Feel My Wrath a little too much
Isn’t that a knowingly going to an extreme though? It’s a 50% decrease in attack time. We know that for Mace or GS namely that the strength lies in their burst skills while having a lower auto attack. All I’m saying is it’s worth putting a <50% for assumptions in that regard, acknowledging that it’s not a full 50% increase
Also even with Sword you consider the offhand which are all burst skills. So not quite 50%. Other than hammer you won’t see a full 50% increase.
I wouldn’t say so. A 50% bonus isn’t an extreme, its the default. The overall bonus is deviated from by adding additional skills. The whole “technical” aspects of it muddy the waters a bit, mostly negative but sometimes positive (for example, Auto Attacks which apply might/vulnerability achieve higher stacks, leading to an additional damage increase). That is the issue with technicality: if you want to delve into every single possible detail you’ll end up with a 20 page document trying explain something that can be said succinctly but imprecisely with a phrase.
True, I just can’t help but cringe when I know that when it comes to GS/Mace it’s the burst abilities that are what the main DPS comes from. However apparently WW is getting mroe attacks in quickness right now (assumed bug) so yeah…
If they wanna change this, they should only increase the CD in pve land, like how they separated “Save Yourself”.
It’s perfect in spvp right now!
From what I saw, majority of the ones who come on guardian sub-forum asking for guardian nerfs are not playing one or have no main char as guardian (logic is killing me).
PvP wise, is impossible to complain about the most wishy washy pvp class in the bucket.
Everything we try to do, some other classes do it better. Even more, when others gets nice trait lines setups and we get scrambled traits, traits temp disabled, etc, but finally , FINALLY we get smth decent (not op, not gamebraking, just decent), rain of complains start to fall.
Makes perfect sense to me. If you cant kill a wishy washy class, ask Anet for nerfs. “Is too much”. I agree.
I play guardian since I started the game and loved it. I see all around me classes better glued together but I stayed with my first love. And brakes my heart…
Firstly I think the CD is perfectly fine how it is. There is no need for a nerf.
To come into the guardian sub-forum and ask for the main util Guardians are loving to be nerfed is silly IMO.
I really don’t get people like the OP. Stop over analyzing everything and play the game. If you don’t think it’s balanced then don’t press it as often.
It just wierds me out that retreat has a higher CD. srsly
Why? Feel My Wrath is an elite skill. It should be much better than non-elites. Like in GW1 where elite skills were actually elite.
I feel all-powerfull with this skill. But yes, it needs either a longer cooldown or to apply fury for only 5 secs or not at all.
Of course Guardian finally gets a useful elite skill, better nerf it. /s