I think I’ve played it for long enough now to give some succinct and well-thought out feedback that I hope people find insightful. I’ll start by going over some general impressions, then move on to the weapon, utility skills, traits and finally, the tomes.
In general: Firebrand is conceptually EXCELLENT and fills a role that guardians have long yearned to adequately provide. I love the idea of having more cast-focused support and it really comes together when taking certain traits. Tomes (cast times/CDs) and mantras could use some work.
FX and animations: I love, love, LOVE the animations. These were quite possibly my favorite part of the elite specialization. They did a great job of not being all the same which really helped me connect an animation to a skill, thus learn very quickly.
One criticism I have though is one you’ve all been hearing: Tome animations should involve a floating book (perhaps smaller than our old elite tomes) being held in front of us, rather than some glowy transparent pages.
Axe: I tested this on both power and condition builds. Solid weapon.
-The Good: Cast time on symbol is appropriate. Excellent condition application. I think the weapon is very balanced for condition builds.
-The Bad: The symbol is extraordinarily weak on power-based builds. Consider buffing the base-damage of the symbol (to match that of sword’s symbol).
Mantras: Good conceptually but I think they need some numerical tweaking to be fully viable.
-The Good: They are very interesting to say the least. Enjoyed the elite and heal mantra. The count-recharge mechanic = awesome! Having the option to either spread out uses or close out a fight with a final charge gives nice versatility that I think we’ll appreciate in time.
-The Bad: All 4 utility mantras are underwhelming. The final charges barely do more than the regular charges. I think they should all receive buffs to the final charges considering the cooldowns you must suffer afterwards. They should have more lasting impact.
Regarding the cone hit-boxes of mantras: If guardian mantras are going to be mechanically inferior to Mesmer mantras (cones suck), the effects better AT LEAST be objectively superior and they are not.
Consider buffing the cone’s arc angle/forward range and heavily buff the effects the mantras give.
The Traits: Really liked the traits for the most part. Minor tweaking necessary.
-The Good: The quickness on stability/aegis trait is by far the best trait in this entire line. Otherwise liked the build diversity the traits enabled.
-The Bad: Some of the traits are so heavily overshadowed that I doubt they’ll ever see use. Some could use work. Ex:
- Weighty Terms: In most cases we’re discouraged from using the final charge of a mantra (due to them not being significantly more effective than the first two charges + long CD afterwards).
- Stoic Demeanor: Really a poor trait by itself. It is also completely overshadowed by the other two. Even power-based builds would be more suited to take the bottom grandmaster trait over this.
- Imbued Haste (Minor, Grandmaster): Guardians often lack total health, not armor. Consider swapping the +250 toughness to +250 vitality.
The Tomes: First I want to emphasize that no matter what build you are running/role you are trying to fill, If you play Firebrand, your build WILL rely on tomes to be effective. With that being said, the tomes should at least be compelling to use and for the most part are not.
-The Good: Tome of Justice. This thing wins first, second and third prize. As for the other two tomes? Honestly the best part about the other two tomes is that minor trait that grants quickness when entering/exiting a tome.
The Bad: Cast times and cooldowns. They are abhorrent and WAY too high. They are the reason that Firebrand can NOT peel from a fight and can’t sustain very well. They’re just not fun at all…
Some suggested fixes:
- Instant-cast or 0.25s cast times to enter tomes: 0.75s is way too long, even with quickness.
- Make some skills instant cast. I think making the #5 skill on f2, the #4 skill on f3 tome, and the #2 skill on f1 tome instant cast would all be good choices.
- Lower general cast times: 0.75s (maybe 1s) is the highest any of the cast times should reach to. And for the most part, the cast times should be 0.25 to 0.5s, not 0.75s.
- Lower tome cooldowns to 20, 30, 40s respectively.
Tome of Resolve: This one gets its own section. I’m sorry but this is by far and large the most GARBAGE tome of the three.
- Its healing is abysmal.
- It’s poor at clearing conditions.
- Its one ground-targeted skill is not impactful at all and doesn’t heal.
I found myself using this tome to apply swiftness to myself and allies as I ran across the borderlands in WvW. I would also occasionally pop in and out for a water-field while in zerg play, but THAT’S IT.
Okay, rant aside, here are some fixes for ToR that I think would be appreciated:
- Increase base healing values. This tome is no celestial avatar (and never will be due to its cooldown time) but its base-healing needs to at least do better than Dragonhunter’s Wings of Resolve. The scaling with healing power is great but overall healing on ToR is garbage even with 1400-1600 healing power due to bad base healing.
- Add some more utility to these tome skills. Consider adding blind, daze, cripple, resistance, super speed, immobilize and weaken to some of the ToR skills.
-I think excellent spots to do this would be adding blind to #3, 2s super-speed to #5 (so you can rush to allies and heal them) and 2s resistance per condi cleared on #2.
Tl;dr: Elite spec is fun and can be effective but there needs to be some serious buffing of the mantras and tomes. Mantras needs stronger effects/increased range, and tomes need lower cast times as well as cooldowns.