Full Cleric Draconic Armor and Naga Sword!!
A set of beserker’s gear because your group doesn’t need a tank.
inb4 omg elitist.
A set of beserker’s gear because your group doesn’t need a tank.
inb4 omg elitist.
^ This. There is no such thing as a tank.
h8 me.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
You can maintain pretty decent damage numbers while still being sturdy by using Soldier rings and amulet, plus Berserker accessories. Soldier Backpiece too. Slot Exquisite Rubies in all of them. If you can get Ascended weapons, run Berserker Ascended – otherwise run Soldier or more Cleric. Slot damage-focused Sigils and Runes. Using Ruby Orbs in your armor wouldn’t be a horrible idea but there are other ways to get DPS and further your support goals with your runes. Might duration runes tend to have Power as their bonus stat, for example.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
You can maintain pretty decent damage numbers while still being sturdy by using Soldier rings and amulet, plus Berserker accessories. Soldier Backpiece too. Slot Exquisite Rubies in all of them. If you can get Ascended weapons, run Berserker Ascended – otherwise run Soldier or more Cleric. Slot damage-focused Sigils and Runes. Using Ruby Orbs in your armor wouldn’t be a horrible idea but there are other ways to get DPS and further your support goals with your runes. Might duration runes tend to have Power as their bonus stat, for example.
So I saw the same stuff you mentioned on https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/guardian/Cleric-armor-worth-it …….
I think Im going to keep the clerics and take some ruby ruby accesories like you said any maybe go zerkers ring and soldier amulet…… keep myself beefy for dungeons but still be able to deal some damage……. hmmm I hope I can get my hands on those ruby orbs……… what do you guys think??
You can maintain pretty decent damage numbers while still being sturdy by using Soldier rings and amulet, plus Berserker accessories. Soldier Backpiece too. Slot Exquisite Rubies in all of them. If you can get Ascended weapons, run Berserker Ascended – otherwise run Soldier or more Cleric. Slot damage-focused Sigils and Runes. Using Ruby Orbs in your armor wouldn’t be a horrible idea but there are other ways to get DPS and further your support goals with your runes. Might duration runes tend to have Power as their bonus stat, for example.
So I saw the same stuff you mentioned on https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/guardian/Cleric-armor-worth-it …….
I think Im going to keep the clerics and take some ruby ruby accesories like you said any maybe go zerkers ring and soldier amulet…… keep myself beefy for dungeons but still be able to deal some damage……. hmmm I hope I can get my hands on those ruby orbs……… what do you guys think??
I think you’re missing the point. You don’t need to be “beefy”. It’s ok if you’re not gonna just right into zerk gear. The zerker trinkets are a good start. Maybe look into some Knight’s armor while you build comfort with the class. No need to throw on cleric gear though. The Healing Power will be wayyyy overkill for anything you’re trying to do.
When you say “deal some damage”, you must understand just how little it will be. The reverse would be the best option if you simply feel you MUST go with Healing Power. Take primary DPS gear and maybe some cleric stuff to keep yourself content.
Try without though. You will be surprised once the illusion shatters. You don’t need 3.5k Toughness and 1.8k HP or something crazy like that to handle anything in PvE so far.
maybe instead of going zerker you might want to go Valk and use a x/30/x/20/x trait build, your sword will put some serious dps and you will constantly stack might on your party while still being tanky, for trinkets you might like the Power/toughness/crit dmg combo or celestial, weapons i’d go with celestial/zerker combo for sword/focus and celestial for a hammer or GS
the rune selection is up to you, I like to use the boon duration runes 2x monk/water/traveler , but going for flat stat boosts works well too, it’s all up to your playstyle
okay so I got zerkers and the trinkets and etc I think I should be good
I’m sorry that you have already wasted your money on clerics but do yourself a favor and just get rid of all of it. Put it in your bank and save it for WvW. It’s awful for dungeons. You can earn that money back quickly once you get your zerk going and run a couple tours. I can make around 30-50g a night, sometimes more if I get decent drop luck. I would recommend Knight’s gear if you are really uncomfortable but cleric’s is just going to slow you and your team down.
