Fotm Builds

Fotm Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Eggo.7068


I am trying to gear up my newly 80 guardian to run through high lvl fotm since they are so invaluable in groups and needed in the higher lvls. I am kinda tired of always having to wait on one to join.

I was just asking of any max lvl fotm builds that people run? I have asked a few guardians what their builds are and they vary greatly, maybe post a build and why you chose to run that build. This is mainly for PUGS and not organized since I mainly PUG fotm.

Fotm Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: kiba.2768


the only essentials are WoR, SoA(trait accordingly for WoR) and a scepter unless you’re a boss at dodging and only melee. staff can be useful for the might stacks. i don’t use staff as i feel it’s a waste of my time and in case we are in combat i can’t switch to my dps loadout.

everything else is gravy. i’ve run fotm 40-49 many times with all kinds of builds, full clerics, full zerkers, support, bunker, boon dispenser, AHEM, meditation, etc.

aside from the commensurate AR, other helpful things are potent potions of slaying for each boss type, food buffs and communicating WoR and SoA order if there’s more than 1 guard.

Fotm Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Devils.3679


high lvl fotm build, prob needed. but i ran full dps zerker one handed build yesterday for fotm 48 and only died twice. done water that giant one and charr fractals. team consisted of 2 wars ele thief and myself.