GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Because of all the AOE damage (mighty blow, whirlind wr.) it’s easy to kill a bunch of NPCs / slow them down
And it’s useful as well when fighting at the supply drop with the ward and binding blade.

The only difference with the old hammer build isn’t really glacial heart being a bad pick, it’s more “two-handed training” having disapeared.
But usually it’s not that much of a problem I just double check before using ward / banish.
This’ waht I’ve been using, working rather well so far.

(edited by RevanCorana.8942)

GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Your sigils are terrible. Also I don’t see how hammer would help with killing npcs more than sword/focus (apart from the fact that hammer/gs is terrible against actual players and has like no synergy).

Bullet Punch

GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


Possibly due to more cleave i’d say.

GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: Adrian Guardian.9480

Adrian Guardian.9480

Your build lacks Signet of Courage, which IMO is a must-have in Stronghold, for healing the lord and heroes.

GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Possibly due to more cleave i’d say.

Yes and aoe control because the map has many bottleneck area

Signet of Courage would be better fitted with a cleric shout staff/hammer but it also work I think! (maybe with sanctuary gotta try this one)

(edited by RevanCorana.8942)

GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


Hi lads!

Do you have any advice for a hammer main weapon build made for Stronghold?

Do you think my usual carrion+FL with Hammer and GS or Sc/F would do it?

I am absolutely in love with the Hammer so I do not mind -10-15% DPS or the fact that I can land my auto’s one in a blue moon.

I did miss the last beta so I have no idea… In the first one I was pretty satisfied with the efficiency of my build however…


#I no words have"

GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Hi lads!

Do you have any advice for a hammer main weapon build made for Stronghold?

Do you think my usual carrion+FL with Hammer and GS or Sc/F would do it?

I am absolutely in love with the Hammer so I do not mind -10-15% DPS or the fact that I can land my auto’s one in a blue moon.

I did miss the last beta so I have no idea… In the first one I was pretty satisfied with the efficiency of my build however…


Hey Aggro

With hammer you can either go cleric with shout staff/hammer or marauder with meditation greatsword/hammer
However carion doesn’t work at all with hammer because it’s too slow to proc virtue of justice.

GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703



Thank you for your answer. I used to use my hammer as a “power-back-up” weapon with Intelligence and Fire-Air-Generosity-Rage. I used my Sw/T or GS to stack burn and saved PurgingFlames for the Hammertime.

But you are right! Most of the “condition” traits feels wasted while using Hammer… But I like it sooo much

I will try something else then but definitely not marauder. It’s getting to be boring….

#I no words have"

GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: HAZAK.3706


I’m really surprised people don’t use GS/Hammer a lot more. It kittening rocks. You get the CC/Utility of meditation honor build and the heavy DPS of the GS variant.

Build in action by Hollts:

(edited by HAZAK.3706)

GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: Rhomulos.2089


Your sigils are terrible. Also I don’t see how hammer would help with killing npcs more than sword/focus (apart from the fact that hammer/gs is terrible against actual players and has like no synergy).

It’s actually a strong combo for team fights, but you sacrifice a lot of survivability. You just need to combo the skills in a smart order.

But that’s unrelated to the build posted here, as I’m talking for our original game mode.

Kluzu – Engineer (Main)
Kluzukaze – Mesmer
Rhomulos Prime – Revenant

GS + Hammer is better for stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Your sigils are terrible. Also I don’t see how hammer would help with killing npcs more than sword/focus (apart from the fact that hammer/gs is terrible against actual players and has like no synergy).

The Sigils aren’t terrible. Most Guardian’s may replace the condi cleansing sigils for air/fire but… with all the Necros absorbing team conditions and transferring them around, that may not be a bad idea. The extra dodge may be needed as well. Hydromancy sigil adds more AoE damage to an already heavy melee oriented build

As far as whether or not this build is the best in Stronghold, DH will be better for several reasons.

Power builds will be better utilized on DH because of all the utilities DH will have. It gives Power builds a probable “range burst” option if Zerkers is utilized correctly on Bow, we can gain moderate (better) amounts of sustains via condi cleanses as well as gain F2 “mini” mobility and F3 blocks. Trap utilities asside… Player’s aren’t realizing how strong DH is looking compared to the first BWE.

Support Bunker builds do better at escorting Skrits, can make the Lord invincible, is a good supply runner and can possibly facetank mist essences.

Burn meta are better at killing NPC’s but other than that, they have little to no supportive attributes. They can’t defend/assault Mist Essences, Kill Treb fast, they can’t even down the Lord fast thanks to all the CC that’s being thrown around. Burn Guardian’s aren’t bad in SH.. they’re just not nearly as effective as the above build variants.

aka FalseLights
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