Here is the guide: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/guardian/DPS-Guardian-Guide-for-PVE-1/first#post3223755
I hope that this is helpful to you. I really am tired of the misinformation spread around because it can result in this- A player who doesn’t know any better busting out all his money on something that will only hold him back.
okay so I got zerkers and the trinkets and etc I think I should be good
I wish you all the best :P
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
(edited by swiftpaw.6397)
I’m sorry that you have already wasted your money on clerics but do yourself a favor and just get rid of all of it. Put it in your bank and save it for WvW. It’s awful for dungeons. You can earn that money back quickly once you get your zerk going and run a couple tours. I can make around 30-50g a night, sometimes more if I get decent drop luck. I would recommend Knight’s gear if you are really uncomfortable but cleric’s is just going to slow you and your team down.
Here is the guide: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/guardian/DPS-Guardian-Guide-for-PVE-1/first#post3223755
I hope that this is helpful to you. I really am tired of the misinformation spread around because it can result in this- A player who doesn’t know any better busting out all his money on something that will only hold him back.
okay so I got zerkers and the trinkets and etc I think I should be good
I wish you all the best :P
Yup I sold all the clerics and I am thankful for all your help I purchased the zerkers armor cause I might as well learn how to work with that. My amulets and accessories are either zerkers or soldiers so I think Im good.
Yup I sold all the clerics and I am thankful for all your help I purchased the zerkers armor cause I might as well learn how to work with that. My amulets and accessories are either zerkers or soldiers so I think Im good.
No problem. It’s nice to see someone who even had something invested in an idea completely drop it at the realization it’s not a good idea. All too often we see people not only on the forums, but in game, cling to the first thing they were told and refuse to let it go even when it is detrimental to themselves and their team.
If you need any help with things, dungeons and etc please don’t hesitate to let me know ingame or here. An adaptable player will go very far.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
nice, OP. : )) i personally woulda saved the cleric’s for WvW. it provides very different gameplay for the Guardian class. though, if you only plan on doing dungeons, and tight for cash, then berzerkers is a good choice.
i used to run dungeons starting off in knight’s gear. tanky trinkets. then i added zerker trinkets. then now i run full zerker and it does make a HUGE difference. : )) especially if your entire group is full zerker already.
for the Guardian at least, being full zerker =/= full glass, imo. you can still equip yourself with great traits / utilities skills / weapon skills that can 100% negate damage. which is the best kind of support you need. reflects for negating ranged damage, PLUS throwing it all back in the mob’s face. party wide aegis to block h ard hitting one shots from bosses. stability if there is major CC. cleanses for the party if conditions are an issue… so you just have to learn when to use them best, how to use ’em, and learn to play with your dungeon mates.
good luck!!
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Yup I sold all the clerics and I am thankful for all your help I purchased the zerkers armor cause I might as well learn how to work with that. My amulets and accessories are either zerkers or soldiers so I think Im good.
Woo, this warms my heart. I was reading this thread and started to cringe. You made a good decision. This game circulates around doing damage, while mitigating through active means, such as dodges and blocks. The quicker you learn to use dodge/block instead of gear to avoid dying, the quicker you will become a very good player.
Best of luck!
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
Ok so I decided that Ill open up three weapon choices for myself….. I opened with a naga fang sword which does not have the best stats I believe it is knights or clerics. I have a berserkers sword and shield….. is the sword and shield fine……. I think I could go with focus but just for now to keep the shield going. Lastly I have a knights pearl crusher. So just wondering if this a good mix….. ( I am going to shove ruby orbs on all of these items).
