Deadeye Build?
From what I can gather, I’ve not done it properly yet, most people just use completely full berserker’s with either full scholar runes or just ruby orbs for armour, sword + focus/staff for weapons and Wall of Reflection, Save Yourselves (optional), Bane Signet and Renewed Focus.
Then any old damage build should get it done for you.
I had marginal success with 10/20/30/0/10, mostly for Unscathed Contender but it might be better to go 25 in Radiance for a guaranteed +10% bonus over a most-definitely-not-guaranteed +20% bonus.
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood
Full zerker gear
10/30/10/10/10 – II, VI X XI, VI, II, I
staff + sword/focus | Wall of Reflection + Save Yourselves + signet that adds power
before fight starts use Empower ( staff 4 ) and Save Yourselves
go with sword 2 and 5, put on Wall of Reflection and use Virtue of Justice – well… all of them at the same time really. Deadeye will waste his killshot on your first blind, now use 4 ( focus ) to blind him again and dps with sword 1. If u don’t have enough dmg he should teleport at around 15% hp casting another killshot. If u’ve done ur rotation correctly he should miss ( removing blind ). Teleport to him ( blinding him ) with sword 2, dps with sword 1 or 3. Done. Should take you around 12 seconds.
Ofc this is not the only viable build. It is used to actually farm Dunwell with 4 gambits. If ur not using the “exhaust” gambit you can dodge his killshots and run around a little. Still, since this is the build to farm him, I would say that this is the best build to kill him anyway.
/ <- if u like watching more than reading.
(edited by PokerTuna.6170)
II and VIII in Zeal – This is merely for the extra power, the focus cd reduction helps ensure you have the focus skills ready for every cycle.
VI, X, and XI in Radiance – Standard fair for DPS builds.
II in Honor – CD reduction keeps Save Yourself on time with the rest of the cooldowns in the cycle.
I in Virtues – If done correctly Aegis will never drop while fighting deadeye and 20% damage boost will have a 100% uptime.
Rest is close to yours, PokerTuna, the exception being I open as such:
1) Precast Staff #4 once the “you will be teleported in” appears.
2) Sword #2.
3) Wall of Reflection + activate Focus #5.
4) Focus #4 + Virtue of Justice at the same time.
5a) Finish autoattack if only the last hit of the chain is left.
5b) Use Save yourself and activate sword #3
6) Autoattack should finish him right near the end of the chain.
I can do this without bloodlust stacks, but the only way to make sure he dies before teleporting is to have some sort of food/buff, I run with Potent Sharpening Stones+100 power/10% crit damage food when i’m farming.
I kill Deadeye in about 8.5 seconds without bloodlust stacks, and roughly 7 seconds with them 25/25.
Quick damage reference:
Auto attacks, 4.8k – 4.8k – 3k * 3 [for the last hit of the chain]
Sword #3, 14-16k
Focus #5, 10-12k
(edited by Kelnis.1829)
I think that the way I’ve been doing it is even faster, I’m only waiting on Wall of Reflection cooldowns. Each kill time is a bit slower, but no waiting for cooldowns, which is better if you’ve got an arena to yourself. I use Butternut Squash Soup and a Hardened Sharpening Stone. He does get to teleport once, but Sword #2 is back to catch up, and you should finish him before he gets to take off your aegis.
I figure this is better since any kill time faster than your WoR cooldown is wasted anyway, since you’ll always need that.
I go 10/30/0/0/30
II in Zeal
V, X, XI in Radiance (standard)
I, VI, VIII in Virtues (last for longer duration on the burn), mostly for the 1% damage per boon + Save Yourself
WoR, Save Yourself, and Bane Signet, Sword/Focus and Staff
The cycle is almost the same as Kelnis, except I alternate between using Focus #5 and Save Yourself with Wall of Reflection
This way you spread out your damage a bit, so that you don’t have to wait on any cooldown except for WoR
(edited by TyHW.2783)
don’t forget 2k focus 4 hits!D unless if i’m mistaken. lol.
i run 10/30/10/10/10 as well.
just one small thing i seem to do a little differently, is i save my F1 for emergencies, mistimed focus 4, a slightly delay in deadeye using killshot, etc.
argubly, you add more DPS by using it earlier. kill time it about the same though tbh so i’d rather play it safe.
and another small tip – make sure you only swap to sword BEFORE or AFTER entering the dome. if you do it during, you will get kicked back out, all gambits lost, i.e. 6 tickets gone to waste. has happened to me too many times. lol
and another invaluable tip, haha, i’ve done this too many times as well. always talk to FIGHT MANAGER after each fight first. and don’t move while you’re selecting which foe to fight. Liadri with no dodge, perma cripple is no fun. :///
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I only have to wait for WoR too, Save yourself is merely an adds a bit of damage. The less time spent in the arena, the less opportunity for mistakes or glitches to occur. I typically wait 30s outside of the arena before queuing again.
You are correct, though, as long as you aren’t wasting time between WoRs you should be fairly close to peak efficiency. I’ve made an embarrassing amount of gold farming Deadeye (750g~) since patch hit, so I’ve more or less perfected my method. I can reach 18g~ an hour not counting any other drops. I was exceedingly surprised when it didn’t get nerfed once everyone discovered and started sharing the deadeye farm when Subject 7 got the nerfbat.
Anyway, not saying my method is perfect, but it is very close to peak efficiency when done properly.
Edit: I a word.
Don’t mean to say you’re doing wrong, just sharing my opinion. For the record, I’m doing it without bloodlust because I’m too lazy.
But if you’re on a 32 second cycle (WoR), and using Focus #5 (45) and Save Yourself (48) on the first go, they won’t be recharged on the 2nd cycle, giving you a bit longer of a second fight, right?
If so, IMO it is better to split them up to even your times out so that, as you said, there is less chances for something to go wrong on the 2nd go.
Also: holy cow, 750 g? I’ve done about 100, and I thought I’ve been doing this way too much.
EDIT: Never mind, I see. You aren’t taking Master of Consecrations, so your WoR cooldown is 40 s, not 32
Your build/strategy is probably superior if you’re sharing an arena, since the 40 second recycle time is more in line with how long it takes when sharing. And you kill quicker, so it lets the other guy in quicker, meaning you can probably hit close to your 40 s cycle even with another guy.
My build/strategy is more selfish: a bit quicker on your own, but slower when sharing
(edited by TyHW.2783)
don’t forget 2k focus 4 hits!
D unless if i’m mistaken. lol.
i run 10/30/10/10/10 as well.
just one small thing i seem to do a little differently, is i save my F1 for emergencies, mistimed focus 4, a slightly delay in deadeye using killshot, etc.
argubly, you add more DPS by using it earlier. kill time it about the same though tbh so i’d rather play it safe.
and another small tip – make sure you only swap to sword BEFORE or AFTER entering the dome. if you do it during, you will get kicked back out, all gambits lost, i.e. 6 tickets gone to waste. has happened to me too many times. lol
and another invaluable tip, haha, i’ve done this too many times as well. always talk to FIGHT MANAGER after each fight first. and don’t move while you’re selecting which foe to fight. Liadri with no dodge, perma cripple is no fun. :///
So that’s what makes that happen, thanks! I’ve had that happen to me quite a bit, and it always infuriates me
Yeah, I typically try to find a share buddy that has a sub 20s or less kill time, makes it a very clean business for us to get in and out without much wait time.
When I discovered the method early on I decided I would finish my Sunrise. I only needed the Charged Lodestones, Icy Runestones and the precursor. I haven’t spent more than an hour or two on Deadeye since I no longer need any gold (i’ve got about 100 left over, and invested in a few gems for the sales that start tomorrow). It was a long, boring process, but I finally finished the weapon I’ve wanted since beta!
grats, Kelnis!D i feel a lot of people are (back) on track with their legendary and rare wep journeys via this patch and multiple farming methods. :///
patiently awaiting news in regards to the deadeye and or gauntlet farm in general come tomorrow’s patch.
and yea @TyHW, i didn’t really know what was causing that since i empower then saveyourselves+weapon swap right as i am entering. then i slowly trial and error and someone else also mentioned that it was the weapon swap causing that. so if i’m alone, i start up Empower a split second before i click “Let me in!” which gives me ample time to swap and have a half second time downtime before i enter the dome.
if others are queued then you just gotta pay close attention to once the person before you leaves the arena, hit 4 right away and you should still have time to swap before. : )) but if need be, can always swap inside when you’re targeting Deadeye. but one less button click leaves less room for error in the dome.
[edit: typo]
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Not sure if it helps, but I seen someone use something similar to the Staff + Sword/Focus. He would go in, use the Might buff from staff, switch to sword and literally kill him in under 10 seconds.