Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


They did not just make a trait line that is the only trait line for guardian that NERFS support(VoR), and then give it WHITE WINGS. Because that would totally, TOTALLY be a bummer to every staff/mace user out there.

Seriously, zerk meta is aggravating enough. They steal all the loot, all the attention, all the fancy updates. Fine. But come on Anet are you really gonna let zerker guard beat up the clerics and jack our style?

As it is right now if you go full on cleric support(Valor/Virtues/Honor) you get no fancy animation, just a giant heal when you hit your F2. But if you go with the CC/DPS line Dragonhunter, TADA you get -Angelic White Wings-…..That cuts deep.

That being said, I see this being a problem with all the specializations. Fancy new graphics while the old ones are still (While amazing) not half as flashy in comparison. We need our swag updated.

(edited by Silhouette.5631)

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Zackie.8923


they need to update all the skills animation in my opinion.

revenant skills to other class skills is like day and night in comparison.

but anyway, they mash the dragonhunter up to have angel wings , dragon head, and a paragon spear. looks like they were drunk when they came up with this spec.

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


Well the wings aren’t about the dragon hunter so much as they are about the Virtue of Resolve being upgraded. But that kinda makes it weird since there’s other builds that make that virtue WAY more powerful…and they don’t get nearly the same faciness when used. I’m actualy cool with DH having the wings, its everybody else not that aggrivates me.

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

Wings of Resolve is actually less effective as an allied heal than the default virtue, so I see this as something hardly worth complaining about.

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Blix.8021


zerk meta is “stealing your loot”?

wtf am i reading

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


@Black Box. That’s the point, it’s less powerful yet it gets a graphic effect that many guardians right now would kill for. Especially the healer types (speaking from personal experience here)

@Blix. Go try doing a speed with a pug in clerics gear. Its ok. I’ll Wait.

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Blix.8021


“a speed?” A speed run?

If 4 people in your party are zerk and you are in clerics, you get the same loot? I’m struggling to figure out where “stealing” comes into play here

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


Why the hell would you take a DH as a bunker/support player?

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Why the hell would you take a DH as a bunker/support player?

That’s the point, as OP stated pretty clearly. DH brings angelic imagery that support guardians would be more interested in, but no support guardian would ever spec into DH since it nerfs the player’s support.

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Hunter.4783


Ok people, i see A LOT of HYPOCRISY over these boards as of late:

People wanted ranged options: They got it
People complained they didn’t have enough offensive options: DH is about as offensive as it gets.
Peopled (me included) QQed day and night about virtues being the most boring kitten of class mechanics out there, and when Anet changes them into a more active mechanic, people complain their precious 1k health on a 60sec cooldown is replaced by a leap with a 3sec immob if traited….are you people kidding me?

People are complaining about traps yet praising wells which are EXACTLY THE SAME THING, and inferior from what i saw.

I guess no one imagined charging headlong into a zerg and placing 2 traps in there. Its sure to bring enough chaos to make it count. Again, guardians STILL RETAIN their tankiness, just because we got the bow, does not make us any squishier

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Wells and traps are both AoE, but they’re definitely not the same thing.
People are complaining that speccing into DH hurts your ability to support -especially at range- because of the virtue changes, which goes against the “backline support” lie that ANet advertized for dragonhunters. Just because the virtues are more active now doesn’t necessarily mean they’re better designed now. Not that Virtue of Resolve is as weak as you claim it to be. What support guardians are losing by speccing into DH is a 1200 radius 2500-3000~ heal which cleanses 3 conditions and provides regeneration, in addition to the other virtues which are no longer supportive minus VoC (which is very close-ranged for something supportive).

I can’t speak for others, but personally I wanted a ranged option that supported all kinds of guardians. In other words, offensive guardians in addition to support guardians. Instead the dragonhunter is a rather selfish offense-only spec that literally nerfs your supportive ability. It’s a nice ranger wannabe spec, but that’s not what I was hoping for.
A bow guardian charging into a zerg doesn’t sound very smart to me. Unless specced for it, guardians aren’t really that tanky, and if you’re not specced to do a lot of damage, then why use a bow at long range? If you’re using meditations to keep yourself alive, then would you even have space for that many traps?

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

Ok people, i see A LOT of HYPOCRISY over these boards as of late:

People wanted ranged options: They got it
People complained they didn’t have enough offensive options: DH is about as offensive as it gets.
Peopled (me included) QQed day and night about virtues being the most boring kitten of class mechanics out there, and when Anet changes them into a more active mechanic, people complain their precious 1k health on a 60sec cooldown is replaced by a leap with a 3sec immob if traited….are you people kidding me?

People are complaining about traps yet praising wells which are EXACTLY THE SAME THING, and inferior from what i saw.