Definately invest in a focus. The shield doesnt really have much use in pve. There are a few instances where it can come in handy, but its not needed anywhere. Sword focus is really good for dps and focus is so good for survivability. Good luck with beserker, its definately the right choice to dive into the deep end and learn the hard way. I wish I was told to do that.
Also dont put ruby orbs in weapons. You want to use sigils. I believe the guide swiftpaw linked has some info about what sigils to take.
This is a rare occurrence here in gw2land.
[url=https://] [/url]
This is a rare occurrence here in gw2land.
Hes referring to you actually listening to good advice. Many people turn a blind eye and refuse to accept that clerics or w/e is not as helpful to a team as dps. So basically you have restored the faith we have in humanity.
Hes referring to you actually listening to good advice. Many people turn a blind eye and refuse to accept that clerics or w/e is not as helpful to a team as dps. So basically you have restored the faith we have in humanity.
lol well I mean I am a noob might as well listen to some experienced players.
If you still wanna tank a bit you can get all zerker with scholar runes but use hammer and signet with 10% damage reduction(forgot name). It’s 43% damage reduction which is probably more than enough and 33% reduction for your whole party.
Hes referring to you actually listening to good advice. Many people turn a blind eye and refuse to accept that clerics or w/e is not as helpful to a team as dps. So basically you have restored the faith we have in humanity.
not quite, the best compo for any dungeon is 4 dps and a support-ish, why? well most bosses are killed via stack and smash, but if all 5 players are squishy and have no protection/healing it has high chances of failing, just think about CoF path 1 1st boss, CoE Subject alpha, SE path 3 last boss… you can argue that all those bosses can be survived by dodging, but lets be realists here, not much people, specially those that play glass canon, know the trick to survive dodging and you know, GW2’s philosophy is to avoid specialization, never play a full tank, healer or dps
Oh really? Then why is it that every single decent player mixes support with dps? Take warriors for example, the meta build is just stacking damage modifiers, but if I’m the sole warrior in a group then I go FGJ and two banners. Tons of support, yet running a dps build. Only bads think you need a ‘support’ player, when the reality is, you can provide tons of support in a full dps build.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
that might be the case for warriors, but for guardians going full dps means selfish playstyle
I often use bane signet while bringing more to my group than someone rocking cleric’s gear, i dare you to call me selfish.
What you should expect from any guardian is: aegis (retreat is a must); WoR, SotA and purging flames (that you may or may not use from fight to fight); Stand your ground and hallowed ground (which you won’t be using on every fight as well) and sometimes hold the line, but i prefer to put bane if i have an extra open utility slot.
Take frost at CMp1 as an example, there’s no reason to bring stability or reflects on him (he barely uses his only reflectable skill – i’m sure it has to do with range, just like alpha’s tooths – and it is pretty easy to dodge anyways), therefore i can run something like Retreat+bane+purging while fighting him, i could even drop retreat, but that’s mostly to keep my unschated up on that fight. At CoE big bad golem you can use something like SoTA, retreat and WoR, or if you have a good mesmer/another guardian with you, WoR, retreat and bane, or WoR, retreat and SYG.
I could give more examples but the point is, everything here will be equally effective at protecting your group regardless of gear choice, and while boon duration sounds like a big deal, it ins’t. In fact, zerk gear makes your reflect damage skyrocket. It may not sound like a big deal, but if you’re unfamiliar with zerk damage, try killing the golem trio at SEp1 using only your reflects with defensive gear (soldier, clerics, shamans ew, etc) and then do it again with zerk, assassins or even valks/cavalier (make sure you’ve got perception or fury/spotter if you’re using valks/cav though, critical chance is kind of a big deal on reflects), you’ll notice a huge boost.
