Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


Here is the build i came up with min/maxing the stats. Full valk weapons/armor, full cavalier trinkets, assassin orbs/gems. 33% dmg reduction from toughness, (only 8% less than someone in full PTV) 56-58ish% crit chance before fury, which in the new update meditations are getting a trait to give fury on use. And the best part, max crit damage. Im swapping one ring for soldiers and one gem for Valkyrie as well, to hit 15k health and only losing 3% crit dmg. Thats a very survivable burst setup.

I put the new current build im thinking of running up here in the OP, instead of the useless might stacking one, so you don’t have to scroll all the way down

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

(edited by Carpboy.7145)

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


solo wvw you want to kill as fast as possible

What you have there is a group/zerg/small party centric build.

I would go for 0/30/30/5/5 with scepter/focus and hammer or gs as the second weapon.

Hammer and focus would be my first choice due to burst with judges intervention and mighty blow, ofc timed with #5 on the focus.

AH isn’t very good in solo play and monks focus would be the choice and triple meditations.

For runes i would use travelers and energy for my sigils.

Armor, a mix of valkyrie and berserker and berserker trinkets. Max power and max crit damage for max burst. 14k health is enough and still vianle with scepter and staff for zerg game play but avoid melee in zergs.

(edited by Brutaly.6257)

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


solo wvw you want to kill as fast as possible

What you have there is a group/zerg/small party centric build.

I would go for 0/30/30/5/5 with scepter/focus and hammer or gs as the second weapon.

Hammer and focus would be my first choice due to burst with judges intervention and mighty blow, ofc timed with #5 on the focus.

AH isn’t very good in solo play and monks focus would be the choice and triple meditations.

For runes i would use travelers and energy for my sigils.

Armor, a mix of valkyrie and berserker and berserker trinkets. Max power and max crit damage for max burst. 14k health is enough and still vianle with scepter and staff for zerg game play but avoid melee in zergs.

If killing things fastest was the most important for solo WvW, why do people not run full berserker in WvW?
Problem with that is id have 0 condition removal, along with not being able to take a hit.
I feel like the damage potential could be really high since you can stack might a TON. Plus 50%crit chance and 57% crit dmg. But again, im no guardian expert, so maybe im missing something

Im also wondering what peoples thoughts are on this, since its what i currently use

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

(edited by Carpboy.7145)

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


People do run full zerker in wvw in solo/small group builds.

In meditations you have two conditionremovers which works just fine for me when going solo.

If you are worried about conditions use melandru runes and food and you can totally skip condiremovers.

if its a might stacking build you want you need to stack boon/might duration and you should have at least 50% boonduration in order to stack properly.

You should also have hammer and why not hallowed ground (condition preventer) and great might stacker with blast finsher from the hammer.

empowering might gives you about 3 stacks in average with 5% duration and with 50% you will have approx 4.5 in average. in pve when you hit constantly, in solo game play people tend to avoid more so the gain from Em is less. Its overrated and is a minor contributor in a might stacking build.

Sigil of battle in both weapons

Or go for a 1h build with scepter/1h sword and have sigil of battle in both sets. with a proper swap and 50% boon duration that is 9-12 stacks alone.

Ofc with food that gives you might on dodge.

In short the first build isnt a might stacking build.

The second has about 20 points wasted in honor for a stacking build.

If you want to stack might i would probably go 0/0/10/30/30 and have 95% boon duration and use staff and hammer and fully exploit fire fields, especially after the rumored change to consecrations. 2h mastery and master of consecrations just loves each other in a might stacking build.

If you want to hit hard with a might stacking build you need:
1. The ability to stack might ofc and anything less than 15 stacks (without staff) in 11 s flat is fail imo.
2. High crit damage and i would suggest over 90% buffed.

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

I like your signature.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


I like your signature.

yeah forgot to say that, one of the better might stacking builds around is in fact the healway distribution.

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


I like your signature.

I am sorry but i could think of no other name for it, and it does the same thing, basically invincible.

After watching some burst guard videos on YouTube, wow. I had no idea guards could pack that much DPS. Gonna have to spend some gold on a berserker set. Im thinking something like this.
I can min/max the stats later, but im curious what you think.

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


If you want to run meditations, I would use something like that. I would be concerned that you have no stability though. I did run the build 0/30/30/5/5. Its not all that tanky. You need to be tanky otherwise roaming thieves an dmesmers will 2 shot you. Weapons are up to you. Scepter and focus would be a nice choice in your off hand scepter 2,3,4,5 then WW and Ji on top of your victim for big burst. 70% crit dmage in this bild will help. Combined with your other bonuses, for nice damage.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


If you want to run meditations, I would use something like that. I would be concerned that you have no stability though. I did run the build 0/30/30/5/5. Its not all that tanky. You need to be tanky otherwise roaming thieves an dmesmers will 2 shot you. Weapons are up to you. Scepter and focus would be a nice choice in your off hand scepter 2,3,4,5 then WW and Ji on top of your victim for big burst. 70% crit dmage in this bild will help. Combined with your other bonuses, for nice damage.

