Burst Guardian viability in PvP?

Burst Guardian viability in PvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Nabbo.2845


Hello all,

I have been playing my Guardian with a 30/30/10/0/0 setup (Greatsword/Scepter-Torch) and I think I have been doing decent. Granted, I haven’t tried anything else and this is my reason for posting this: although the damage is ridiculous, I feel as if the build is lacking some functionality/survivability.

What are your experiences with Burst Guards? Any tips?

Burst Guardian viability in PvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: YoYoPete.6879


Dodge. Dont get hit. lol

My thought is to dish out more damage than the other guy, so they die first. Then you heal. You can trade out damage for survivability, but then you will be killing them more slowly.

I did a 2 Handed GS/Hammer build with symbols and criticals.

Build is: 20,15,0,30,5

I get all the Justic things. (Blind, Vulnerability, Resets when you kill)

Virtues 5 is worth it for the Might on Justice (and Regen/Protect on the other virtues)

I can give you more detail if you’d like, but sounds like my build might be in a different direction than you are going.

You could use Runes that add durability, but you’ll take away from offense.

If I think about it (and get time) I’ll put my build up somewhere so you can see the traits.

Olivia Sylvansong [FoS]
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society

Burst Guardian viability in PvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


I use a Berserker build for guardian an it’s very effective, expecially in TsPvP, where you can find more 1vs1 fights.
I can kill mesmer, warrior, guardian, thief, ele, some engi and some ranger. Sometime I kill a necro, but it’s hard.


Whit that build you can deal very high damage and heal yourself whit meditations. Ad you don’t use boons. Whit that some enemy skills don’t affect you, like mesmer’s and necro’s skills that convert boons into conditions. And you’ve 2 breakstun.
I use that build and whit a lot of practice you can kill a very high number of enemy in 1vs1 and do a great job in team work, giving very high damage.

You must learn when dodge and how to use the heal skill to heal and Block enemy attacks, while use Renewed Focus to evade attacks and recharge your virtues and how use the skill 5 of the focus to protect from attacks and deal damage.

That’s one of the best DPS build I’ve ver try. High burst damage and good survavibility. Each meditation provide you 1800-1900 hp and your enemy fall down quickly.

Try it :-)

P.s. sorry for my bad english.

Burst Guardian viability in PvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tiglie.5834


The problem with pure burst on a guardian is that all our big hits are channeled. Any competent player knows to dodge when the GS is spinning and to roll out of the blowtorch. It works much better on say a warrior, who can lock you down and then channel the big hits.

On the other hand, if you catch either a) an idiot b) someone out of endurance, you can pack a big punch.

Your best bet is the hammer, gs combo above. Teleport in w/ a ring, banish against the side and then spin on them.

Tiglie Wiglie – Oh Bahmaz
Iz U Potato – Absentee Father

(edited by Tiglie.5834)

Burst Guardian viability in PvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Burst guard can be really good if your team has a lot of immobilizes or stuns. Without it you can probably play competitively near the 80-90% range, but afterwards a lot of people will just kite you. We have no weapon that’s actually good in following up our bursts.

edit: At best, you can use hammer to lock them in as posters have mentioned above but it’s not worth it otherwise

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Burst Guardian viability in PvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Here is my variant of a Guardian burst build. It’s power/condition damage focused, using sword/torch for burst damage, and staff for the 12 stacks of might and the defense. Against burning foes you deal +25% damage, and you can have up to +75% burn duration. The build also has good survivability, mostly thanks to boons.

Power – 2224
Critical Chance – 44% (using sword/torch)
Condition Damage – 597
Toughness – 1585
Health – 16945


80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

(edited by Kasama.8941)