the most popular right now. Medi dropped with the last path, but it’s still decent. Burn Burst is powerful, but a one trick pony so it not always work well against good players.

- Bunker : Mace/Focus + Staff with Valor/Honor/Virtue
- Medi : GS + Scepter/Focus with Zeal/Valor/Virtue
- Burn Burst : Sword/Focus + Scepter/Torch with Radiance/Valor/Virtue

But a lot of modification can be done on each of those to adept them to your need.


You can use Medi or Condi Burst to roam in WvW. For Zerging, it’s the good old AH frontliner as always.

Staff + Hammer (or GS) with Valor/Honor/Virtue.

That’s just the most popular right now.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD