D/D ele : Please advise on how to kill them
You can’t kill a bunker with a bunker.
:O , my attack is 2.9k with 30% crit chance , 60% crit dmg ,
i am not exactly a bunker build here
am i still not doing enough dmg?
No Guardian will kill a well played D/D Ele in it’s current form.
They will either burst you down if you’re DPS or outheal your damage and slowly wear you down if you aren’t.
And if you ever put them in danger they have so many tools to easily disengage through Lightning Flash, Mist Form and Ride the Lightning. + Shocking Aura and Chill.
Guardians can’t reliably give chase or finish off the Elementalist at range.
Ive never died to an ele on guardian… but I have run into a few 1on1 and fought them for 3+ minutes then left because we were both still close to full HP. lol
But seriously, unless youre a DPS build you cant kill a well played bunker ele or bunker grd.
well, i guess i should just ignore D/D eles next time…
Bunker vs bunker = you won’t be able to kill him unless he is really bad.
Burst vs bunker = you might be able to kill him depending on your/his skill level.
There are several answers in the sPvP and Ele forum if you want to know how.
D/D elementalists and properly built Thieves are pretty much unkillable unless they make a mistake.
Doesn’t mean that they’ll beat you, in fact if they stand toe to toe they’ll likely lose, simply that they can get away from any other class whenever they so choose. When the fight starts to go pear shaped for them they have more than enough tools to simply say “kitten it” and leave.
Well as said you can’t kill bunker ele with a bunker, but seeing your damage in the video you have alright damage. Though against any ele, they either have to make a bunch of mistakes, or just keep fighting you and not fleeing away when they get close enough. I’ve killed a few bunker eles, but only because they still stayed in range of me the entire fight. Any other well played Ele would distance themselves, small bit of breathing room and skill CD reset and jump back in.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
You won’t kill a smart one. If you come close, they’ll run away and you won’t be able to catch up. The best you can do is stalemate.
You should start heading toward the nearest supply camp, keep tower, or whatever. They won’t be able to kill you very fast, but if you hang around trying to fight them they will whittle you down.
If you fight them, just know that if you happen to be good enough to get them down in health, they’ll just disengage and there is absolutely no way you can counter it. They’ll then water field heal themselves real quick and then come back and kill you.
Guardian vs D/D Ele is going to be a stalemate most of the time. Just find someone else to kill.
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Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
The only window of time a D/D ele really feels vulnerable is the 9-12 second window after they have swapped to water when all their cantrips are on cool down.
Most guards simply don’t even do enough damage to force a d/d ele into that situation. When I face guardians on my ele I generally have 2/3 cantrips off cool down the whole time because by themselves a guardian is not dangerous enough to force you to pop multiple cantrips in quick succession.
They’ll then water field heal themselves real quick and then come back and kill you.
It’s not a water field and if you dodge the right moves a d/d ele will not out damage a bunker guardians self heals. A 1v1 fight between two bunkers is a waste of time that just doesn’t end unless one side makes half a dozen mistakes.
I don’t do much spvp but I didn’t find a d/d ele that was about to kill me. But basically they either kill us or run away. We can’t kill them.
Proud member of Velocity [VcY]
i would say that a d/d ele vs guardian matchu kitten lightly in favor of the ele on the sole premise that the ele can disengage much more easily than the guard can ever hope to. that kind of a fight will just go on until 1) someone makes a dozen or more mistakes and the other capitalizes or 2) outside help arrives, which personally, i think is more likely to happen. if/when that happens, an ele can escape the fight much easier than the guard can with RTL + Mist form + Lightning Flash.
The best you can really hope for is to force him to run away. Eles have far too much tankyness and mobility for a guard to kill. Its not too hard to out dps them and make them run though.
but you need a big friend list.. just tell them to kill the DD for you =P
Just sunday my friend and i where roaming in WvW and came across 2 d/d eles took down my friend but they couldnt take me down at all staked them both d/d Eles are so predictable as to there rotations in skills that i usually always see the same rotation and know how to counter it was a good fight my friend was a mesmer and me as a guardian
Urbano / Techthis / Thymist / Raidernat
Guard 80 / Engi 80 / Thief 71 / Guard 80
I noticed these Eles do have more DPS and away more ways to get away and are every bit as tanky. We need a skill much like the Templar’s in Aion that has a speed buff that ignores combat and skill slows to allow us to close the gap.
I noticed these Eles do have more DPS and away more ways to get away and are every bit as tanky. We need a skill much like the Templar’s in Aion that has a speed buff that ignores combat and skill slows to allow us to close the gap.
That must be a new skill never heard of that skill in aion for Temp unless your talking about godstone almost same thing in GW2 Guardians only way to slow is chill when weapon swap or on crit works for me
Urbano / Techthis / Thymist / Raidernat
Guard 80 / Engi 80 / Thief 71 / Guard 80
I noticed these Eles do have more DPS and away more ways to get away and are every bit as tanky. We need a skill much like the Templar’s in Aion that has a speed buff that ignores combat and skill slows to allow us to close the gap.
That must be a new skill never heard of that skill in aion for Temp unless your talking about godstone almost same thing in GW2 Guardians only way to slow is chill when weapon swap or on crit works for me
Well GW2 speed buff is different than the Aion speed buff I am talking about. In GW2 once you are in combat the speed buff is not as fast as the buff is when you are not in combat.
In Aion, its just a regular skill, not a Godstone buff, once you activate it you get a burst of speed something like +50% for a short period of time, of course you have to use other stability skills with it to ignore slows and such. This is needed for Guards in GW2 to help us close the gap.
I noticed these Eles do have more DPS and away more ways to get away and are every bit as tanky. We need a skill much like the Templar’s in Aion that has a speed buff that ignores combat and skill slows to allow us to close the gap.
That must be a new skill never heard of that skill in aion for Temp unless your talking about godstone almost same thing in GW2 Guardians only way to slow is chill when weapon swap or on crit works for me
Well GW2 speed buff is different than the Aion speed buff I am talking about. In GW2 once you are in combat the speed buff is not as fast as the buff is when you are not in combat.
In Aion, its just a regular skill, not a Godstone buff, once you activate it you get a burst of speed something like +50% for a short period of time, of course you have to use other stability skills with it to ignore slows and such. This is needed for Guards in GW2 to help us close the gap.
oh ok gotcha like the 22% run speed boots dont remember the cap for speed but ya that would be nice and also while in combat you do lose speed for guards but as guards you can many ways to close the caps which is pretty easy unless ele uses ride the lightening or mist form then you wont catch them
Urbano / Techthis / Thymist / Raidernat
Guard 80 / Engi 80 / Thief 71 / Guard 80
tough match up, i remember killing a d/d ele only once, was running a GS/hammer glass build, basically CC them with knockdown/backs, interrupt heal and time your pulls.. and if you’re a tank guard, dont roam solo.. you got very little mobility and escape utilities, yes you maybe a bit tanky than other classes but you will eventually go down..
whenever i see an ele roaming in wvw, one thing comes to my mind… AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT!