Firebrand armor set?
It’s hard to say which stat set will be good for FB without seeing the changes they are making to it. Though just going off the fact that it is supposed to be a condi/support play style these would be the following sets to think of:
Seraph (CONDI, PREC, healing, conc)
Sinister (CONDI, power, prec) – can get 85% burn duration between traits, balth runes, and smoldering
Griever’s (POWER, CONDI, prec, feroc) – same idea as sinister but since currently burn guard is 60/40 for condi/power damage, the ferocity is pretty nice and capping crit is easy for guard
??? (don’t know the name but it’s POWER, healing, conc) – lets you support with greater concentration than other gear while still doing better power damage
Those are the 4 sets I have been looking at for Firebrand but it will all depend on how Anet makes changes.
I also heard that trailblazer is good?
Trailblazer would be trading power damage for tankiness, which I don’t think is really good for firebrand. From what we see so far, most firebrand stuff still has a significant power contribution in addition to the condis, so losing power damage is a big sacrifice. If trailblazers was a cheaper set than maybe, but with the price of maguuma lilies…
If you’re going offensive, Viper’s (POWER, CONDI, prec, expertise) might well be worth considering if you don’t want to commit to burn duration runes – firebrand does give bleeding and a few nondamaging conditions, after all. Burning is probably where most of the condition damage comes from. And if push comes to shove, the classic Berserker’s will probably serve well enough: the power components of most firebrand skills still appear to be fairly decent, so you can probably still do fairly well with a pure power setup, particularly considering that Justice passive is weaker for firebrands and axe/torch is going to be the only real condi weaponset they get (and even that’s more of a hybrid): your standoff weaponset, if you want to have one, is still going to be the classic scepter/X.
For more healing-oriented setups, Marshal (POWER, HEALING, prec, condi) might be a good option if it was available as armour, as would Sage (POWER, CONDI, vitality, healing) if it becomes available in PvE (or you set it up yourself by mixing stats), although replacing vitality with concentration, expertise, precision, or ferocity would be even better.
Raid builds might focus on the permanent quickness, in which case you might want concentration (I haven’t done or seen the numbers, and whatever the numbers are now might change). I would probably be looking at aiming for some mix of power, condi, healing, and concentration for such a role, unless the firebrand in that situation is also the tank, in which case Commander, Vigilant, and/or Minstrel might all come into play.
PS: Personally, I’m waiting to see what’s in PoF before committing to gear. I’m fairly confident that the Berserker’s set I already have will at least do the job, and there’ll be plenty of time for other builds when Season 4 kicks off and we know what PoF brought. It’d be a pain to commit to something and then have something better (or as good but cheaper) become available.
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(edited by draxynnic.3719)
Max all condi:
Vipers + mad kings rune + smoldering + malice with food = 100% burn and 95% bleed. Though not sure if bleed duration is worth it.
Burning focus:
Sinister + balth +smoldering = 100% burn duration with a rune set we can take advantage off. Long cooldown maybe, but if health falls low we get 5sec quickness and quickness is “free stats” from Imbued Haste and if you run with mantra heal you can proc a 3sec burn on 12 sec cooldown from balth set bonus. In otherwords your manta heal almost got equal power to Mantra of Flame’s 2 first ammo uses.
That just made me notice how weak Mantra of Flame really is……
Burning focus + another stat. (Some this might never happen, depends on new sets in PoF)
Same as before here you just replace sinister with something that also add ferocity, healing power or concentration.
Healing: depending of what you doing at times, having stronger tome of resolve can be usefull. But i don´t expect this to happen much, but in future there could be new raids or fractals where losing a bit dps for survival is worth it.
ferocity: fury and 25% from traits, you already have ok crit. So just extra damage, some else can do the math if it beats sinister.
concentration: We always have to remeber quickness = 250 condi damage thanks to Imbued Haste. So keeping quickness up is important and we still put out some other boons. Hopefully they listen to feedback and found nice boon for axe symbol so this would be even better.
Those where my sets ideas for PoF dps builds. Going for max dps i would most likely go with burning focus stats, radiance, zeal and firebrand quickness build.
Support stats
I had problem finding a good stat set there. Because you want healing power, condi and concetration. Depending on things, expertise could also be ok depending if ashes of the Just works off our stats like venoms.
(edited by nuaa.4962)
If you want to go the full condi dps route, viper or sinister gear is probably a good idea if you want to make gear right now. For the support route, however, I’d definitely wait till launch. We don’t know what kind of new stats they’ll introduce and, what’s more important, it’s questionable whether support FB will be viable at all. In the state of the test weekend, it’s about as dead as a spec can possibly be.
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