Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kashien.6278


My guardian has full set of exotic healing gear.

Including 25 Stacks of Healing Buff, I sit at

1001 Equipment Bonus
300 Trait Bonus
250 Healing from Weapon Stacks
50 Chocolate Chip Cookie
1551 Healing Power

Here is the current build i use for “Healing”/“Tanking”


Automatic Bonuses/Abilities at <%HP
25% HP- Creates Symbol of Wrath on Ground ( Grants 283 Healing Per Tick from “Writ of the Merciful”, As well as granting retaliation.

50% HP- Gain Aegis

Bonuses for Symbols
Writ of the Merciful – at 1551 Healing Power, Heals 283 Per Tick for Each Symbol, Meaning for a 7 Second Symbol (Because of Writ of Persistence), it heals for 1281 Healing over the duration for a single symbol.

Sigil of the Water (Weapon)- Heals for a base 800 every 10 seconds
6/6 Water Rune(Armor) – Heals for a base 1250 Every 10 seconds.
These are not affected by healing power. They do not share the same cooldown. They are only activated by direct healing abilities such as “Symbol of Faith” and “Signet of Resolve”, “Merciful Intervention”, “Healing Breeze” and “Faithful Strike”.
These Runes/Sigils are only on cooldown for THAT person it healed. Meaning it can proc on ALL Allies within the 10 seconds, each ally has a seperate cooldown. Including yourself.

Faithful Strike heals for 483 Base healing. Does not appear to be affected by healing power.

Weapon Sets:
Mace/Focus [Superior Sigil of Energy]/ [Superior Sigil of Life]
Staff [Superior Sigil of Water]
Utility skills :
[Signet of Resolve]
[Hold The Line]
[Stand your ground]
[Merciful Intervention]

Traits Chosen

Valor : Meditation Master—20% meditation cooldown reduction
Purity – Lose a condition every 10 seconds
Altruistic healing. – Heals for 83 For each boon applied to allies. This includes multiple stack of boons, such as 12 stacks of might from “Empower” for Staff. Provides 166 Healing Per pulse, Per ally nearby.

Honor: Superior Aria – Shouts recharge 20% faster
Empowering Might- Allies gain might for 5 seconds on crit/ persistent symbols —50% increase in symbol duration

Writ of the merciful- Allies healed by symbols (283 per tick)

Healing Situation.

Healing in this game doesnt work. To be a “Pure” healer, just doesnt work. Guild wars 2 did extremely well in getting rid of the holy trinity (healing, dps, tank). So The healing in this game has to be taken to a slightly different approach.

Regneration gains the most from healing power.
The formula is as follows

5 + (1.5625 * Level) + (0.125 * Healing Power) per second.
So a lv 80 with 1551 healing power would heal
5 + (1.5625*80) +(o.125*1551) = 325.846 healing per second with REGEN

For DIRECT healing. Such as from EMPOWER staff. The formula is almost discovered, but what i have come up with is this.

10+ (5.65* level) + 1.5* (Healingpower) 462+2328= 2790 healing

I’m still trying to discover how traits are done, but it will take some time.

The reason i like this build is because it grants massive ammounts of regeneration
Regeneration Sources
“Hold the Line”
“Symbol of Faith”
Activating “Virtue of Resolve”

Massive ammounts of retaliation
“Hold your Ground”
Activating “Shield of Wraith” In Combo Field “light”

Massive ammounts of Protection
“Hold The Line”
Activating “Virtueue of Courage”

Grants Aegis
Activating “Virtue of Courage”

Grants Burning/Might
Activating “Vitrue of Justice”

Grants massive ammounts of might
Activating “Empower” On staff

The tankability of this build is amazing. Because of the “Cleric” gear set up, you have massive ammounts of healing power and toughness. And with the water runes, you have a superior healing cabaility, which only increases your own survivability.

