(edited by stunningstyles.7054)
Full berserker was only a pve thing? nahhh!
Omg I love your videos! #1
I make PvP & WvW videos
love your videos, too, stunning! that was too. much. fun. to watch.
can’t imagine being on the receiving end of your sneak bursts a la the few beginning encounters. lol they musta been like, “damm [insert GC class]! wait.. what??”
now i’m tempted.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
it is SOOOO fun I would encourage anyone to atleast try it when u feel like trolling people lol
Ya, zerker works great for small group and roaming. Bigger fight you just have to be a bit more careful, but still viable.
Heavens Rage
Been running a DPS build for some time now, I have gotten many comments on it in WvW, and would not run anything else, I only get 15k heath, but its a blast to have thieves attack and I burst them down and you can just tell they are going oh kitten oh kitten oh kitten. Or stealth in with a thief into about 12+ and have over half of them down in 2 seconds.
that’s awesome bro hah
haha watched again. love the bit when you decide to go into a group. lol.
only one guy gets away with barely any HP left, and everyone else is just downed. :OO
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
…i dont know about you, im zerker guard since the day i decided to make a guard for pvp cuz i’m tired of my warrior bs… and i love it and still roll it in tpvp and not some wvw with food and cute animals…
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Just think of the possibilities if u had multiple guardians running this in zergs 0.o
i play a zerker Guard meself in PvP. doesn’t make it any less impressive in WvW though. sure some people may not be as geared, but in the end, everyone has the same resources you do (and yes, some builds may take more time and resources to build…)
and if i am not mistaken.. stunning is a serious tPvP-er as well.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Yea I play on team SOAC in tpvp and we play a lot together but I also like to do wvw in my spare time
looking forward to the upcoming tournies! ; ))
by the way, stunning, mind elaborating on why you went 25 for virtues? as opposed to say more common DPS builds. of course, there’s extra dmg per boon, boon duration and taking SYS, which i assume helps a lot with your opening, and you don’t expect fights to last long with this build.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
i think virtues has to much synergy to give up in any build. Atleast 20 in virtues for 3 condi removal on virtue of courage because that ability is so strong. Also i wanted max dmg possible for the burst. I’m planning on making a similar berserker build showing off how OP the scepter is contrary to popular option
Scepter has one of the (I think the, actually) hardest hitting single-target auto attacks in the game. It just needs to be sped up a bit.
Nice video. Quick question though; how often were you able to engage in a fight where 2 or more level 80 foes had the jump on you or saw you coming and win? I’ve been wanting to play a full zerker set for funsies, but hadn’t found anyone that was playing it to any great effect past 1v1s. I’d basically like to know if I’d be wasting my money trying to fight multiple people at once consistently in full zerker.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
Nice vid and certainly did look fun. I think you put a little to much emphasis on high ranks/commanders thou considering those people are rarely running 1v1 builds and spend most of their time in large group fights.
Try the hammer w/ it Stunning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1TKrCvJ9Lo
Nicely done.
I’m not sure why people would think it’s a PvE build, only? I play an offensive Guardian myself in WvW, and it’s extremely powerful, to the point of almost being overpowered. I’m surprised to see you don’t use torch as off hand, though, as it deals a ton of damage. Also, using “Save Yourselves!” before you attack, just to get one stack of might and fury, is a bit of a waste. It works a lot better as a “last resort” skill. I would also suggest you use Tome of Wrath, as it will give you some much needed AoE damage, for when you’re defending walls or attack a zerg. Tome of Wrath can also be very good to take down a single player, if you’ve used both your teleportation skills, and can’t catch up.
I feel like I should say that rank really doesn’t have a lot of value in WvW, as you get rank for a lot of other things then defeating players. So it’s not a good indicator as to how skilled a player is.
In case you don’t know, you can actually teleport 1,800 range, by using Flashing Blade and Judge’s Intervention right after each other.
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
(edited by Kasama.8941)
Christos de Soufre.3802…yea it is very hard to 1v2 1v3 when they saw me first…i wouldnt recommend it unless u know u are really skilled at using dodges and aegis but it is awesome troll
Thanks for the response.
As someone who plays both your healway and the full zerker build i tend to find that the latter only works when:
1) 1v1 scenariors vs non bunker classes
2) 2v1 when you have the drop on them and neither are bunker classes
3) People who generally do not expect you to be glass cannon
Once you start fighting people for the second or third time they tend to remember you or your build so they are generally prepared and know what to look out for. If someone is prepared to avoid the focus 5 burst they can generally give you a run for your money, assuming they know what they are doing as well.
