Fix my guardian volume...

Fix my guardian volume...

in Guardian

Posted by: Azure.8670


… who knows?

Ill make this short because im half asleep sorry.
My guardian hits hard and I like it. Ive been using GS/Staff forever now, forgot how the other weapons even work… Guard was my first lvl 80 and I dropped him long ago, just now picking him back up.

Anyway long story short, my armor and weapons are full berserker, my trinkets are orbs that give Power Tough Healing. My trinkets are power tough healing I believe, with a karka shell, and berserk amulet. Now I like how things are going for the most part, but I have 12k hp and I feel its too low, and im still taking a lil too much damage I think.

So, weapon suggestions/ build set ups/ call me names/ whatever you want just help me please. Thanks and sorry for typos

Fix my guardian volume...

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


A guardian is a “Healing supporting mage-warrior”. Because of that reason ANet has chosen to give it a very low amount of HP.
This, however, preclude the possibility of creating a pure offensive Build. That’s why you can create Ele GC and Ele Tank but you can’t create a Guardian GC.
I believe that the guardian is the only class required to have a defensive build, because it does not have enough life for a offensive build.
You can try a hybrid defensive-offensive, but not more.
The offensive version may have a high level of attack, but you’ll never attack as strong as an elementalist or a thief, or it’s strong evasive-defensive skills. But you have the HP of an ele/thief class.

Fix my guardian volume...

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


with the “offensive” Guardian, it’s more so about not taking any damage, as opposed to being able to take damage, or outheal damage.. to put it super-over-simplifiedly.

some great “DPS” focused Guardians that come to mind are Amins and Bash (both have threads on the forum). Amins has a youtube channel you can check out as well for some inspiration.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Fix my guardian volume...

in Guardian

Posted by: Azure.8670


Ill take a little gander shortly thanks. I really enjoy the Guardian, I just never got into him if that makes any sense. I have 5 80s, he was my first to level and he was the last one to receive gear and such. Ill look it up thanks again