The damage on this build is not too shabby. AS the cleric gear is Power/Toughness/Healing power. You still hit like a truck, ESPECIALLY with symbols on the ground that increases the healing done to allies, as well as damage done to foes.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

(edited by Kashien.6278)

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: SKuDDer.1860


Well this is what will happen with this build, you will survive for minute, use up all your CDS, not have enough damage to kill the enemy, and die once you are on CD because you gave up valuable stats such as vitality or toughness for healing.

My first build I tried was something along these lines with full healing gear and it was horrible in WvWvW

Not quite sure how you say “hit like a truck” considering you might have 4% crit with this build.

What happens when someone puts weakness stacks on you and poisons for -33% healing? you now take 25% more damage and 33% less healing = you die 58% faster. And considering your makeup, you will have about 12000-13000 hp?

Also, why use shouts if you use meditation traits?

Empowering Might- Allies gain might for 5 seconds on crit (Did you forget? you won’t have any crit so this is a waste)

(edited by SKuDDer.1860)

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kashien.6278


“Well this is what will happen with this build, you will survive for minute, use up all your CDS, not have enough damage to kill the enemy, and die once you are on CD because you gave up valuable stats such as vitality or toughness for healing.

My first build I tried was something along these lines with full healing gear and it was horrible in WvWvW”

Not true. Not true at all. You have to time the cooldowns and weapon swaps… like a good player should.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kashien.6278


And you hit like a truck because of all the power. and all the symbols on the ground that hit AoE and heals AoE. You should join me for a CoE someday, add me and ill show you just how good it is.

Each player has thier own playstyle. I’m just explaining mine.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: SKuDDer.1860


LOL. Did you actually read the post skudder? or just come on here to troll?

Superior rune of the water grantsa 5% chance on hit to remove a condition. NO COOLDOWN.

Signet of resolve removes a condition 1 every 10 seconds. Same thing for Purity. Conditions are not a problem.

Wrong, its 30s cooldown. Rune_of_the_Water

(edited by SKuDDer.1860)

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Draeka.5941


I’d say swap out the 5 into Zeal for 5 into Radiance. If you get dropped to 25% life with your build and have to rely on a ~300hp/tick symbol, I’d say you’re doing it wrong. Since you have 5 into Virtue, roll 5 into Radiance to give yourself an extra block, so you don’t have to rely completely on your healing to tank through. And the might boon from Justice activation will heal you for a decent amount, anyway. Not to mention that if you’re down to 25%, you should dodge to get a nice heal.

Also, I don’t know what you’re trying to do with Empowering Might. since you’re not traited to really crit, you’re better off using larger symbols to synergize better with symbol healing. And, lose Merciful Intervention and use Smite Condition; I don’t care what people say about losing 2 conditions every 10s, it’s not fast enough to clear conditions when things get bad. Having an instant removal is good, having one that does damage at the same time is better, and having one on a 16s cd is best. Merciful Intervention is “bugged” in that it is not a reliable heal, and you’re not using meditations to heal yourself.

Not going to touch the whole healing setup as effective, as that’s not my style, but hopefully this lets your build be a bit more efficient.

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kashien.6278


Thats not a bad idea draeka. And i see what your saying with the 5 from power. I use it for tanking. I will intentionally let my hp fall and bring it up back just so the symbol gets on the ground.

It grants extra damage and retaliation. I do agree with what you said about smite condition though. Definitely worth checking out when i get home tonight.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kashien.6278


Empowering Might is for the times I do crit, and i use it primarily for WvWvW when we fight zergs. Hitting with a staff makes me hit ALOT of people, and if some of those crit, well ,that just more might for my allies.

I use writ of persistence more than anything.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


SKuDDer. You just proved my point. Your only on here to say that you are the best. That you know best. And that you are just here to troll and prove others wrong. My bad for being wrong. But at least I dont troll the forums.

Don’t bash on him, he was replying to your rude post and gave you a concise correction.