As someone who plays both your healway and the full zerker build i tend to find that the latter only works when:
1) 1v1 scenariors vs non bunker classes
2) 2v1 when you have the drop on them and neither are bunker classes
3) People who generally do not expect you to be glass cannonOnce you start fighting people for the second or third time they tend to remember you or your build so they are generally prepared and know what to look out for. If someone is prepared to avoid the focus 5 burst they can generally give you a run for your money, assuming they know what they are doing as well.
i can 1v1 bunkers except one case bunker guardian with retaliation, and group fight is amazing, sure some time people just don’t attack you because they don’t except you to be a zerker which is really funny, but even they do know, its still amazing in group fights or maybe it’s just that i played so much warrior so it made guardian an easier prof for me to play….
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
So I just rolled a Theif yesterday and have been powering through to level 29.. now I want a Guardian..
I’m not sure why people would think it’s a PvE build, only? I play an offensive Guardian myself in WvW, and it’s extremely powerful, to the point of almost being overpowered. I’m surprised to see you don’t use torch as off hand, though, as it deals a ton of damage. Also, using “Save Yourselves!” before you attack, just to get one stack of might and fury, is a bit of a waste. It works a lot better as a “last resort” skill. I would also suggest you use Tome of Wrath, as it will give you some much needed AoE damage, for when you’re defending walls or attack a zerg. Tome of Wrath can also be very good to take down a single player, if you’ve used both your teleportation skills, and can’t catch up.
I feel like I should say that rank really doesn’t have a lot of value in WvW, as you get rank for a lot of other things then defeating players. So it’s not a good indicator as to how skilled a player is.
In case you don’t know, you can actually teleport 1,800 range, by using Flashing Blade and Judge’s Intervention right after each other.
I’ve ran a similar build to this on my Zerker Guardian, trait setup was 10/0/30/5/25 for a time because the improved Virtue of Resolve trait gave more regen over time as well as a extra Cond removal. The entire tree line just gave a lot, like retaliation uptime(which is good since Zerkers are more power speced, so more damage) and consistent damage boost through boons. Now to point of taking “Save yourselves!” it’s a very good ability and can be a staple in a build. You’re only listing the offensive stuff rather the the other things. besides fury and might you get protection, regen, retal, and swiftness which all help offensively. Helps with temporary survivability as well(along with boon duration you get a lot out of the skill too).
Currently now though on my zerk guard i’m running 10/0/30/25/5. which to me feels kinda close to a AH setup but more about dodging and maintaining a flat damage boost(Elusive power), though by doing this trait set I lose perma retal up time but gain reduced Weapon CD, 400+Dodge roll healing, and lower CD on SY.(2 runes of water, and 4 Ruby orbs for damage and to help with perma vigor lingering.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
with 25 in Virtues, don’t forget the extra damage you get per boon as well! it all adds up : ))
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
You know it is going to be good when only 33 seconds into the video Corey says,
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
No~~~~ now you exposed our secret =((
Level 54 Bear Rank
Great video! I bet this build shocks a lot of people, don’t think I’ve ever seen a glass guardian in wvw
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.
Yea its really strong when sneaking up on oppenents…i also have a might stacking glass cannon scepter build that i will soon make so be on teh lookout for that im still getting wvw clips for that :P
Great video ive played spvp zerk guard but never tried wvw…. now im going to tho
I tried your build out the other night and kitten it was absolutely fun as hell! Even in zergs (mind you we’re in T3 so it isn’t enormous blogs, but still a reasonable number) this spec was playing very well.
My setup wasn’t exactly the same 100%: I used scholar’s runes not orbs, I’m missing one berserk ring because I’m getting the ascended version soon, for sigils I was using fire on great sword and air/accuracy on sword/focus, respectively. Mainly because I didn’t want to spend too much gold switching things around ha ha.
The main way I played was to port in, use my cool downs and burst as much as I could, pop defensive cool downs, then get the hell out of there. I had a ton of fun out of it though, thanks!
(edited by Orion.1678)
Scepter has one of the (I think the, actually) hardest hitting single-target auto attacks in the game. It just needs to be sped up a bit.
Scepter is amazing. When i play my guardian in spvp i always run zerker/valk sword/focus and scepter/torch or gs and scepter/focus(0/5/30/30/5, shout based). The auto attack is quite bad that might be true but the immobilize is a must, exp in 1v1 or small scale fights, it’s important to set up your burst and to avoid being kited. As a zerker guardian you can survive very well (using your blocks and inv properly) but for a short time only, so basically the faster you kill, the better, that’s why i think the scepter is necessary.
Dps guardian is really strong and underrated imo.
In wvw my choice is usually gs and scepter/focus. I hate wvw with passion and i avoid zerg fights but aoe spamming is often necessary there (gs).
(edited by Fjandi.2516)
This was a great video, loved the part when you unleashed your burst on the pocket groups of players.
thanks for all the positive feedback
Wow, nice video indeed ! Great musics and some good action. At the beginning, I was thinking “meh, for duelling, it’s just like in sPvP, we already knew it was viable there” but then, seeing the escaping ability and the little group you bursted down, it was quite funny :P
I have some high doubts about survivability in Zerg vs Zerg though.
Fabulous video! Damage output is absolutely amazing! On the other hand, like other users, i question the survivability in wvw. If you can’t kill the foe with a starting surprise burst of damage, you´re in for a lot of trouble (specially with high healing classes/players).
Nevertheless congratz on the video, certainly a surprise for me since i’m against full zerk guardians
Interesting video, never thought a burst guardian would be like this. Any chance on obtaining the gear or just usernames of the people you fought?
@ stunningstyles:
I’m wondering, how well do you do against those GS/Sword+Sword Mesmer’s out there if they get the drop on you? I have a level 39 Guardian that I never really play (leveled 3 80’s already…) and have a GS Mesmer as my main. Typically, she can burst out a crap ton of damage to a single target but I’ve never fought a zerker Guardian 1v1 before. Sadly, all I ever see are those darn bunker builds and they just aren’t worth the time it takes to bring one down.
Oh, and I subscribed to your channel…
Yea thanks for the subscibe! For fighting mesmer that see u first u just have to play really in your face aggressive and try to not get lost in clone spam
Think I’m gonna pick up a beserker set for the funzies, nice job!
@ stunningstyles:
I’m wondering, how well do you do against those GS/Sword+Sword Mesmer’s out there if they get the drop on you?
The clones do fall pretty quickly to our insane AoE burst, and a DPS guardian still retains most of it’s damage mitigation ability ( although you will get downed instantly if you make a mistake). If you get them down, it’s probably worth avoiding stomp and continuing with dps, because Phantasm Rogue will hurt a lot if you aren’t ready for it.
Stunning’s sword+GS setup is great for keeping in a mesmer’s face when they blink or switch.
I love to roam with a dps build – yesterday for instance I ran into 2 other random dps guardians and we had a blast cutting through groups 3 times our size.
^^this guy’s response pretty much for fighting mesmers
Hey, you killed me in that video =O
I was minding my own business when all the sudden, I see a sylvari coming my direction. I though we weren’t going to engage, so I kept walking. All the sudden BAM! You killed me. QQ
Which leads to the next questions, how did you know my exact rank at the time? You were not in my party, and did not whisper me.
i guessed by looking at your titles :P
No need at all to dress in full berserker armor to get the dps displayed in OP (great video btw) since you can build in a multiple of fashions.
In fact having berseker will probably limit you to do just one thing with your armor set. I prefer pvt since those offers the choice of extreme durability and extreme firepower for just the cost of retraiting.
Here is my stats with pvt armor, 6*divinity, 4*berserker trinket and berserker weapons. Ofc buffed with food and stacks from sigil.
I normally play dps with a meditation 10/30/30/0/0 build with hammer (intelligence gives me 100% crit on mb on swap or energy) and S+F with energy+ice and ofc swap from a bloodlust weapon to get the stacks.
With this one i hit for over 6k with mb and 5k with the third hit on sword chain and if i combine JI+MB+Skill 5 on focus+bane signet+ZD this “oneshots” almost everything i met in wvw, it takes 2s to pull off and it is huge.
Extremely fun and my personal record with this setup is >10k ww, ofc in wvw, with might+fury running and ofc versus an exotic opponent and no debuffs running on the opponent other than blind and burn. With mb i can hit for 8k versus a level 80. 4k hits with last step of gs/hammer chain is not uncommon and more like the norm.
(edited by Brutaly.6257)
Can OP post his stats just so we can compare with Brutalys?
Been trying a similar version of the OP’s build (just don’t have the runes, everything else spot on) and it’s surprisingly good. I thought without tankiness you’d just collapse in wvw, but I can tear apart people in 1v1s, I won a 1v2 and in a 1v5 I was able to down two of the other server’s players before being KO’d myself. Definitely gotta know what buttons to smash in the thick of combat but it’s a surprisingly efficient build.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
yea i did full berserker for max dmg output and went no defense lol it was just for fun im sure there are more mixed better builds out there. I usually run Staff/GS…you can check out the other guard video for the one i normally run in wvw http://www.youtube.com/stunningstylesyup
I’ve been running this build for the past couple days and I must say it is very effective. I took 5 out of virtues and put it in honor for shout recharge. I also swapped SY for Retreat. The extra aegis helps with the 20% damage trait and 24 seconds of swiftness on a 48 sec cool down is very effective for disengaging with FB and JI and for chasing foes. I’m on a T1 server and I’m having no problem surviving. The blinds, blocks, CC, and mobility make up for the squishiness. 1v1s and 1v2s are a piece of cake if they aren’t a bunker.