I guess no one imagined charging headlong into a zerg and placing 2 traps in there. Its sure to bring enough chaos to make it count. Again, guardians STILL RETAIN their tankiness, just because we got the bow, does not make us any squishier

1. People aren’t complaining about the bow. It’s probably the one legitimately good thing we’re getting.

2. Medi guard is meta right now, and it’s 100% offensive. That aside, people were looking for an alternative to meditations for offensive builds and shouts for defensive builds. With traps, we get neither because trap builds will have no sustain, no condi clear, and no mobility.

3. Yes, people wanted active virtues, but they didn’t want to see our current virtues NERFED in the process. Nobody is going to use VoR for the heal as a DH because it has 1/5 the effective radius.

4. Traps are completely inferior to wells. Traps are not ground targeted and will require an activation time. Beyond THAT, they are only triggered when an enemy runs over them. Wells are ground targeted and activate instantly upon casting. That’s better than traps in every single way.

(edited by Black Box.9312)

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Genesis.8572


4. Traps are completely inferior to wells. Traps are not ground targeted and will require an activation time. Beyond THAT, they are only triggered when an enemy runs over them. Wells are ground targeted and activate instantly upon casting. That’s better than traps in every single way.

And traps are set at your feet, but the playstyle of the DH longbow is about keeping your distance from your foes so they never reach the traps anyway.

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: quaniesan.8497


it’s a nerf definitely, the “click-to-heal” becomes a “aim-then-click-to-heal-for-the-same-amount-and-less-allies”. This is a stealth one from Anet. Basically a nerf that is sugar-coated with some wing graphic. Out of the 3, we got jack. underwhelming right from the name.

If ya no longer see me after this post,
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.

(edited by quaniesan.8497)

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Genesis.8572


it’s a nerf definitely, the “click-to-heal” becomes a “aim-then-click-to-heal-for-the-same-amount-and-less-allies”. This is a stealth one from Anet. Basically a nerf that is sugar-coated with some wing graphic.

Don’t forget the “turkey hop” graphic.

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Nike.2631


Wait… we’re arguing the new Shield of Virtue f3 isn’t going to be AMAZING in skilled hands? Because me behind a ranged attack devouring wall with a bow shooting outward is gonna be funny. It turns the concept of “ranged duel” into “sick, one-sided joke”.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Genesis.8572


Wait… we’re arguing the new Shield of Virtue f3 isn’t going to be AMAZING in skilled hands? Because me behind a ranged attack devouring wall with a bow shooting outward is gonna be funny. It turns the concept of “ranged duel” into “sick, one-sided joke”.

And any other profession in equally skilled hands will not find the Shield of Virtue F3 threatening.

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Trei.5203


4. Traps are completely inferior to wells. Traps are not ground targeted and will require an activation time. Beyond THAT, they are only triggered when an enemy runs over them. Wells are ground targeted and activate instantly upon casting. That’s better than traps in every single way.

And traps are set at your feet, but the playstyle of the DH longbow is about keeping your distance from your foes so they never reach the traps anyway.

I beg to differ.
That’s not a playstyle I see DH as being about, nor for any other ranged spec at that.

For there to be any semblance of balance in an MMO, the first noticeable thing to experienced player is that melee classes should and will ALWAYS be able to close the gap and reach their ranged player opponents somehow.

I fully expect any warrior to be able to get into my face one way or another, regardless of how well I might be playing. Thus I see no conflict between traps and ranged weapons; not especially when your traps can infact lock down your prey while you disengage back and open the distance yet again for another round.

Traps are meant to be prepared in advance whenever situations allow.
You are meant to lure your opponents into them.
Not to mention the fact that they don’t even have to reach melee range of you to trip a trap, if you are good with positioning.

Caveat of course, is the traps need to be strong and pack significance enough to be worth setting.
I will choose a strong trap with a long arming time over an instant laid packet of weaksauce anytime.

(edited by Trei.5203)

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

4. Traps are completely inferior to wells. Traps are not ground targeted and will require an activation time. Beyond THAT, they are only triggered when an enemy runs over them. Wells are ground targeted and activate instantly upon casting. That’s better than traps in every single way.

And traps are set at your feet, but the playstyle of the DH longbow is about keeping your distance from your foes so they never reach the traps anyway.

I beg to differ.
That’s not a playstyle I see DH as being about, nor for any other ranged spec at that.

For there to be any semblance of balance in an MMO, the first noticeable thing to experienced player is that melee classes should and will ALWAYS be able to close the gap and reach their ranged player opponents somehow.

I fully expect any warrior to be able to get into my face one way or another, regardless of how well I might be playing. Thus I see no conflict between traps and ranged weapons; not especially when your traps can infact lock down your prey while you disengage back and open the distance yet again for another round.

Traps are meant to be prepared in advance whenever situations allow.
You are meant to lure your opponents into them.
Not to mention the fact that they don’t even have to reach melee range of you to trip a trap, if you are good with positioning.

Caveat of course, is the traps need to be strong and pack significance enough to be worth setting.
I will choose a strong trap with a long arming time over an instant laid packet of weaksauce anytime.

