Hells Blossom (main Necro)
Devine Fury (Mesmer-Roamer) [OMFG Member]
Am I the only masohist enough to really love DH? xD
Nah. I am loving it and the more i play around with different stuff, more i am liking it. (There still some flaws overall though!)
I am only one testing it in PVP, haven’t seen not even one there . Ppl are playing with reapers and druids only…seen few DD and scrappers, 1 chrono 1 berserker and thats it.
~50-100 ranked matches played with DH.
edit: I lied, seen 1 trap DH in the morning who I killed couple of times and said him to drop traps if he want to survive.
You can only take so much pain for so many years.
Mediroaming is really fun, love it when players think kiting works in their favour
I am only one testing it in PVP, haven’t seen not even one there . Ppl are playing with reapers and druids only…seen few DD and scrappers, 1 chrono 1 berserker and thats it.
~50-100 ranked matches played with DH.edit: I lied, seen 1 trap DH in the morning who I killed couple of times and said him to drop traps if he want to survive.
DH is pretty bad right now. DiD about 10 games this morning, not A SINGLE DH out there, and maybe 1 other guardian. everyone is playing other specs.
Anet…when even your beta players refuse to play this shinny new class, you know there is something wrong
I am only one testing it in PVP, haven’t seen not even one there . Ppl are playing with reapers and druids only…seen few DD and scrappers, 1 chrono 1 berserker and thats it.
~50-100 ranked matches played with DH.edit: I lied, seen 1 trap DH in the morning who I killed couple of times and said him to drop traps if he want to survive.
DH is pretty bad right now. DiD about 10 games this morning, not A SINGLE DH out there, and maybe 1 other guardian. everyone is playing other specs.
Anet…when even your beta players refuse to play this shinny new class, you know there is something wrong
Actually I quite enjoy it, got used to virtues and everything. I don’t know how I will go back to regular Guardian, because playstyles are soooo different.
People aren’t necessarily refusing. Dragonhunter could be lots of player’s 2nd or 3rd favorite spec, but if there busy playing their favorite, then of course you ain’t see many DH. Also, DH has been available since the beginning. Other specs (particularly the very shiny druid) are newer. There are tons of reasons why you might not see many DH.
I played yesterday all day long in pvp and again today all morning, i tried several builds and i think there is very good diversity.
Who ever thinks DH is under powered is very mistaken. Sure some things need a little tweking but overall i was very impressed considering ive been arround since gw2 release and in every HOT beta.
The build i liked the most though was full melee DH with GS and sword/shield with 2 meditations and either save ur selves shout or test of faith trap. Test of faith works wonders with shield KB and gs pull dealing arround 4.5 k dmg on light targets each time they passed through.
The build has very good burst spike with big game hunter, it also has awesome survability, sustain and cc by using wings of resolve and shield of courage; it actually promotes very active gameplay which i loved. I rarely lost 1v1 and on teamfights it was even better.
Trap build is good on team fights, it deals a LOT of damage killing many opponents in less than 2 secs. If you stack the traps and enough time goes by without them being activated, when suddenly oponents arrive and get cought in them you can restack them quickly ontop of the player who is stuck on dragonsmaw resulting in instakill if they dont react fast. Obviously the problem of this build is survability since u dont have renewed focus.
Overall i really enjoyed it.
I just don’t see a reason to take DH over an existing Guardian spec in any situation, ever.
The only people who have anything positive to say about the Dragon Hunter are PVP players.
I don’t’ play PVP, i only PVE, and it is overwhelmingly clear that the Dragon hunter is complete garbage.
I predict within three months of HoT launch we will be seeing “No Dragon Hunters or Guardians” in LFG.
You can try to polish a kitten all you want but Dragon Hunter is a bad elite. What is good about the bow really and what traits make it good exactly. You can wish all you want. Bow 2 is horrid for pvp anything that takes a second channel and roots you in place has no play in spvp if all its going to do is like 3-5k damage with a crit whoopee if you somehow manage to hit with it. Five has a 45 second cooldown for pete’s sake. 3 is a copy and paste blind on hit and ridiculous projective block lol what kind of timing you would have to have with this to actually block a projectile. Look at ranger bow it has rapid fire and the shot that gives you stealth thats 2 abilites way better then anything Guardian Bow has. Give me at least one superior bow ability and then maybe we can talk. I dont even need to bad mouth the traps when we cant even get past how bad the bow is but really not burning on any of the traps or chill? Id love to talk with the devs who designed this and ask them what makes Dragon Hunter good. See thats the thing they should have to explain to us why its worthwhile. I dont see it all. Trust me this one will be one of the elites they are trying to tweak for a long time.