(edited by Oxxy.7068)
that might be the case for warriors, but for guardians going full dps means selfish playstyle
Blind spam, blocks, condi removal, vurn spam, reflects, stability,…
Yea, DPS guardian is so selfish
If the guardian knows the dungeon well, he will switch utilities alot to provide max support and still pump out alot of DPS
support =/= healing
Maybe you should take a look at the Guardian Class again
Hes referring to you actually listening to good advice. Many people turn a blind eye and refuse to accept that clerics or w/e is not as helpful to a team as dps. So basically you have restored the faith we have in humanity.
I used to run all clerics gear when I first hit 80 too. Later after solid testing, well… I don’t use cleric gear anymore XD but I don’t use zerker either. I do have a full zerker set bu I prefer using a boon duration type build since it is more fun for me and I can buff people enough that it makes up for lost DPS. I have a permanent uptime of 12 stacks of might, vigor, swiftness and can spam more might, regen and protection lots too.
Hes referring to you actually listening to good advice. Many people turn a blind eye and refuse to accept that clerics or w/e is not as helpful to a team as dps. So basically you have restored the faith we have in humanity.
I used to run all clerics gear when I first hit 80 too. Later after solid testing, well… I don’t use cleric gear anymore XD but I don’t use zerker either. I do have a full zerker set bu I prefer using a boon duration type build since it is more fun for me and I can buff people enough that it makes up for lost DPS. I have a permanent uptime of 12 stacks of might, vigor, swiftness and can spam more might, regen and protection lots too.
Hes referring to you actually listening to good advice. Many people turn a blind eye and refuse to accept that clerics or w/e is not as helpful to a team as dps. So basically you have restored the faith we have in humanity.
I used to run all clerics gear when I first hit 80 too. Later after solid testing, well… I don’t use cleric gear anymore XD but I don’t use zerker either. I do have a full zerker set bu I prefer using a boon duration type build since it is more fun for me and I can buff people enough that it makes up for lost DPS. I have a permanent uptime of 12 stacks of might, vigor, swiftness and can spam more might, regen and protection lots too.
Lol your forum was the one that got me to buy all clerics glad to see that I made the right choice with selling the clerics……. personally I think this high dps guardian will work just fine the abilities…. the abilities are just support enough that it makes up for their lack of tanking….. but since playing dungeons I noticed it does really matter how tanky you are since you get to higher tier monster and he still puts you down in a few seconds….. I would rather hit hard and provide the stabilility and buffs to the team………. but like I said I am a noob this is just what I experienced so far!!!
I think the majority of posters have done a good job pointing out one of the glaring problems of this game w/o delving much into mechanics.
Alas, lets make a complete set of gear, introduce it into the game and have it be pretty much worthless for a popular segment.
Too much emphasis on dodge rolling and not enough on healing. The dismal scaling of +HP speaks for it self.
Bad game remains bad and this game will never be an e-sport.
Too much emphasis on dodge rolling and not enough on healing. The dismal scaling of +HP speaks for it self.
Bad game remains bad and this game will never be an e-sport.
Dodge rolling is a nice skill check, while healing is more of a gear/build/teamcomp check, i like dodging better. PvE has nothing to do with eSports, why would you bring that up in this discussion?
Edit -
K, boon duration runes.
There are a couple boons that really get benefits from boon duration while in combat – Might, Protection, Fury and Vigor. – There are also boons that looks better with it, but that’s not actually how it goes – Regeneration, Stability, Swiftness and Aegis – And there’s retaliation, this thing is awful at pve. Here’s a brief explanation (maybe not so brief) of how much boon duration runes affect these boons and how to work around it just by doing smart choices on runes/traits.