The idea is that things such as the increased damage from > 600 range trait and the high emphasis on the bow with other traits actually punishes you for fighting from close range with this spec, so why is it that the very same spec offers utilities that work exclusively from close range? These traps are certainly not looking to be any more powerful than the Chronomancer wells, and those are instant cast with ground targeting that can be used anywhere from melee range to up to 1200(?) units away.

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Nike.2631


Cause you’re supposed to plant the trap and fall back? Preparation for the win. And you have another trap ready to go as a way to encourage enemies to back off of you (ideally on opposite sides so you can re-establish range). Plus spear of justice basically says “Yeah, you can hang around me if you want… but it’ll HURT if you don’t clear 900 at least briefly…”

The Fragments of Faith ’I’d like half-a-dozen Aegis-shards’ trap and the Defender’s Dogma/Wrathful Spirit traits (and Pure of Heart) are gonna make brawling with a DH more lively than you might think…

And any other profession in equally skilled hands will not find the Shield of Virtue F3 threatening.

When you have the magical playground where players are of equal skill and no profession finds any other particularly threatening… we call that “balanced” and its a good thing .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

(edited by Nike.2631)

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Trei.5203


The idea is that things such as the increased damage from > 600 range trait and the high emphasis on the bow with other traits actually punishes you for fighting from close range with this spec, so why is it that the very same spec offers utilities that work exclusively from close range? These traps are certainly not looking to be any more powerful than the Chronomancer wells, and those are instant cast with ground targeting that can be used anywhere from melee range to up to 1200(?) units away.

Once again, who mandated that traps can be only be triggered at close range to you?
Set it, move away, troll your target into it as and when he tries to close in on you. And he WILL ultimately succeed in getting close. But he won’t see that trap until he steps on it.
Here’s the best part – You don’t have to be near it when that happens…

Wells, traps… Different usage, different tools, for different situations.

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

The idea is that things such as the increased damage from > 600 range trait and the high emphasis on the bow with other traits actually punishes you for fighting from close range with this spec, so why is it that the very same spec offers utilities that work exclusively from close range? These traps are certainly not looking to be any more powerful than the Chronomancer wells, and those are instant cast with ground targeting that can be used anywhere from melee range to up to 1200(?) units away.

Once again, who mandated that traps can be only be triggered at close range to you?
Set it, move away, troll your target into it as and when he tries to close in on you. And he WILL ultimately succeed in getting close. But he won’t see that trap until he steps on it.
Here’s the best part – You don’t have to be near it when that happens…

Wells, traps… Different usage, different tools, for different situations.

If someone sees you lay a trap from a distance, they’re going to avoid it. Unless they’re dumb.

Not everyone is that dumb.

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


The idea is that things such as the increased damage from > 600 range trait and the high emphasis on the bow with other traits actually punishes you for fighting from close range with this spec, so why is it that the very same spec offers utilities that work exclusively from close range? These traps are certainly not looking to be any more powerful than the Chronomancer wells, and those are instant cast with ground targeting that can be used anywhere from melee range to up to 1200(?) units away.

Once again, who mandated that traps can be only be triggered at close range to you?
Set it, move away, troll your target into it as and when he tries to close in on you. And he WILL ultimately succeed in getting close. But he won’t see that trap until he steps on it.
Here’s the best part – You don’t have to be near it when that happens…

Wells, traps… Different usage, different tools, for different situations.

If someone sees you lay a trap from a distance, they’re going to avoid it. Unless they’re dumb.

Not everyone is that dumb.

I don’t see a problem with this. If someone is so aware that they are observing every move people are doing, it SHOULD allow them to avoid traps. That’s what I call smart gameplay and intelligent skill design. If people want to use a trap like a well, they can, but it won’t be as effective as if they use it as intended. If people can’t figure out how that works, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad tool; it means people need to be smart to use it.

A big reason people don’t like traps; they aren’t reactionary, all of our other skills are. This makes them harder to use, but no less effective if you use them correctly.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Dragon Hunter. A Winged Injustice

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


The idea is that things such as the increased damage from > 600 range trait and the high emphasis on the bow with other traits actually punishes you for fighting from close range with this spec, so why is it that the very same spec offers utilities that work exclusively from close range? These traps are certainly not looking to be any more powerful than the Chronomancer wells, and those are instant cast with ground targeting that can be used anywhere from melee range to up to 1200(?) units away.

Once again, who mandated that traps can be only be triggered at close range to you?
Set it, move away, troll your target into it as and when he tries to close in on you. And he WILL ultimately succeed in getting close. But he won’t see that trap until he steps on it.
Here’s the best part – You don’t have to be near it when that happens…

Wells, traps… Different usage, different tools, for different situations.

If someone sees you lay a trap from a distance, they’re going to avoid it. Unless they’re dumb.

Not everyone is that dumb.

It’s not that simple either.
Not everyone is going to let a guardian pewpew perma cripple from afar.
Not everyone is going to watch the guardian all game to see where his traps are placed.
Not everyone is going to remember where that trap is at all times, especially in clutch situations.
Not everyone talks like this when they’re try to make a point.
… :p

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld