Cheer up! Guardians!
time to find another class to like…
can we get a class change item in the gem store now?
Cheer up? Really? I’d rather dual wield shields before using a frickin’ longbow.
Is this the trade off of getting 2hander weapon vs 1hander for Elite Spec?
Gaining stealth is not worth taking traps AND this rune set over utilities and runes that will actually be useful.
Alone with traps, you will also gain access to one thing that is considered broken and OP
That is STEALTH!
Did I ever tell you the story about how I invented Superior Runes of the Trapper?
Once upon a time, there was a collaborative ranger development thread and I suggested a new rune called Superior Rune of the Trapper with condi-damage, +10% condition duration, and stealth (though mine had a long non-moving camouflage for laying in wait). What we got was stealth-spamming and superspeed, but I was close!
I never thought it would apply to Guardians.
Cheer up? Really? I’d rather dual wield shields before using a frickin’ longbow.
I like it. The name is strange but I like the trap idea and have wanted a bow for ages.
Cheer up? Really? I’d rather dual wield shields before using a frickin’ longbow.
Uh, I was kinda hoping for a primary shield. At least then I’d still be in melee and not sneaking around laying traps. What a disgrace…
Gaining stealth is not worth taking traps AND this rune set over utilities and runes that will actually be useful.
Depends on your mode of play.
Those runes in WvW are a bit over powered. If you haven’t, give them a try. Gear, food, and trapper runes = fun times.
Isn’t meta but who cares. They work and work well in the WvW space.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Cheer up? Really? I’d rather dual wield shields before using a frickin’ longbow.
Uh, I was kinda hoping for a primary shield. At least then I’d still be in melee and not sneaking around laying traps. What a disgrace…
Yeah – super let down. I honestly was hoping for more front line monster support, wrecking faces, and guard abilities placed on near by friends to intercept knife in ribs by stealth.
No, we got a bow.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Gaining stealth is not worth taking traps AND this rune set over utilities and runes that will actually be useful.
In addtion to that, let’s add in the SEVERE lack in mobility now w/ a Bow + not Traveller/Speed Runes… or Hoelbrok… or Scholar… or or or any baseline speed.
I guess we can just use Staff + Bow + Traps… gg
wtf – get rid of this Trapper/Bow Guardian.
Gaining stealth is not worth taking traps AND this rune set over utilities and runes that will actually be useful.
In addtion to that, let’s add in the SEVERE lack in mobility now w/ a Bow + not Traveller/Speed Runes… or Hoelbrok… or Scholar… or or or any baseline speed.
I guess we can just use Staff + Bow + Traps… gg
wtf – get rid of this Trapper/Bow Guardian.
We’re getting cripple and another gapcloser. I think thats pretty good bth
stealth, traps, lack of offensive mobility. Huh almost as if our moves are devised to help us GUARD an area
Gaining stealth is not worth taking traps AND this rune set over utilities and runes that will actually be useful.
LMAO, you don’t even know what those traps do yet and you’re making this assumption.
It could grant stability like concentration does, it could grant aegis, it could cause blind on many pulses. It could be even more powerful than mediation when combined with traits, and then combine it with trapper rune. Basically anything is possible.
If it’s as powerful as necro’s well, it’d be used all the time in WvW.
stealth, traps, lack of offensive mobility. Huh almost as if our moves are devised to help us GUARD an area
Because we sure aren’t any good at doing that with what we already have, or anything.
I’m absolutely looking forward to the DH!
Working on: Engineer
Stealth + conditions……..yeah ok no. Its not enough at all to give up increased running speed or extra damage.
Cheer up? Really? I’d rather dual wield shields before using a frickin’ longbow.
And you still won’t be able to block with them.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
I wonder which spec would be less competitive in PvP: spirit weapons guardian or condition traps dragon hunter…
Gaining stealth is not worth taking traps AND this rune set over utilities and runes that will actually be useful.
In addtion to that, let’s add in the SEVERE lack in mobility now w/ a Bow + not Traveller/Speed Runes… or Hoelbrok… or Scholar… or or or any baseline speed.
I guess we can just use Staff + Bow + Traps… gg
wtf – get rid of this Trapper/Bow Guardian.
We’re getting cripple and another gapcloser. I think thats pretty good bth
its not even a cap closer. it is far better. Ground targeted means we might be getting a serious tool to disengage. people really need to wait for the whole picture. DH, traps (stealth) and trait changes could make us kiting kings.
our mobility is by no means lacking severely. yes swiftness is a problem but there is more to it.
The new F3 should also make proccing blocks less random and makes it possible to combine stuff like Rune of Defender with the healing trap
time to find another class to like…
… my god people. If you played a guardian before you played it because you liked what they were. Guardian is one of the most well built professions in the game. We lacked almost nothing. In comes a specialization that literally gives us everything we don’t have and you start kittening that it’s not good enough? You don’t like it, well keep playing your guardian how it was. Holy kitten people.