Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

in Guardian

Posted by: koniallis.4736


Like the title says this is a revision of my Vanguard elite spec, which you can find here

So here we go

Lore: Vanguards are the Guardians who wish to fuse the old(Paragons and Monks) with the new(modern Guardian). They retain their predecessors’ desire to protect and lead, while at the same time take a more practical approach to achieving it. That means that in order to protect others they dont limit themselves to just standing in front of enemies. They also help aid allies against Conditions, and smite enemies with a combination of divine fire and light and physical might.

As you might have guessed Vanguard is a “Tank-spec”, if there is such a thing. However it is a combination of active tanking(casting protection, retaliation and other such boons on yourself), and passive tanking( debilitating enemies and buffing allies, to a smaller extent than support spec of course)

Weapon: Spear

Weapon skills:
1: Swing left->Swing right-> Thrust forward: Thrust applies Torment
2: Brandish: Charge your Spear with fire and Light and quickly swing diagonally twice. Applies vilnerability
3:Endure->Beatdown: With endure you keep your Spear forward blocking all attacs for 4 secs. If you block 3 you get three charges of beatdown. When using beatdown you slam your halberd on the ground causing dmg to all enemies in front. Applies torment While blocking you can move but onlky at 33% speed
4:Spear of Light-> Earthshatter: Throw a conjured spear of Light that impales an enemy causing one stack of bleeding and burning every 2 secs for 4 secs. Then it explodes and damages both the impaled enemy and the surrounding ones. The more stacks of bleeding and burning the target has the greater the dmg. Until it explodes you gain access to Earthshatter. With earthshatter the vanguard jumps in the air and then lands in the target affected by Spear of light shattering the earth and causing cripple and torment to up to 5 enemies
5: Vortex: swirl your halberd overhead damaging and causing slow and torment to all nearby while deflecting all projeciles back to attackers at range

Now for the juicy part

Mechanics: Stances and Brilliant Body (Virtues are replaced by stances.)

Brilliant Body: Brilliant body is an F4 ability that stands above the stances and adds effects to stances, weapon and spec-specific utility skills. It lasts x secsand has a cooldown of y secs. Every time you switch stances or use utility skills while BB is active it lowers it’s cooldown by z%. Cooldown cant go below 10 secs. (I don’t specify time duration because i believe that would be a balance issue.


Stance of Justice (Dmg stance):
While in SoJ every 5th hit you take spreads retaliation to you and allies near you. When Briliant body is active it also gives quickness (to just yourself) and every time you activate a weapon skill spreads vulnerability to up to 5 enemies around.

Stance of Resolve(Support stance):
When in SoR every 5th hit you take spreads regento you and allies near you . While BB is active also gain resistance (to just yourself) and when you activate a weapon skill spreads blindness to up to 5 enemies around.

Stance of Courage(Pure Tank stance):
When in SoC every 5th hit you take spreads Aegis. When BB is active also gain stability (to just yourself) and when you activate weapon skill spreads weakness to up to 5 enemies around.

Utility Skills:Physical

Healing:Light Mantle: Surrounds the body with a cloack of light and heals.
While in:
SoJ gives might
SoR gives Swiftness
SoC gives Stability
If Brilliant body is active, next 3 secs all dmg taken gets healed back

Glory Charge:charge the enemy and strike with the shoulder. creates fire waves that also hits enemies behind target.
Soj: causes Burning to all enemies hit
SoR: interrupts target only
SoC: Knocks down target and slows enemies hit by fire waves

Firelight Bash: Bash your enemy with a Holy fire imbued punch stunning him for x secs.
When stun ends target explodes with holy fireand causes torment
SoJ: Exploding causes Vulnerability to all enemies nearby
SoR: Blinds all enemies nearby.
SoC: Causes weakness to all nearby enemies

Empowering Flash: Emit a flash of light and empower yourself and nearby allies
SoJ: Next 10 secs all hits taken grant retaliation
SoR:Next 10 secs all hits taken grant regen
Soc:Next 10 secs all hits taken grant protection

Heroic Roar: Enhance your voice to unleash a deafening roar that applies fear to all nearby. If BB active then apply Slow and torment

Ultimate: Brilliant Resurgance: Immediatelly finishes cooldown of BB. If BB active then produces a huge 360 wave of light and fire that causes
Burning and Vulnerability in SoJ
Blindness and cripple in SoR
Slow and weakness in SoC

(edited by koniallis.4736)

Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

in Guardian

Posted by: koniallis.4736


Ideas for Vanguard traitline
Minor Adept
Brilliance: The guardian trains his/her body and martial skills to such a degree that he can safely infuse his body with Holy Fire and create martial stances based on his/her virtues

Major Adept
Shining Armor:Last part of Spear Auto attack grants protection. Reduces cooldown on physical skills while BB is active
Awe Inspiring: Applies torment every 4secs to all nearby enemies when BB is active.
Flickering Flames: The less Health you have the greater the toughness you gain

Minor Master
Scorching rejuvenation: Gain health every time you block an attack. Additional health gained if BB active

Major Master
Cleanse: Every time you block you also turn a condition to a boon
Constant Vigilance: Every 2nd aegis you apply to either yourself or your allies you gain a stack of protection
Spear Mastery: Increases damage of Spear skills. When not using a Spear reduces the cooldown of weapon skills by 5%

Minor Grandmaster
Vanguard Tactics: Every cripple, taunt, slow you apply increases your concentration

Major Grandmaster
Defense Tactics: Increase toughness for every boon on you
Borrowed Brilliance: Every time someone other than you applies a boon on you, you gain Protection
Shared Brilliance: You Heal yourself and all others around every 4 secs when BB actve.

If you have any other ideas for traits, please post them. These aren’t exactly final draft or anything, just some that came to mind.

Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

in Guardian

Posted by: koniallis.4736


So this is the revised Vanguard. Would have put it in the previous thread but it would be too long and noone would read it i think.

Tell me what you think

Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

in Guardian

Posted by: koniallis.4736


Weapon: Staff
But like necromancers staff gets a scuthe animation when using it this one gets a spear point/blade on top made of white/blue fire

Weapon skills:
1: Swing left→Swing right→ Thrust forward: Thrust applies Torment
2: Brandish: Charge your Staff with fire and Light and quickly swing diagonally twice. Applies vilnerability
3:Endure→ Constant asault: With endure you keep your Staff forward blocking all attacs for 4 secs. If you block 3 you get Constant assault. When using Constant assault you thrust forwaard your weapon for 3 secs damaging enemies in front and applying 3 stacks of bleeding and torment While blocking you can move but only at 33% speed
4:Spear of Light→ Earthshatter: Throw a conjured spear of Light that impales an enemy causing one stack of bleeding and burning every 2 secs for 4 secs. Then it explodes and damages both the impaled enemy and the surrounding ones. The more stacks of bleeding and burning the target has the greater the dmg. Until it explodes you gain access to Earthshatter. With earthshatter the vanguard jumps in the air and then lands in the target affected by Spear of light shattering the earth and causing cripple and torment to up to 5 enemies
5: Vortex: swirl your halberd overhead damaging and causing slow and torment to all nearby while deflecting all projeciles back to attackers at range

A slight alteration to weapon

Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Sounds like you’re wanting an entirely new class instead. A lot of what you’re wanting is not going to be implemented for just our loveable Guardian. If we get a Spear, what will other classes get? Trident?

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

in Guardian

Posted by: koniallis.4736


sure why not, give warrior a trident and call him gladiator

Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

in Guardian

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

I kinda like the whole idea. Some of the abilities might be abit too bloated.
Also one of the minior talents should give 25% to you, when you activate BB this is also applied to allies.
Movement imparing condition is reduced on you and your allies by 25%.

Was considering 33% just like druids.. but well think Anet would easier go with 25… I have no dea why they still refuse to give us this..

Also CD reducing traits.. hate them.. remove them, and lower all skill. It would add to the flow of combat, and you could put something more interesting instead..

Like crit hits on targets under 50% reset the CD, 30 iCD. or aomething like that.. I mean like gravedigger, just not as powerfull.

Or why should thieves and necros be the only one with boonstealing?
Remove torment from spear 5 (alrdy got away to stack it with AA), and make it tranfere 2 boons from the enemy to your allies.

Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

in Guardian

Posted by: Runiir.6425


On weapon skill use spread blindness? Our auto attack is considered a weapon skill use by the game (notice you take confusion damage on auto attack? confusion is based on when you use a skill…same wording). You would be spreading blindness way too easily, the balance issues on timing for that would have to limit it to things like the necromancer blind well timers and even then the skill could easily be too powerful as you would be a moving blind spam bot.

Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

in Guardian

Posted by: koniallis.4736


sorry forgot to write that. I dont consider auto attack a weapon skill. Just an auto attack

Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

in Guardian

Posted by: phokus.8934


It is a skill that performs a function and has sequences.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

Elite spec: The Vanguard (revised)

in Guardian

Posted by: koniallis.4736


well just the last one of the sequence then