Besides, the only thing we have that scales decently with healing power is Selfless Daring. Toughness is great to indirectly scale healing and provide other benefits. I think you’re missing out on a lot of damage / crit procs from not having precision. Vigorous Precision + Selfless Daring are a great way to get in some well-scaled heals if you have the precision to have a good uptime on vigor.

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kashien.6278


SKuDDer. You just proved my point. Your only on here to say that you are the best. That you know best. And that you are just here to troll and prove others wrong. My bad for being wrong. But at least I dont troll the forums.

Don’t bash on him, he was replying to your rude post and gave you a concise correction.

Besides, the only thing we have that scales decently with healing power is Selfless Daring. Toughness is great to indirectly scale healing and provide other benefits. I think you’re missing out on a lot of damage / crit procs from not having precision. Vigorous Precision + Selfless Daring are a great way to get in some well-scaled heals if you have the precision to have a good uptime on vigor.

On the bashing. He came on with the KNOW IT ALL attitude.

Secondly, Selfless Daring is a really good healing skill, thats why i have a rune of energy on my weapon. For 50% more endurance gain. I’m not built for damage either. Even though I have alot of power through my gear set up, I’m built for supporting. I do more damage handing out stacks of might, then i do when i swing my weapon. why not spend my time buffing allies that are built for damage?

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kashien.6278


On a game thats built for playstyles, you really cant judge others like he did and expect a “yes sir” response. lol.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Precision would allow you to get more might stacks on your allies as well as more heals on yourself with AH. Are you really pumping out might stacks without any crit chance?

EDIT: Not trying to be mean, maybe I’m missing something obvious.

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kashien.6278


Yeah, the might stacks are really good. They come from the Staff, its about 10 seconds of might with a 7 second downtime for cooldowns. Plus sometimes i use the charr shout.

Here is how I grant might for when we need it during dungeons.

Empower Staff
Activating Virtue of Justice
Charr Battle Roar (Also gives +20% crit) for 7 1/2 seconds.
Crits apply 1 stack of might for 5 seconds. I use auto attacks in conjunction with symbols.

The damage is there, its just hidden in the capabilities of my teamates.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: SKuDDer.1860


Empowering Might is for the times I do crit, and i use it primarily for WvWvW when we fight zergs. Hitting with a staff makes me hit ALOT of people, and if some of those crit, well ,that just more might for my allies.

I use writ of persistence more than anything.

Kashien, don’t quote me on this, but from my testing. The trait only applies to the direct target. Meaning if there is target a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h and you have target b selected, you will only get the buffs for crits on him, not for crits on any other players, otherwise you would be dishing out insane amounts of might, which with my build 45% crit, and when I use staff, I do not see this happening, so I assume it is safe to say that its the direct target only with aoe. You could see where this would get out of hand if it was all targets.

I believe this also has an internal cooldown of 1-5seconds, I think its 1s.

Also, i am critiquing your build, for pve, this build might provide a lot of support but your damage is being so dumbed down that your dps in your group would be much much less when the outputted heals aren’t that great, lets face it, no one is going to stand in your circle in most dungeons, otherwise they get hit with aoe. I am just trying to imagine you doing this in COE on any of the alpha fights.

(edited by SKuDDer.1860)

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: OneManArmy.5617


I just want to correct you in a few things:

Sigil of the Water (Weapon)- Heals for a base 800 every 10 seconds
6/6 Water Rune(Armor) – Heals for a base 1250 Every 10 seconds.
These are not affected by healing power. They do not share the same cooldown. They are only activated by direct healing abilities such as “Symbol of Faith” and “Signet of Resolve”, “Merciful Intervention”, “Healing Breeze” and “Faithful Strike”.

The only abilities considered a healing ability, are the ones under the “healing skills” tab, which means for the guardian are “Signet of Resolve”,“Healing Breeze” and “Shelter”.Therefore only these abilities can proc. a set bonus that activates upon a healing ability use.

