Firebrand Tome Animation

Firebrand Tome Animation

in Guardian

Posted by: Glaurung.1076


I saw a few videos of the Firebrand and i noticed that when you use tomes you just get some sheets of paper around you. Can we please also get the old tome elite animation along with that? It looks silly without it.

Firebrand Tome Animation

in Guardian

Posted by: RabbitUp.8294


I agree. This is what I want, it’s a tome. What we get is a tome in name only, they’re floating pages.

Firebrand Tome Animation

in Guardian

Posted by: eBeco.7612


I am very disappointed that there are no tomes. Instead, we stand empty-handed with a bunch of papers flying around. Please, add tomes to animations.

Firebrand Tome Animation

in Guardian

Posted by: Godric.3012


I agree too, i would have preferred an actual two handed tome, as a new weapon or maybe focus main hand? the guardian would rather read the tome pages or write on the pages in the tome like the arcanist in ff xiv.

(edited by Godric.3012)

Firebrand Tome Animation

in Guardian

Posted by: REKKRAP.1759


I completely agree as well. I was so excited to hear that we would have tomes again (like the old elites Courage and Wisdom), but I was pretty disappointed when I saw that there are just papers flying around. That’s not a tome… The blue flaming books really made you feel powerful – like you were truly drawing power from ancient, magical books.

I would be so happy to see this changed. And since the old elites already existed, we know that Anet has the assets already. So I would think it’d be minimal effort to add those in. Keep all the spell effects (even the pages!), but please please please add the floating tomes back!

Firebrand Tome Animation

in Guardian

Posted by: caerulean.4837


Firebrand is the spec i’m the most hyped for, but I totally agree with this! The tomes not actually being tomes (like the old ones were) is like the one criticism I have.

Firebrand Tome Animation

in Guardian

Posted by: Tiale.2430


yeah, just add tomes to the animation please.

SA Guardian

Firebrand Tome Animation

in Guardian

Posted by: Malthurius.6870


I disagree… I think it’s really cool how it has this open handed caster look to it; I always wanted to play a caster that just shoots spells out of their hands, and this is finally it.

I never thought the floating books from the old tome elites looked particularly cool; looked pretty goofy with this big book floating in front of you.

Firebrand Tome Animation

in Guardian

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I agree with the OP they have the original tome animations which were cool IMO, please anet use them. I still have a memory of the first time I saw a guardian use a tome early in the game.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Firebrand Tome Animation

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I’m perfectly fine with a quick animation of Pages ripping out of a Tomb. The old style where we had a giant book floating in front of the Guardian while casting spells was… horrendous.

Comparing it to Firebrand’s implementation, I no longer (never did tbh) like the Old Tomb animations at all.


aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Firebrand Tome Animation

in Guardian

Posted by: eBeco.7612


Tome – a book, especially a large, heavy, scholarly one. I don’t see any of that in Firebrand. And while animations are really cool, without an actual tome and weapons it just doesn’t feel right.

It’s like if necromancer shroud would be just some quick animation and a simple aura with new skill bar and no weapons.