Could use some build critique

Could use some build critique

in Guardian

Posted by: Darsin Callagher.5821

Darsin Callagher.5821

Hey Guys,
I’m considering getting a commander tag for my guardian.
I’m wondering what people think of my build and where i should change things.
I’ts a full cleric build with soldier runes.

Worked this of athena’s v2 build.
Feel free to comment in here or on the actual build.

Occasional Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi

Could use some build critique

in Guardian

Posted by: Sylpheed.8163


Your build is pretty standard, I can say it’ll work just fine for what you want to accomplish. Right now it gives good condition cleanse and support, but personally I would rather have Altruistic healing just because you’re going to be around a lot of people. If you want to be in the front lines, Altruistic will give you amazing sustained and burst healing. If you want others to be in front and follow up, this build works fine. The only issue I have is your full celestial accessories. So many people are using them because they’re -lazy- or don’t want to buy / use up inventory slots for different gear. It is the equivalent of a full signet build: It’s easy, gives you some nice bonuses through passives and works, but could be so much more optimized and stronger with a little thinking.

Could use some build critique

in Guardian

Posted by: Darsin Callagher.5821

Darsin Callagher.5821

So you would take multiple weapon sets and armor sets and trinket sets?
I would consider that if they would allow me to have macro’s to do armor swaps with one button.

so you would go with? clerics’s and knights? what other stats set would you consider?

Occasional Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi

Could use some build critique

in Guardian

Posted by: Sylpheed.8163


I have about a total of five sets of armor, three or four trinkets sets, and 10+ weapons with different stats. What you need to know is exactly what you want the build to accomplish. <- This is the main question I ask before theory crafting and building. My guess when looking at your build is that you want to: Support/lead due to your moderately high vitality / healing power / toughness along with the traits and skills you picked. Personally I would stick with clerics as your selfless daring (15 valor dodge heal) scales very well with it and heals allies and yourself for over 1k with your current build.

Could use some build critique

in Guardian

Posted by: Darsin Callagher.5821

Darsin Callagher.5821

Yeah that was my intent. i’d prefer to be rushing into a group and tagging a ton of them and then dodge roll out and put some boons on my group. wait a second and then head back in to tag some more and roll back out.

Occasional Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi

Could use some build critique

in Guardian

Posted by: Sylpheed.8163


Then your build is perfectly fine as it is now! Go have fun and kill stuff.

Could use some build critique

in Guardian

Posted by: Darsin Callagher.5821

Darsin Callagher.5821

Sweet now to farm for a commander tag :P

Occasional Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi