Devs Goals With Elite Specs

Devs Goals With Elite Specs

in Guardian

Posted by: Arnath.2319


Something Colin said in POI Ep.28 before the beta weekend started has been repeating in my mind.
He said this on elite specialization feedback:

“cause they should feel like something brand new for your profession, you know in a lot of ways we like to call them almost a new sub profession, and ideally that’s part of the feedback we wanna get, do they feel that way? do they stand out? do they feel unique?”

Should elite specs be unique compared to our other core traits? Or compared to all other professions?

When Dragon Hunter was announced i kept an open mind. I always wanted the Longbow but traps scared me considering there bad reputation currently in game.
There have been many discussions on the Dragon Hunter, but the one thing that keeps coming back to haunt me is what Colin said above.

How does the Dragon Hunter differ from Rangers?

Longbow and traps. It is a copy-paste Ranger wannabee but significantly weaker with horrible gimmicks.
Was this ArenaNets intention? Sure Dragon Hunter is unique in comparison to our other core traits, but in comparison to other professions in game it looks and plays just like a trap Ranger.

So to answer Colins questions:

Does the Dragon Hunter feel like a new sub profession? NO.
Does the Dragon Hunter stand out? NO.
Does the Dragon Hunter feel unique? NO.

I am concerned because this feedback has been given to ArenaNet already, yet the devs have so far failed to acknowledge this core problem. I am worried that the developers are being rushed to get the expansion finished as quickly as possible.

What changes can the devs make to give the Dragon Hunter uniqueness and differ itself from Rangers so it achieves the core goals Colin himself laid out?

(edited by Arnath.2319)

Devs Goals With Elite Specs

in Guardian

Posted by: Kicast.1459


you get it.
it is not new..and worst…it reproduces the weakest game mechanisms: ranger +traps.
Hopefully they won’t give us a pet ;-)
I fear it is a bit late to make any significant change.

Devs Goals With Elite Specs

in Guardian

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


you get it.
it is not new..and worst…it reproduces the weakest game mechanisms: ranger +traps.
Hopefully they won’t give us a pet ;-)
I fear it is a bit late to make any significant change.

Can always simulate with some spirit weapons.

Aw dang it now I’m more sad ;_;

Devs Goals With Elite Specs

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I’m just gonna pretend that guardians didn’t get an elite specialization, and eagerly await the return of my beloved tomes in the supposed future tome elite specialization.

Can always simulate with some spirit weapons.

Aw dang it now I’m more sad ;_;

The sad thing is that spirit weapons might actually go somewhat well with the longbow. A true ranger wannabe indeed.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Devs Goals With Elite Specs

in Guardian

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


I’m just gonna pretend that guardians didn’t get an elite specialization, and eagerly await the return of my beloved tomes in the supposed future tome elite specialization.

Can always simulate with some spirit weapons.

Aw dang it now I’m more sad ;_;

The sad thing is that spirit weapons might actually go somewhat well with the longbow. A true ranger wannabe indeed.

Gah x2 more sad. Tomes. I loved them so much. v___V