Dear Anet, More Guard Builds Please
There are plenty of build opportunities it’s just that some builds are more optimal than others.
PvE revolves around maximum DPS so the go-to builds revolve around picking up traits that offer the most damage. There are utility variants for cases where extra boons or utility skills (such as HG, WoR, Shield, etc) are needed.
PvP and WvW use both Striker and Frontliner/bunker builds with slight variants to each. E.G. Striker can choose to focus more damage over survivability while the frontliner can choose more sustain over more utility.
The issue has more to do with the versatility of some traits. There are a handful of core traits that every build can make use of in their game aspect. The rest get slotted in based on the build you are making for the type of content you are facing.
Personally, I find the my Guard to be the class that I most change up traits for during the runs themselves especially in fractals.
There are plenty of build opportunities it’s just that some builds are more optimal than others.
A suboptimal build is not worth playing. So there are really 1 or 2 main builds per game mode with small variations on each. Which is pretty unacceptable.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
It’s actually very acceptable. The community is the one that is pushing for the optimal builds: DPS in PvE, Medi in PvP, Frontliner in WvW. If a player wants to go with an optimal build that’s the player’s choice.
The other builds that have been rejected by the community are those that do not yield the best results, but there’s no hard punishment for using those builds, Anet forbid they stop us from having fun with the game. Ever run a 5 man dungeon with a members running Spirit Guards? Wanna roast your opponent with Burn builds? Aegis builds that have more blocks than should legally be allowed? All of those are potential builds that Guards are capable of. Are they optimal? The community has decided no. Do they have a place in the game? Absolutely.
For me I run optimal builds in PvE because I aim for fast times. Though “fun” runs where members purposely run terrible, yet amusing, builds are quite amusing. Heck, we’re even doing an event in my guild where we’re having teams use builds from and pinning them up against each other in PvP.