Fast-leveling build

Fast-leveling build

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


I can’t choose build for PvE;TYAA2yoEQJhSFlCKA

1st uses spirit weapons to burn foes and as additional damage source, second is more focused on precison and burning. Which one is better for leveling in PvE?

Fast-leveling build

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


You made the builds, did you test them? If so, which one kills enemies the fastest without you dying? Because that’s the best one.

Also, which one do you find most fun (because that’s not unimportant)?

“Come on, hit me!”

Fast-leveling build

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


That the problem – build with greatsword and sword/torch kills fast, but sword/torch and
mace/shield give me more survivalibity and more fun too. Maybe there is a way to connect these 2 builds?

Fast-leveling build

in Guardian

Posted by: dizzyd.5213


How are these “leveling” builds if you’re using all your trait points?

Fast-leveling build

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


How about using Greatsword together with Mace/Torch?

“Come on, hit me!”

Fast-leveling build

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


Dizzyd: build with mace/shield gives me more survivalibity and I can also control the battle some way, defending against foes, pushing them back and then burning them. With greatsword and sword/torch, I deal more pure damage, burning is something additional, I use utility burning skills on some hard-to-kill foes or when I want to end fight quickly. It kills mobs faster, but my health also drops faster, and when few mobs atacks you or when you face a boss, mace/shield is better (se 1st sentence).
Ynna: Greatsowrd and sword/torch cooperate with each other in fight, killing mobs quickly and burning foes. When GS skills recharge, I change to sword/torch, and again to GS… Greatsword is my 2nd weapon, main is sword/torch. I don’t want to pair it with mace and shield because then I will have problem with traits (increasing Greatsword damage or spirit weapon recharge? Invest 30 in radiance, or maybe put 20 in honor for 20% faster GS skills recharge?) Greatsword with mace/torch is even worse (more traits problems). Sword/ torch and mace/shield seems better and they also gives me more pleasure, but I can’t choose between spirit weapons and burning skills in utility. For burning, traits feet better with GS, but with spirit weapons sword/torch aren’t so good (traits again).