Dye Combinations

Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Zardis.1745


I change in between Ruby + Blue Ice and (Something) Tea that looks very very dark and Royal Blue

And very rarely I use Royal blue + Blue Ice and Stream

Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Barricade.3210


Cherry + (the new hot gold) Pyre


Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Quam.7218


Midday, Abbys, Midnight Violet.


Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Bamjam.2046


Im using antique gold/ denim blue/ ebony and it looks pretty sweet. Using the denim for the guardian blue theme lol.
Only started playing 2 weeks ago so i dont have much other nice dyes.

Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Malhanjia.1452


Here’s mine:
Draconics: Midnight Violet and Breeze.
T2/T3 Cultural Combo: Mightnight Violet, Breeze and Ocean.
Vigil: Glacial Sky, Silver and Ocean.


‘Some must fight so that all may be free.’ Iiommar – Guardian. Aurora Glade.

Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Blazin Blunt.6908

Blazin Blunt.6908

Abyss and andwhite gold baby!


Talic the Protector – 80 Norn Guardian
Blunt of Balthazar – 80 Human Guardian
Khan of Feurt – 80 Charr Necromancer

Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Hellbound Dart.3052

Hellbound Dart.3052

I enjoyed this thread. I use silver, gold, and charcoal

Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Nyaniel.7340


What I have:
Pitch, breeze, blue shade and midnight blue with mixed T1/2/3 cultural armour, conqueror’s pauldrons and Invader’s gauntlets.

[Envy] Envy

Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: bri.2359


My two armour sets for my Norn guardian

Left: This my general event farming set, this is used the most
All draconic (crafted) except leggings are Heavy Plate (karma/WvW)
Dye: Black, Heirloom, Coco

Right: This is my dungeon set
Full temple set
Dye: Black, Heirloom, Patina

I really do not like this set, hate the spikes, and desperately want to find something to skin it with. I don’t like ‘skirts’, so unless I use the Heavy Plate leggings again, I am stuck.

And please don’t mention dungeon armour, I find all of the heavy armour horrible.

As a last resort, I still have the Slayer PS reward armour, and could use this with a chain chest from the TP. It has a ‘skirt’, but is not as and as others.

Also, I have Midnight Fire and Celestial dye sitting in my bank. Still not decided on activating these for my guardian


Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver

Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Blazin Blunt.6908

Blazin Blunt.6908

Just bought some more gear, more white gold to spray on JEEJ


Talic the Protector – 80 Norn Guardian
Blunt of Balthazar – 80 Human Guardian
Khan of Feurt – 80 Charr Necromancer

Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: kurtosis.9526



Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Uncle Salty.6342

Uncle Salty.6342

Well in line with Flame and Frost, the colors used are Flame, Molten, Pyre and Celestial


Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: bipbip.1890


Violet ice + Illumination + Sky
Full Ascalonian Catacombs Armor


Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Devils.3679


So i use Flame and Molten dye

You prob don’t want to spend 165g on 2 dyes however


Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: nowitsawn.1276


About 10-12 different ones. Many hours were spent trying to find the right combo…


I shot the seraph~
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray

Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: Lig.4023


Fog and Antique Gold or Country blue for the tabard, depending on my mood


(edited by Lig.4023)

Dye Combinations

in Guardian

Posted by: PokerTuna.6170


Midnight Ice + Mithril
