Dragonhunter, Where are the fun traits?

Dragonhunter, Where are the fun traits?

in Guardian

Posted by: Arnath.2319


(Warning: Fun is subjective, below is my own opinion on fun.)

I have been playing the Guardian since the beta weekends before GW2 launch. Over the years this profession has gotten rusty, i started to not have fun.

Then the core trait revamp patch hit and everything changed when the fire nation attacked! We received the trait…

Radiant Fire: this trait gave new life to my Guardian. I equipped a Torch for the first time since launch and started throwing blue fireballs all over the place.

This got me thinking, why doesn’t the Dragonhunter have fun traits like this?

So i got creative and made some up, add yours below!

  • Cleansing ArrowsDeflecting Shot has %chance of summoning Bow of Truth. (20s icd)
    (Dragonhunter lacks condi cleanse, this helps without taking away from other more reliable condi cleanse traits/skills. Plus if you have the Bow of Truth as one of your skills you can spam use it’s active effect.)
  • Binding ArrowsLongbow critical hits place the Binding Blade debuff on the enemy.
    (Have Greatsword in your weapon swap? Mark the enemies up then pull them all in towards you. Pull them into your traps or just to melee them down)
  • Holt RetreatIf Spear of Justices tether is broken before time expires you are granted Swiftness and Quickness for Xseconds.
    (The tether breaks if the enemie runs away, this will help us stop their retreat and hunt them down!)
  • Trap WardAll traps, once triggered, create a Ring of Warding for Xseconds.
    (Traps are easy to dodge out off… not anymore)

Dragonhunter, Where are the fun traits?

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


If the DH damage is there then we technically wouldn’t need condi cleanses considering the fight will be over before that’s needed. That’s just it though, the past beta showed huge weaknesses in the DH and it wasn’t just the bow’s and virtue’s clunkness.

I wouldn’t mind trading a 2k heal, 4s fury and a stunbreaker, medi skill if it means the trap will have equal performances via damage, support or cc effects. Hopefully when DH comes again, we’ll see traps being more impactful, the bow being more reliable and our traits being more useful.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Dragonhunter, Where are the fun traits?

in Guardian

Posted by: Evilek.5690


If the DH damage is there then we technically wouldn’t need condi cleanses considering the fight will be over before that’s needed. That’s just it though, the past beta showed huge weaknesses in the DH and it wasn’t just the bow’s and virtue’s clunkness.

I wouldn’t mind trading a 2k heal, 4s fury and a stunbreaker, medi skill if it means the trap will have equal performances via damage, support or cc effects. Hopefully when DH comes again, we’ll see traps being more impactful, the bow being more reliable and our traits being more useful.

Problem is guardian defenses it’s only active. Other classes have passive defensive traits like Warior,Elementalist,Thief. This classes don’t need use utility skills on survive.

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
OupĂ­ lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

Dragonhunter, Where are the fun traits?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Even though DH is a flawed elite spec as a whole, those traits would be pretty cool. :>

Dragonhunter, Where are the fun traits?

in Guardian

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


I like your question! And the traits look great!

I am mostly looking for the fun. Not the meta. And the traits were a bit like :C

I mean staff is probably my favorite guard weapon just because of the wrist flop animation for AA. xD

Dragonhunter, Where are the fun traits?

in Guardian

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

The set of traits we’re being given is such a bust. Any one of these (or all of them) would be much more interesting.

Dragonhunter, Where are the fun traits?

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


trap ward and holt retreat are awsome!

Dragonhunter, Where are the fun traits?

in Guardian

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


i like the ideas