I realize building berserker is squishy. It is on every profession. Its not supposed to be tanky.

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


I like your signature.

I am sorry but i could think of no other name for it, and it does the same thing, basically invincible.

After watching some burst guard videos on YouTube, wow. I had no idea guards could pack that much DPS. Gonna have to spend some gold on a berserker set. Im thinking something like this.
I can min/max the stats later, but im curious what you think.

unscathed contender is useless in wvw and pvp. The uptime is very low but it can serve its purpose when you get the opportunity to start a fight.

What you always should have is vigorous precision. Its a life saver.

So if you want UC why not 0/25/30/5/10

Don go full berserker, their is no point really. As i said you need 2 things for burst, power and crit damage. Berserker are for full dps but they are not needed for full burst.

I advice against gs in a solo build and the reason for that is that ww is just to unreliable versus skilled opponents and versus the unskilled ones you can pretty much use any weapon and still win.

And you are not to squishy, 5 blocks, blind and bubbles on both elite and shelter should be used to avoid that. Sure you will have issues in 2 versus one but if thats how you wanna play i suggest christ healway build instead.

A 0/30/30/5/5 literally one shots thiefs as well. So its a matter of who pulls the trigger. And thiefs that are about to win often opens up and give you an opportunity to burst for 10-14k.

Below you have my tripple meditation burst build so you can see the stats. Im using a couple of assasins in the armor atm but normally i have over 2k power. Dont know why i bought that junk.

Gear is a mix valkyrie and berserkers and pvt back.

Ofc unbuffed

EDIT: Just hit a level 80 exotic engie for almost 8k with mb just two minutes ago in sm, zerg versus zerg.


(edited by Brutaly.6257)

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Amins.3710


You need to realize, the builds people are talking about here are for 1v1 encounters in WvW.

Any 2 people with half a brain is going to down you so fast you’re not going to get a chance to attack.

Burst Roaming on a Guard is about getting them while they’re unexpected…. reason being, our “Burst” is all about the setup. It’s not ~on Demand~ like every other class in pwr builds.

It’s also ~VERY~ telegraphed.

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

(edited by Amins.3710)

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Sylpheed.8163


Main problem with guardian solo roaming.. You won’t beat any of the current meta classes (Apoth/Dire engi/war/thief/ranger/whatever). Second, your build won’t really dent a perma regen class. You might be able to take down a full zerker/hybrid build similar to yourself, but they have just as much of a chance to take you out as well. Also, it really depends on how good your opponents are too. People boast about how amazing their builds are, or how good their skill level is to allow them to 3v1 etc, but everyone knows you will never win a 3v1 on even skill level and even gear. Another thing is that guardians are just not suited for solo roaming compared to other classes. Being a solo roaming guardian since launch, all I can say is run what feels best to you / Do lots of trial and error.. Because no matter how much research you do or critiquing you ask for, it mostly boils down to your personal skill level and play style / preference.

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: vesta.3170


LOL AH build is for playing in a group not solo.

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


Here is the build i came up with min/maxing the stats. Full valk weapons/armor, full cavalier trinkets, assassin orbs/gems. 33% dmg reduction from toughness, (only 8% less than someone in full PTV) 56-58ish% crit chance before fury, which in the new update meditations are getting a trait to give fury on use. And the best part, max crit damage. Im swapping one ring for soldiers and one gem for Valkyrie as well, to hit 15k health and only losing 3% crit dmg. Thats a very survivable burst setup.

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


If you want to go solo and play burst you are almost forced to have 5 points in honor and virtues. Its a matter of survivability and while fiery wrath is good in a group setup (lots of burning) a guardian has to build almost exclusively for burns in order to keep the taret burning.
This is something a burst build cant do. So drop the 10 points in zeal and put them in honor and virtues so you get a build that can be played properly.

If you want you can instead add a 5% damage sigil in your weapons which has a better impact than fiery wrath imo, since its “up” 100% of the time.

or drop bursting and go for chris healway-like build and focus on might stacking. Celestials are (even though i dislike them) suitable for this. Anything inbetween isnt optimal imo.

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


If you want to go solo and play burst you are almost forced to have 5 points in honor and virtues. Its a matter of survivability and while fiery wrath is good in a group setup (lots of burning) a guardian has to build almost exclusively for burns in order to keep the taret burning.
This is something a burst build cant do. So drop the 10 points in zeal and put them in honor and virtues so you get a build that can be played properly.

If you want you can instead add a 5% damage sigil in your weapons which has a better impact than fiery wrath imo, since its “up” 100% of the time.

or drop bursting and go for chris healway-like build and focus on might stacking. Celestials are (even though i dislike them) suitable for this. Anything inbetween isnt optimal imo.

My power is already pretty low for a burst build, so thats a big part of why i put 10 in zeal. I know you dont choose traits for the stats, so i chose zeal for more power and %dmg boost, since thats where its lacking currently.

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


swap the master maintenance oil for sharpening stone and you will have even more power.

And skip the ghost and go truffle steak instead. Ghost are only really powerful combined with leeching sigils (they stack) and in prolonged fights with high tougness and high crit builds. A burst build will never be in very long fights. In the first 4 or 5 seconds the outcome is determined.

I will say this for the first and last time, vigorous precision is probabaly the single best survivability investment you ever can make.

And 5 points in virtues are the same as adding 1,5 extra shouts with a 60 sec cd, basically granting you 1,5 extra utility slots.

Your build is a pve build, remember these words, it wont work versus anyone with a smidge of skill since you cant dodge often enough and you have no source of regeneration and protection, virtues give you that. The three extra stacks from might (VopJ) give you 5% extra damage and now compare with your uptime on burns to make fiery wrath work. And that you can renew those stacks on kill. Remove those 10 points form zeal and you will loose less than 5+10% while gaining 5% or more from VoJ,

But you seem adamant so go a head and play that build, enjoy it and i hope you get it to work properly.

(edited by Brutaly.6257)

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


swap the master maintenance oil for sharpening stone and you will have even more power.

And skip the ghost and go truffle steak instead. Ghost are only really powerful combined with leeching sigils (they stack) and in prolonged fights with high tougness and high crit builds. A burst build will never be in very long fights. In the first 4 or 5 seconds the outcome is determined.

I will say this for the first and last time, vigorous precision is probabaly the single best survivability investment you ever can make.

And 5 points in virtues are the same as adding 1,5 extra shouts with a 60 sec cd, basically granting you 1,5 extra utility slots.

Your build is a pve build, remember these words, it wont work versus anyone with a smidge of skill since you cant dodge often enough and you have no source of regeneration and protection, virtues give you that. The three extra stacks from might (VopJ) give you 5% extra damage and now compare with your uptime on burns to make fiery wrath work. And that you can renew those stacks on kill. Remove those 10 points form zeal and you will loose less than 5+10% while gaining 5% or more from VoJ,

But you seem adamant so go a head and play that build, enjoy it and i hope you get it to work properly.

Im not adamant, i just dont see why vigor in a burst build, which you said should end fights in seconds, is that important. But i did what you said anyway. The 5 in virtues would give me the 105 power i miss not going into zeal, and 50 vital from honor lets me use less valk/soldier.

I didnt see what you said about food before i copied the build, so i can change that too. Changing the food gives me 2163 power, plus 105 from VoJ, with stacks another 250, making my max power 2518. kitten , thats high.

Im also wondering what my crit should be at, adding in RHS. Currently running at 55%

Also, in the Oct 15 patch, meditations are getting a trait to give fury on use. Thats really awesome, but its in the already super full valor tree. So once that patch hits, is it worth giving up retributive armor, a good ~5% crit chance?

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

(edited by Carpboy.7145)

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

RA only grants 3% with this build. The new Focused Mind will be completely awesome (depending on how much Fury it gives). Yes, it will be worth it.

Also, I don’t actually care about the name of your Engi build. Was just being cheeky.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


RA only grants 3% with this build. The new Focused Mind will be completely awesome (depending on how much Fury it gives). Yes, it will be worth it.

Also, I don’t actually care about the name of your Engi build. Was just being cheeky.

My only problem with that is im not willing to spend >8silver per piece of food. Also wanting to hit 50%crit chance before fury

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

You are with RHS and… switch the food to the Power/Precision one. Still 55% crit. I guess you only give up 30 Power by using the T5 stones too.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)

Critique this Build:[Solo WvW]

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


I said the fight is determined in 4-5 seconds, it can last longer.

You cant get enough dodging in wvw and especially a burst or healing build are built around it. Hence why use both vigorous precision and energy sigils when i play my burst build. In some of the encounters the opponent will get the first shot at you.

regarding stacking sigils i dont use them and the reason i simple, in a solo build you will die and stacking on kill is only really worth it if you have some trash mobs to kill on your way out of the spawn.

In average you die once per kill you get, if you are a medium player and your class is medium in one on ones.

If you really need more damage use 5% sigils instead, those correspond to approx 5-6 stacks or have a secondary set and kill mobs and swap to energy at lets say 10 stacks.

On the pic i posted i have 46% (+15% from RHS) unbuffed, that is enough to have a reliable burst.

And yes, if fury is added to meditations a triple meditation build will outshine AH in all types of wvw game play. You can dress extremely defensive and still have reliable burst thru high power and hig crit damage. it will be enough to have about 25-30% crit chance on a burst build. We will have the ability to burst really nice with almost full pvt?