I have tested this with both 6/6 Runes of Water and 6/6 Runes of Dwayna and in all occasions the procs only happened when one of the above healing skills were used.
Internet search will also give the same answer.

“Regeneration gains the most from healing power.”
Incorrect, evasive rolls scales 1:1 with healing power,so most of your healing will come from this, so your best bet it so make sure you have endurance regeneration through sigil swaps and vigor. Your second best healing will come from the staff empowered.

To best use Altruistic Healing, i would suggest running a full shouts build.
For runes i would put 2xSuperior of Water, 2xSuperior of Dwayna and 2x Major rune of Sanctuary and for sigils i would put “Sigil of Superior Energy” on both weapons,to gain +50% endurance back everytime you swap weapons,allowing you to heal your team constantly.

The runes will give you +15% +15% +10% = +40% total of extra uptime on all your boons which is the most amazing thing a guardian could ever get imo.

Surrender is not an option!

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: SKuDDer.1860



To add on to what you said you have to keep in mind there is no real “healing” class in the game, so you never will be a true healer like other mmos. In this game its about you, so you are better off going more damage with ultralistic healing. This game focuses on self awareness and dodging. I tried to do this similar build and it was sub par, now my current build helps my allies and I do pretty insane dps (for a guardian).

Tonight I will be making some videos that add on to my other thread, you can watch me do coe path1 here(15mins): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3-4dM7-FRA&list=UUqhuzx2hFCNDyBuJgrnfcng&index=2&feature=plcp

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kashien.6278


I agree with all of this I had no idea it was a 1:1 ratio on dodge rolling. I knew it was a major factor in my healing, but had no idea it was a 1:1

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Sabyne.6329


For runes i would put 2xSuperior of Water, 2xSuperior of Dwayna and 2x Major rune of Sanctuary and for sigils i would put “Sigil of Superior Energy” on both weapons,to gain +50% endurance back everytime you swap weapons,allowing you to heal your team constantly.

The runes will give you +15% +15% +10% = +40% total of extra uptime on all your boons which is the most amazing thing a guardian could ever get imo.

I may be wrong but aren’t you speaking about Superior runes of the monk instead of Dwayna? Last I checked Dwayna gave +15% duration on regen only, not on all boons. Anyway, I’m still hesitating between this setup or soldier runes or dolyak runes. Difficult to chose really, having extra hp/toughness (and in fact precision too) wouldn’t hurt but as you said 40% boon duration is just amazing too.

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

Many people who love DPS will NEVER be convinced that it’s anything near worthwhile to invest in healing power. Yet the healing power emphasis on the game is available for a reason: to fit certain playstyles and builds. In fact, it’s possible to be both offenssive and healing with emphasis on HP; you just won’t be putting up huge numbers, but it’s still valid.

I almost always use Battle Presence. How is that skill “all about me?” It’s about others. I regenerate others for free, but it satisfies my needs of knowing I am being useful to mmy allies. I am also currently using Altruistic Healing, though I can and have lived without it, as well as Improved Aria, Empowering Might, Retributive Armor, and Purity. Sometimes I select Honorable Shield instead of Purity if I am going to use the Healing Signet and/or going to use my sword/shield and staff combination (or if I consider conditions to be minimal). All of this makes me more of a team player, rather than an offensive machine, but with the right weapons/build setup, I can still dish out decent damage.

I believe all Cleric’s stuff can and will work, though Vitality will be on the low side, which doesn’t matter that much unless you are suffering zillions of condition stacks on you. The reason I went about solving this low hit points/low critical chance problem is using all Cleric’s Exotic Accessories and all my armor Exotic "Magi"s" (Healing Power/Precision/Vitality.) That means less defense, less offense, more HP, better chances of criticals (and therefore, self heals through Altruistic Healing/Empowering Might Combination.) Although Cleric’s armor is perfectly valid, since finding out how that “Magi” combination works for me, I honestly don’t want to do full Cleric’s at least for the moment, since I still get max healing power plus a more balanced Guardian.