(edited by brannigan.9831)
The only people who have anything positive to say about the Dragon Hunter are PVP players.
I don’t’ play PVP, i only PVE, and it is overwhelmingly clear that the Dragon hunter is complete garbage.
I predict within three months of HoT launch we will be seeing “No Dragon Hunters or Guardians” in LFG.
The incessant complaining about how bad DH is in PVE is old at this point … It’s obvious from day 1 that DH was a PVP-focused spec. Lucky for us PVE people that Guardian already excels in PVE so we don’t have to be dependent on an elite spec to play the class in the portion of the game we specialize in.
This concept choice for the elite spec is not entirely unjustified either; PVP Guardian was much farther behind than PVE Guardian ever was. The idea that Guardians will fall off the map for PVE like you claim is laughable …
People going to hate no matter what, just being more vocal because they don’t like some people reporting enjoyment and success with DH.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
The only people who have anything positive to say about the Dragon Hunter are PVP players.
I don’t’ play PVP, i only PVE, and it is overwhelmingly clear that the Dragon hunter is complete garbage.
I predict within three months of HoT launch we will be seeing “No Dragon Hunters or Guardians” in LFG.
“PvE Customer Support here. Have you tried not joining those groups? "
The only people who have anything positive to say about the Dragon Hunter are PVP players.
I don’t’ play PVP, i only PVE, and it is overwhelmingly clear that the Dragon hunter is complete garbage.
I predict within three months of HoT launch we will be seeing “No Dragon Hunters or Guardians” in LFG.
As a PvE-turned-PvP player, I don’t see a reason to take DH in either game mode.
Am I the only masohist enough to really love DH? xD
There are plenty of good builds available in pvp and pve for dragon hunter. Yoy just get 3t plenty of idiots who dont know how to adapt and use the bow.
My pvp build for strong hold is insane and brutal. Its a great treb build with traps, long bow, full damage traits and berserker. If the opponents are unaware of your trap locations you can instant kill them if they lack an auto immunity passive. Sword focus to switch to melee if focused or people survive the traps. Treb is love, treb is life. Make them come to you and sieze victory!
Yesterday I fought a trap DH on stronghold, I run power medi and that guard did an amazing job or was just lucky to plant traps in a good spot (pun intended).
If DH is the one who is not being focused at, he can drop lots of traps before you see it or you will be distracted while in combat, then traps might be quite hard.
So traps are bad and they are also good, depends on when and where you use them. I once walked on 4 traps and it damaged me greatly from 17k to few hundred so if you see a tight entrance and a DH on the other side then u gotta dodge or teleport to them instead of being so reckless as I was
In the end of the day DH looks like a double edged sword, if you walk in at least two stacked traps you might be done, if you manage to outkite DH and melee him away from his traps, he is pretty much done as well.
I have not played the beta yet. But I still play with my Ranger that I have had since the release. it is possible to compare the Ranger with dragon hunter? I still feel that I want to play with the bow so I’m considering whether to roll on to the Guardian / dragon hunter. grateful for the answer
Yes, you’re one of the 3 people in this game who can’t accept that Anet shafted Guardian out of a useful elite spec and a ranged weapon that doesn’t suck. It is a hard pill to swallow but the evidence is right there in the elite spec. The entire spec is a contradiction. A ranged weapon that roots (negating the purpose of ranged, aka kiting) and traps (which are just bad and worthless in general) that have a cast time, deploy time, and an arming time + a cooldown. Not to mention that traps and a longbow don’t make any sense together because they’re used in opposing playstyles.