- Might – If you play with good players, or guildies/friends that are willing to listen to advice, this one is pretty much covered, all you need to do is drop the fire field, grab a banner and blast it, maybe blast it with your focus/hammer as well, everyone else will stack a bit and everything will melt. – If you pug then that’s a different story, fire fields are useful, sure, but you’ll be, more than likely, the only one blasting it. While using staff prior fights is a pretty good gimmick, the fact that you can’t change weapons midfight without losing almost all your dps while you wait nine seconds to swap it again is pretty bad, the best way to help your group with might stacks at any long fight while pugging is to use empowering might (5~6 static stacks), and boon duration doesn’t help here for two reasons, internal CD and short duration (each stack lasts for five seconds without boon duration, with 50% boon duration (assuming two superior water and monk runes, plus two major water and 10 points into virtues) it goes to a wooping 7.5sec, which means you got one extra might stack at the expense of 120Pwr, 84Prec, 12% critical damage (with ruby orbs) or 165Pwr, 8% critical damage and a 10% modifier (from scholars).
- Protection – The best option here is to use hammer and lasting symbols, it will give almost 100% protection uptime while bringing good DPS. If you run hammer with boon duration runes instead of Writ of persistence you’re pretty much gimping yourself since the symbol applies only one second of protection per pulse and you’d be losing both damage and protection uptime, and if you do use writ, and still want to stick with boon duration, be aware that it is pretty much not improving your protection uptime.
- Fury – You do not provide group-wide fury, and Save yourselves is pretty meh.
- Vigor – Guardians only have one reliable source of vigor, and that’s honor 5. You’ll have vigor at all times even without any boon duration, as long you’re hitting something crit-able. So, again boon duration wouldn’t change a thing here.
- Regeneration – Regen is pretty weak on PvE, its a nice bonus to have, and pretty useful to keep scholar runes up, but spamming regen is not a very effective way of supporting. Boon duration may enhance regen by a bit, but the boon itself isn’t very good.
(edited by Oxxy.7068)
- Stability – You should react to stuff in order to pop stability (aside from hallowed ground, since you may get interrupted, so you should pre-cast it, so read this example as SYG, not HG), let’s take ACP1 as an example, the big bad howling king will knock your group back 3 times, scream, and while the bolders are falling, it’ll knock everyone back again. Got that? Ok good. SYG will give you around seven seconds of stability with 50% boon duration (again, from runes and 10 points into honor), if you use it on the first knock backs, it will run out while it screams anyways, so the best thing to do here is bring SYG and hallowed ground together, Lupi’s bubble is pretty much the same, you don’t need seven seconds of stability to get out of it, CoE big bad golem spin is the same as well, and this probably applies to every other boss encounter in this game.
- Aegis – You’ll use it to block single telegraphed attacks, so boon duration here wouldn’t help since if you miss it, your team mates (or you) will eat the hit anyways, or the aegis is going to be wasted on an smaller and weaker hit.
- Swiftness and Retaliation – These are only useful to proc stuff like bountiful power from eles or power of the virtuous from guardians.
So, in order to get 40% boon duration you’re giving up on a kitten ton of stats (check the might explanation) for almost zero improvement (empower itself, which is imo the skill that gets the most from boon duration goes from 11 to 15 seconds).
If you pug a lot, i think 10/25/0/25/10 is a very flexible and forgiving build, since you’ll have access to good sustain, some damage multiplies and consecrations mastery. You can also swap empowering might and writ of persistence around according to what your group needs, granted it is not a top notch build but i’m pretty sure it is better than running around with boon duration runes. Also, check obal’s thread for better builds if you want.
God, i ended typing a kitten book, screw this i’m going to watch some tv. Also, there is no such thing as grammar/spelling check, please ignore any errors, i don’t feel like proof reading all this stuff
I often use bane signet while bringing more to my group than someone rocking cleric’s gear, i dare you to call me selfish.
What you should expect from any guardian is: aegis (retreat is a must); WoR, SotA and purging flames (that you may or may not use from fight to fight); Stand your ground and hallowed ground (which you won’t be using on every fight as well) and sometimes hold the line, but i prefer to put bane if i have an extra open utility slot.Take frost at CMp1 as an example, there’s no reason to bring stability or reflects on him (he barely uses his only reflectable skill – i’m sure it has to do with range, just like alpha’s tooths – and it is pretty easy to dodge anyways), therefore i can run something like Retreat+bane+purging while fighting him, i could even drop retreat, but that’s mostly to keep my unschated up on that fight. At CoE big bad golem you can use something like SoTA, retreat and WoR, or if you have a good mesmer/another guardian with you, WoR, retreat and bane, or WoR, retreat and SYG.