0/five/30/30/five (some of my keyboard’s keys are faulty, therefore the fives.)

I have used many other things, but that’s the one that I’ve been using the most lately. For relatively big, AoE offense, a berserker’s hammer with Sigil of Perception. For my super defensive set, Sword and Shield (both of the Cleric’s; yeah, works for me) with Sigil of Life and Sigil of Accuracy. Offense it’s pretty low on the latter, but it’s really hard to die, and you’ll still be buffing your teammates/making them even stronger through Might, while healing yourself almost constantly (sword will crit more often than most maces, due to it’s speedy attack). I always pair either of these choices with a staff, because Altruistic Healing goes so well with it and I love to have a ranged option. This is currently working for me at the moment, paired with the aforementioned armor stats set.

Six Superior Runes of Dwayna

My human Guardian is using Prayer of Dwayna a lot; otherwise, I am a fan of the signet and less so of Shelter.

Utility skills would be 3 shouts: Stand your Ground, Hold the Line, and Save Yourselves.

Elite MUST be Renewed Focus, as it’s really a life saver, allowing me to come back from dire straits most of the time (the tomes are nice in theory, but don’t allow me to be in the midst of the action, so to speak; also, Renewed Focus has great synergy with Inspired Virtues and Altruistic Healing.)

This works for me, though surely won’t suit everybody. However, I don’t play so that I don’t “suck” in the eyes of others, but to have fun and be effective by meeting the criteria of my own playstyle.

With this sort of build, Healing Power comes to its own, and no way will I be “dying a lot” as someone suggested, for emphasizing healing power over true DPS. I play my Guardian as a Cleric, rather than a Paladin anyway, so most DPS buils are not for me, unless I feel I am considerably helping my party in some way. Survivability is pretty high, even when mobbed at Cursed Shore and some Dungeons.

I do mean no offense, as I respect offenssive builds, but I do not like when people think that offense is “the way” in this game because Healing Power “sucks” and/or that we are supposed to play more selfishly; especially since Guardian lends itself the most towards unselfish play. Many of my Guildies run offenssive Guardians, and I have never said anything to belittle their choice.

With Cleric’s Sword and Shield, and the Sigil of Life fully stacked, healing goes above sixteen hundred, which is a nice increase in healing per second (more then five hundred per second for everybody when party regeneration and Battle Presence are stacked.) So yeah, no healing class in this game, but the above really heals for a lot for a non true healer. (There seems to be a double standard too, as many people have no issues with tanking/DPS, and yes with healing, but there’s no real trinity in this game.) I do not pretend to be a healer per se, because I wish I could heal for more, but this is as close to a healing role I get in the game, and it makes for a satisfying gameplaying experience for me and my party members.

(edited by Star Ace.5207)

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Ty for the information on how much things heal for.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: blackout.6920


Have you tried your build , Kashien?

I don’t think your regeneration formula is correct.

Becoz I just did the experiment in lv 80 map and here’s a result.

Yes I did a test in lv 80 map.
And I just did it again , here’s the result.

Healing power : Regenertion
300 102
400 108
490 113
533 116
625 122
717 127
832 134
913 139
994 144
1028 146
1073 148
1309 163

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kashien.6278


Yes, I have tried this build. And use it 100% of the time.

Could it be better? Of course.

But for now, IT works for me. My build enabled us to do SE Path 1 without using any exploits.

BTW. My In-game name is Maulkior, and I am on the server Sactum of Raal. If you ever want to do dungeons “Cross-Server” let me know and invite me. I’ll gladly join you if you’d like to see it in action and how much healing it does.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: SKuDDer.1860


blackout, I suggest trying this build out for dungeons, you are tanky, heal often, do great damage, and provide plenty of boons to the group.


copy paste the link