Dude… The fact that we like what we see and play doesn’t mean that either we or you are wrong. You can always go back to your normal guard, reaper or whatever…. Personally I tried my DH on every content of the game, always on berseker (PvE) , Marauder (sPvP) and a mix of assassin’s and Valkyrie on WvW and didn’t have any issue at all. On dungeons I’ve been running with melee DH with no problem at all at speed runs with friends. On PvP and WvW I’ve been running with Sword-Shield / Longbow with two traps and didn’t have any issues at all even when outnumbered. It might be just me enjoying the specialisation of my class. You need to be versatile with DH and able to adopt . I would like traps to be ranged but that didn’t bother me from adopting. If you want something easy I’m pretty sure there are other class elites/non elites. I can’t argue that there aren’t some spots that I’d like them to be a bit better but that won’t keep me from playing DH. It’s not shinny but who cares… Underdogs are the best
You can try to polish a kitten all you want but Dragon Hunter is a bad elite. What is good about the bow really and what traits make it good exactly. You can wish all you want. Bow 2 is horrid for pvp anything that takes a second channel and roots you in place has no play in spvp if all its going to do is like 3-5k damage with a crit whoopee if you somehow manage to hit with it. Five has a 45 second cooldown for pete’s sake. 3 is a copy and paste blind on hit and ridiculous projective block lol what kind of timing you would have to have with this to actually block a projectile. Look at ranger bow it has rapid fire and the shot that gives you stealth thats 2 abilites way better then anything Guardian Bow has. Give me at least one superior bow ability and then maybe we can talk. I dont even need to bad mouth the traps when we cant even get past how bad the bow is but really not burning on any of the traps or chill? Id love to talk with the devs who designed this and ask them what makes Dragon Hunter good. See thats the thing they should have to explain to us why its worthwhile. I dont see it all. Trust me this one will be one of the elites they are trying to tweak for a long time.
They won’t tweak…they just don’t care…because otherwise they would never have managed such a kittened copy and paste from what are the weakest and skilless skill: traps.
They would not have created such slow skillless and high cd skills on bow too.
If they wanted to troll guardians they would have not done it another way….maybe nerfing ji….oh wait….
As a PvE-turned-PvP player, I don’t see a reason to take DH in either game mode.
Try hitting something with your auto-attack. Blindness in this game often clears up quickly .
DH is better than most people realize and they will soon realize it.
DH is better than most people realize and they will soon realize it.
It is good but need few improvements. Plus it’s totally diferent gamestyle.
It is good but need few improvements. Plus it’s totally diferent gamestyle.
Which is something many of the other professions are intensely jealous of .
Nope, I like it too.
I love the aegis trap and maw trap.
Browsing through the forum I have read how some people dislike the name, but I have no problem with the name. The thing I care about is the playstyle and I find that fun.
Sure its maybe not the best of names but its not something that matters much to me.
Some people find it to similar to ranger.
Its different enough from ranger imo.
Our #1 is different, because ours has a cripple tied to it.
Our #2 is a shot you load up. Ranger fires shots rapidly with rapid fire.
We have a projectile destroyer and blind in one on #3. Rangers dont (they have stealth shot).
We have a light field with burn on #4. Rangers dont (they have knockback).
Our #5 is also different from rangers with the prison that we summon.
On top of it all we have different traits and spells in general.
So for me its different enough.
I wouldnt mind being able to move while using bow #2 and a shorter casttime on #5 though.
-Puncture shot should have a much faster projectile speed and either criple every target always or do something else.
-True shot should not root you, we have no dissengage skills.
-Deflecting shot is worthless, shoting into their prijectiles, really? and ground targeted to make it worst.
-Simbol of energy is SO contradictory it aint funny. So it gives vigor which is a diffensive boon, but i shot it at them?, it is also ground targeted with a miniature aoe so gets a 0 on pvp and wvw.
-Hunters Ward, again Ground targeted, but to make it worst it is telegraphed sice it is the last hit that does the thing instead of the first one.
If bow is to be a ranged weapon, then it needs to be a GOOD ranged weapon.
-The berserker Torch is awesome for condi builds.
-The scrapper hammer is awesome for meleeing, cant stress this enough.
-The reaper sword is awesome for power melee cleaving builds.
-The shield is awesome on the cronomanser.
In contrast the Bow and virtues Suck on the DH.
Traps need to be something else, they dont work on hunter or thief, they wont work on DH either.
To be honest i dont see any other elite spec as badly received as the DH.
(edited by Apolo.5942)
As a PvE-turned-PvP player, I don’t see a reason to take DH in either game mode.
Try hitting something with your auto-attack. Blindness in this game often clears up quickly
Har har. But I was serious. I don’t see any situation where I would rather have a DH over a base Guardian. I’m even so inclined as to consider adopting a policy of autokicking DH players in my party that don’t drop it for a more favorable traitline upon request.
I PvP a lot, so testing DH for the first time ever this weekend, really proved some doubts I had wrong.
I dueled plenty of classes and as proper balance, I had some trouble vs other classes as it should be but I felt I had a real fighting chance compared to regular Guardian. i hope some good changes are applied, the spec is NOT as bad as people make it to be.
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