Easy Beginning sPvP Guardian for me?
Bunkers would be the optimal “learning build”, but I don’t think the guardian version is so forgiving as the elementalist.
That said, you should go for the zerker build first, imo. But since you are starting the guardian now, I suggest using soldier’s/cleric amulet till you are familiar with the hotkeys, skills and combos.
I particullary, like to run this one:
Not so optimal for team fights, but I like to roam and take lone targets
If you’ve ever played a BS thief, this build works similar.
You first start off with Ring of Warding + Judge’s Intervention (you need to be fast on this one). Then you’ll be teleported to your target, with the ring surrounding you.Most people try to dodge, in vain (the ring knock them back).Switch to greatsword (don’t forget to tap F1) and start dishing some nasty damage (Symbol of Wrath + Whirling Wrath). If you use Binding Blade, don’t pull your target right away. Wait till they try a heal or if they somehow managed to create a gap between you.
I could explain more, but assuming you are beggining now, I think you’ll get the idea, once you have played it.
Ps: Using soldier’s/cleric’s you’ll probably won’t kill so fast, but it’s a good method to get used to your skills.
(edited by Asomal.6453)
I thought a defensive guardian was easiest. Is that right?
As a professional musician, I know that you start with the basics, and add new things as you master the basics.
Can someone link me to the easiest, basic bunker Guardian for sPvP?
I want to start with that, and then start adding more sophisticated techniques and skill chains.
Something with “training wheels”…and a suggested path to the “real stuff” to follow as I get it down would be so helpful.
I can definitely help you out!
Although you can start with either an offensive or defensive build, teams will want you to run defensive builds for the most part. So first build you’ll need to learn if you want to get off and running is a defensive one!
First off you need to know the skill differences between wvw/pve bunker and pvp bunker.
- You must have “Stand Your Ground!” and Indomitable Courage (trait), you must be able to stay on a control point against another control player and be able to support your team.
- You don’t specialize in only one role, you fill out 2 or more, for Guardian you’d pick Bunker + Support + (control sometimes). This is because you don’t have that many players and you can’t be sacrificing other players to do something you can already do. In that way sometimes builds don’t look optimal because they’re filling out another role too.
- Dodging is super, super important. You have to start learning what skills to dodge and to not randomly dodge!
- ALL of your skills are dodgable too! Which means things like Whirling Wrath are actually unlikely to do much damage if your enemy can dodge correctly.
We’re going to build a Control/Bunker and I’m going to leave out some support options because they require being in a team, so there is a slight varient to this build when you find a team that plays together.
Renewed Focus/Shelter
These are your heal and elite skills, because we’re going to be running with a lower health pool we need these too skills to block/become invincible so that we can survive burst, because co-ordinated burst will actually be able to just kill us otherwise. Remember Shelter is used firstly for its block then if you desperately need the heal you can use it for its heal. This is due to the 2s block being able to block 10k+ damage, which is much more than it heals.
Triple Shout
We’re going to be running Hold the Line, Save Yourselves and Stand Your Ground with Soldier’s Runes, Superior Aria (trait) and Pure of Voice (trait), this means that when we use a shout it also removes two conditions from all team mates, gives a boon to them aswell and they recharge 20% faster (all of these affect you too).
Dual Energy Sigils
We’re going to bring 2 energy sigils on our weapons to have tons of dodge rolls, we’re also using Selfless Daring (trait) to gain vigor on crits and Pure of Voice will give us the Vigor boon A LOT. So we’re going to be dodging loads of things.
This also means we’re going to be running a Cleric’s Amulet with Knight’s Jewel to give us a gigantic boost to our dodge roll’s healing.
Finally we’re going to be using the Hammer for control, Banish is going to be one of your best skills, use it to knock the enemy off the point and then Zealot’s Embrace → Ring of Warding to keep them out. You can then chain it with your second weapon Scepter/Shield to Chains of Light them and Shield of Absoption to try and completely capture a point (it will capture it from neutral if you get it all off, and neutralize it if they have it capped).
Keep in mind the enemy Guardian will often run Banish too and you’ll defnitely want to dodge that as your first priority!
Final Build
Enjoy! If you have anymore questions just ask!
Here is a video Guide from a top guard EU.
Thanks very much, Jax and Empathetic Fighter!