Plot Twist: Elder Dragons are massive robots created by the Black Lion Trading Company.
Think of the money they make off weapons and armor…
I find that if you drop a dragon’s maw then a procession of blades, they become stuck and take so much damage. Also, test of faith (or whatever one deals damage when you leave the trap) and procession of blades works well, because you end up hitting them with procession, knocking them out of circle, which then makes them take MORE damage from test of faith. By the way, I main thief so I do no.t know the names of the attacks I just know their effects.
Do a barrel roll
God combo that if 1 dodge is done then 2 of the 3 traps become useless. At leaSt test of Faith can be used to pull someone through it. I’m tired of these QQ threads disguised to seem less qq’ey
If you really want a combo, Take Hammer, Longbow, Test of Faith, and Wrath of Justice.
Start in Hammer
Drop ToF
Let them walk out
Spear them and pull them back through
Banish them while immobilized from WoJ
Immediately swap to LB and True Shot
If you land that you deserve the 12-18k+ damage.
If you really want a combo, Take Hammer, Longbow, Test of Faith, and Wrath of Justice.
Start in Hammer
Drop ToF
Let them walk out
Spear them and pull them back through
Banish them while immobilized from WoJ
Immediately swap to LB and True ShotIf you land that you deserve the 12-18k+ damage.
Every DH tries to pull you into that. Decent pvpers already are waiting to dodge that apear. I bet this would work wonders in low mmr.
I just did 21 matches in unranked in a row now… I can count on my right hand how many times Maw got somebody. All of them was in teamfight. There is no chance you can land a Maw in 1v1, I don’t even try it anymore.
PoB and ToF can be landed. True. But either they walk through it with stabi/invu or just dodge.
Traps are excellent area denial tools but they are not good damaging abilities.
A revenant or a reaper can still beat your brown thing out of you. Mesmers… do not even…
low mmr
I really don’t think enough people take pvp in this game seriously enough for “mmr” to actually be a thing.
3 different game modes all talking in the same space
As much as I want maul to out perform the other elites… it’s a hit or miss gimmick skill that only works in soloQ pvp.
Test of faith and Procession Blades is where the AoE damages are at.
low mmr
I really don’t think enough people take pvp in this game seriously enough for “mmr” to actually be a thing.
Eh it kind of is. My buddy and I are constantly queued with Apex, radioactive and abjured players, along with a lot of really good players.
Then if we queue with some of our friends who are fairly new to pvp, there is a noticeable drop in player skill.
low mmr
I really don’t think enough people take pvp in this game seriously enough for “mmr” to actually be a thing.
something a guy with low MMR would say :P
The game does have MMR, and the player skill its obviously higher, Proof i guess would be seriously dying repeatively to DH Traps being a good example to see the difference in player skills.
the People QQing on dragons are likely in the lower MMR, u dont hear any high level SPVPer actually calling DH OP at all, I think Scrapper and Revenant have alot of their attention currently as those two have Rly shined tbh… DH was just a Early hype that has now died.
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