Olivia Sylvansong [FoS]
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Trying to figure out which sigils will work best for me.
I swap between greatsword and hammer a lot during combat as I drop combo strings with the two weapons.
I’m finally getting to where I can fine tune my endgame gear and need help figuring which sigils will work the best for me.
I have a squishy build that I run in both PvE and PvP, swapping some utility skills based on what I’m currently doing. My build I’m working on is all about criticals.
Build is: 20,15,0,30,5
Idea is I get the Virtue of Justice bonuses. Renewed when target is killed, blinds target, vulnerability to target (symbol and blind), and gives me might. Using Empowering Might.
I had 25 Stacks of Perception, but doesnt work so well in dungeons and WvW, so wanted to give myself something better. I swap weapons a lot, but figure land crits the most.
Not sure what would give me best damage to my target.
Should I do Superior Sigil of Strength and get stacks of Might? Or because my Power is so high, would Fire or Air be better? Maybe Blood to heal myself? But I typically would rather dish out more damage than get heals and what not.
Really am open to any suggestions with this build direction.
Here are my current stats. Should see an increase in a few stats as I dont have all my final pieces of gear (ascended items).
Power 2256
Precision 1856
Critical Chance 49%
Critical Damage 76%
Toughness 916
Vitality 1216
Attack 3356
Armor 2127
Health 13805
Con Damage 150
Con Duration 20%
Boon Duration 5%
Healing Power 300
I use my Virtue of Justice a lot as it does blind, might, vulnerability. I want to know how to figure out if 5% Damage is greater or less than damage from the stacks of might or vulnerability I would get.
Damage done = (weapon damage) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)
What I dont know is how to calculate the rest.
Fire~Lightning~5% Damage~Might~Vulnerability <— Which will be greater damage with my stats?
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