GS and Sword/Shield Build

GS and Sword/Shield Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Herby.5234


This is what i have come up with on my first build attempt.

Critique me and let me know what you think please.

GS and Sword/Shield Build

in Guardian

Posted by: kiba.2768


what is this for? pve, almost anything will work.

one of the biggest flaws i see is traiting for symbols when you only use 1(2 if you count being downed). it seems your build is lacking a focus or direction. mediocre crit chance, mediocre crit dmg, a TON of armor(overkill…really). no on demand condi removal unless you slot your armor full of soldier runes.

i’ve been playing gs//s/s exclusively for the past 9 months on my guardian through healway, ah and now finally finding my niche in meditations over the past 3 months.

if you are into doing damage with high mobility and on demand condi removal, i suggest this. it works fine in pve(what doesn’t….), dungeons and can be tweaked for w3.

pure of heart can be swapped for shout cd if you need stability. rely on your blinds for dmg mitigation and to ensure stomps if you aren’t using SYG. use your leaps and tele for chasing or to re position yourself for breathing room.

this sucks for zvz if you are in the thick of it, but for roaming or picking off stragglers, it works wonders.

may not be the best or for everyone and it took some adjusting from the too-safe playstyle of ah.

GS and Sword/Shield Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Merril.7620


It really isn’t a bad build for spvp, But it’s going to be mediocre damage and low health, with no health sustain.

I’m sure you plan on being in GS most of the time so I don’t think your traits are a huge waste. I can see a use for this build in zvz, where you get in and get out fast and pray there are no condi-s.

Let us know the purpose of the build and we can provide better feedback.