I could give more examples but the point is, everything here will be equally effective at protecting your group regardless of gear choice, and while boon duration sounds like a big deal, it ins’t. In fact, zerk gear makes your reflect damage skyrocket. It may not sound like a big deal, but if you’re unfamiliar with zerk damage, try killing the golem trio at SEp1 using only your reflects with defensive gear (soldier, clerics, shamans ew, etc) and then do it again with zerk, assassins or even valks/cavalier (make sure you’ve got perception or fury/spotter if you’re using valks/cav though, critical chance is kind of a big deal on reflects), you’ll notice a huge boost.
I agree on using clerics for PvE is bad, but going full glass canon on a defensive/suportive class is bad too, you can get solid dps while being way more supportive than a zerker with dps traits…
the thing is, focusing on a single role won’t do you any good on this game, the trick of this game is to be able to mix your gear and traits to get a balanced build, I think you guys are mistaking “optimal dps” for “optimal build”
just for the sake of puting some numbers on the table, my #1 Sword chain does about 1k+1k+2.5k = 4.5k average, more with 25 bloodlust and 25 might, what about you?
btw, my gear currently is a mix of Knight and Celestial with boon duration runes (+45%)
(edited by korelg.7862)
just for the sake of puting some numbers on the table, my #1 Sword chain does about 1k+1k+2.5k = 4.5k average, more with 25 bloodlust and 25 might, what about you?
…run. Run for your life… they’re going to eat you alive.
Too much emphasis on dodge rolling and not enough on healing. The dismal scaling of +HP speaks for it self.
Bad game remains bad and this game will never be an e-sport.
Dodge rolling is a nice skill check, while healing is more of a gear/build/teamcomp check, i like dodging better. PvE has nothing to do with eSports, why would you bring that up in this discussion?
Edit -K, boon duration runes.
There are a couple boons that really get benefits from boon duration while in combat – Might, Protection, Fury and Vigor. – There are also boons that looks better with it, but that’s not actually how it goes – Regeneration, Stability, Swiftness and Aegis – And there’s retaliation, this thing is awful at pve. Here’s a brief explanation (maybe not so brief) of how much boon duration runes affect these boons and how to work around it just by doing smart choices on runes/traits.
- Might – If you play with good players, or guildies/friends that are willing to listen to advice, this one is pretty much covered, all you need to do is drop the fire field, grab a banner and blast it, maybe blast it with your focus/hammer as well, everyone else will stack a bit and everything will melt. – If you pug then that’s a different story, fire fields are useful, sure, but you’ll be, more than likely, the only one blasting it. While using staff prior fights is a pretty good gimmick, the fact that you can’t change weapons midfight without losing almost all your dps while you wait nine seconds to swap it again is pretty bad, the best way to help your group with might stacks at any long fight while pugging is to use empowering might (5~6 static stacks), and boon duration doesn’t help here for two reasons, internal CD and short duration (each stack lasts for five seconds without boon duration, with 50% boon duration (assuming two superior water and monk runes, plus two major water and 10 points into virtues) it goes to a wooping 7.5sec, which means you got one extra might stack at the expense of 120Pwr, 84Prec, 12% critical damage (with ruby orbs) or 165Pwr, 8% critical damage and a 10% modifier (from scholars).
- Protection – The best option here is to use hammer and lasting symbols, it will give almost 100% protection uptime while bringing good DPS. If you run hammer with boon duration runes instead of Writ of persistence you’re pretty much gimping yourself since the symbol applies only one second of protection per pulse and you’d be losing both damage and protection uptime, and if you do use writ, and still want to stick with boon duration, be aware that it is pretty much not improving your protection uptime.
- Fury – You do not provide group-wide fury, and Save yourselves is pretty meh.
- Vigor – Guardians only have one reliable source of vigor, and that’s honor 5. You’ll have vigor at all times even without any boon duration, as long you’re hitting something crit-able. So, again boon duration wouldn’t change a thing here.
- Regeneration – Regen is pretty weak on PvE, its a nice bonus to have, and pretty useful to keep scholar runes up, but spamming regen is not a very effective way of supporting. Boon duration may enhance regen by a bit, but the boon itself isn’t very good.
well as I mainly run dungeons via LFG i’d say your analisys on might isn’t quite right
6~7 stacks of might mean 6 * 30(?) = 180 power/cond dmg ~ 7 * 30(?) = 210 power/cond dmg for EACH member of your party, so you get 180 * 5 = 900 ~ 210 * 5 = 1050… an average of 1k extra power/cond damage
to that add all the synergy you can get with sigils/food i usually run with a might on crit sigil and roasted artichoke (cause is so kitten cheap xD) so I get 2 stacks of might per crit average
just for the sake of puting some numbers on the table, my #1 Sword chain does about 1k+1k+2.5k = 4.5k average, more with 25 bloodlust and 25 might, what about you?
…run. Run for your life… they’re going to eat you alive.
I know they do more damage, my thief runs glass canon so I do know how hard you can hit wit 100%+ crit damage and over 2k power, but i’d like to know how does the guardian do
I’ve always did perfectly fine staying alive with my zerker guard.
[url=https://] [/url]
Hes referring to you actually listening to good advice. Many people turn a blind eye and refuse to accept that clerics or w/e is not as helpful to a team as dps. So basically you have restored the faith we have in humanity.
not quite, the best compo for any dungeon is 4 dps and a support-ish, why? well most bosses are killed via stack and smash, but if all 5 players are squishy and have no protection/healing it has high chances of failing, just think about CoF path 1 1st boss, CoE Subject alpha, SE path 3 last boss… you can argue that all those bosses can be survived by dodging, but lets be realists here, not much people, specially those that play glass canon, know the trick to survive dodging and you know, GW2’s philosophy is to avoid specialization, never play a full tank, healer or dps
You’ve never actually seen full zerk runs have you. It is not gw2’s philosophy to avoid specialization, the philosophy is supposed to be play how you want. In this context with the trinity gone, it is not only possible, but most effective to run with a full zerk team.
You couldn’t have given a worse example to argue your point. Everyone that has done CoE a handful of times know how to dodge the Alpha aoe. A high dps team will kill his final version in ~15 seconds and the earlier versions will be killed sometimes before he even does an aoe. I’ve been in lower dps groups where the fight goes slower and people start running out of vigor to dodge his aoe. This fight is a prime example of the supremacy of a full dps team.
Check out the dps guardian sticky and the fractal 48 guide by obal. You won’t get those kind of runs with support guardian.
just for the sake of puting some numbers on the table, my #1 Sword chain does about 1k+1k+2.5k = 4.5k average, more with 25 bloodlust and 25 might, what about you?
…run. Run for your life… they’re going to eat you alive.
I know they do more damage, my thief runs glass canon so I do know how hard you can hit wit 100%+ crit damage and over 2k power, but i’d like to know how does the guardian do
Without anything i’ve got no idea how much damage my sword autos deal to be honest with you, but 4.5k on the two first hits is probably the lowest value i can think of. Not that this number means anything. |:
Also, on might sigil/and food – I was talking about group-wide boons, not yourself, in order to get more synergy with food and sigil you’d still have to give up on too many stats to get around 210Power (from six extra stacks) on average. Ah, for what it’s worth, i used to run boon duration runes, with might on critical sigils, i’m glad i moved away from both of’em.
(edited by Oxxy.7068)