in Guardian

Posted by: XFX.7328


Sooooooo, it’s really a no brainer that Spirit Weapons, to be put blunt…suck. I wish they were soo much more, a way to enhance the role you chose to play…but they really don’t. So as of right now they are arguable one of the most useless utility skills in the game aaaand that’s were I come in. This is my complete rework/overhaul of the current Spirit Weapons, with some added extras at the end, in hopes of making them fun and viable for practically the first time in this game. Just to be quick each weapon is designed to support a specific role, but that doesn’t mean you can’t just combo up all these new Spirit Weapons.. SO read it, like it, hate it, suggest things, or just let me know what you think. Thank you all!!!


*Spirit Weapons now have skill cooldowns of kitten for utilities and the 60s for the elite. Also Spirit Weapons remain summoned until commanded or destroyed. (still deciding on the “commanding destroys” part)
*Spirit Weapons will act more like conjure weapons. Commanding a Spirit Weapon will now instantly teleport the Spirit Weapon to the guardian, replacing their current weapon skills with five new ones based on the spirit weapon. All commands are instant actions. These skills will remain until you weapon swap, swap Spirit Weapons, or are downed.
*Spirit Weapons take 30% reduced damage if they are not directly targeted.
*Spirit Weapons will go on cooldown if destroyed, skill is activated again, switched with another Spirit Weapon, or weapon swapped.
*Spirit Weapon weapon-skills are refreshed on resummons.

If you want to view all the new skills with range, effects, etc. follow the wiki link! (Just have to put this out here, everything from duration to effects can be changed if you all deem it so, lol)

Sword of justice (AOE and CONDI)

Skill 1: Chain
Strike- Strike your foe.
Blazing Strike- Slash your foe burning them.
Purging Strike- Cleave the area in front of you igniting the air burning foes while curing a condition on yourself (2.75s IC).
Skill 2:
Ardent Dash- Dash to your target and strike them, burning them and up to 2 nearby enemies.
Skill 3:
Searing Blades- Ignite your sword with aether flames for 6s. Attacks provide 1s burning. Activating again will release the flames in a radial whirl burning foes and putting the skill on cooldown.
Skill 4:
Zealot’s Focus- Hold your sword close while you stay still channeling and focusing your virtues for 2.5 seconds. At the end of the channel, the guardian releases a wave of purging flames that will burn and damage foes while giving boons to allies.
Skill 5:
Zealot’s Wrath- Plunge your sword into the ground pulling in foes while sending out a cascading eruption of flames and light that cripple and burn enemies caught in it.


Skill 1:
Light’s Shot- Shoot an arrow of light at your target that also heals nearby allies.
Skill 2:
Pacifism- Raise your bow and send out a burst of light that dazes foes for .75 seconds.
Skill 3:
Deluge of Light- Barrage a target area for 2 seconds healing allies and curing 2 conditions every ½ second of the barrage. At end of Barrage, allies in the field are granted swiftness and vigor.
Skill 4:
Receme of Truth- Vault back a short distance while firing a raceme of light that leave behind trails of light. These trails can be crossed by allies gaining Regen and Swiftness. Allies can only be affected once.
Skill 5:
Dwayna’s Breath- Fire off a massive arrow of light that travels in a straight line. The arrow can travel through allies, curing conditions and healing them. The arrow explodes when it reaches max range or hits an enemy, stunning them and healing nearby allies. The arrow leaves a behind a ward trail that grants regen to allies who cross it.

Shield of the Avenger (DEFENSE AND AGGRO)

Skill 1: Chain
Bash- Bash your target damaging them.
Defensive Swing- Swing you shield hitting multiple foes.
Virtuous Smash- Smash the ground in front of you damaging foes and giving protection to allies.
Skill 2:
Zealot’s Challenge- Hit your shield sending out a mystic echo that taunts enemies and grants both protection and resistance.
Skill 3:
Vengeful Toss- Throw your shield outwards bouncing between allies and foes, damaging and crippling foes, while granting aegis to allies. When the shield returns to the guardian they gain aegis and protection.
Skill 4:
Virtuous Charge- Charge mercilessly forward damaging and knocking back foes in your path. This attack is unblockable and grants stability at the start of the charge. Activate again before max range to stop.
Skill 5:
Gallant Bastion- Take a defensive stance and project an aether wall that absorbs all projectiles. The wall always remains in front of the guardian and you gain a defiance bar. Your movements are impaired by 25%. You pulse out protection to allies and take decreased damage for the ability duration.

Hammer of Wisdom (BIG HITS AAAAND BIG HITS, with some ret)

Skill 1: Chain
Bash- swing you hammer damaging foes.
Shattering Swing- Swing your hammer again, damaging foes while also applying a stack of vuln.
Courageous Smash- smash the ground in front of you creating a small radial shockwave that damages foes and causes slow.
Skill 2:
Toss of Justice- Throw your hammer at your target marking and damaging them. Activate again to port to marked target blinding them and gaining retaliation.
Skill 3:
Judicial Disperse- Whirl your hammer outwards damaging and pushing back foes with light while gaining retaliation.
Skill 4:
Rebounding Shock- Smash the ground sending out a wave of light that recoils back to the guardian, crippling foes on the way out and in.
Skill 5:
Heaven’s Descent- Leap into the air towards your target and slam your hammer knocking them down while calling down a pillar of light that weakens and cripples foes while giving retaliation.

Spear of Judgement: (NEW HOTNESS)

*note: I didn’t want to go to heavy on this one since it can be a Guardian main weapon in the future. Also, if this does happen I would be in favor of giving it a dual mechanic like depending on the enemy’s range the weapons skills would change from melee to ranged attacks. Just sayin ;D.

*Passive effects while Spear of Judgement is commanded: -33% movement impairing condition duration and permanent 25% passive movement speed.

Skill 1:
Spear Toss- Throw your spear a foe, inflicting vunl.
Skill 2:
Zealot’s Riposte- Take a stance for 2s and counter the next ability. Countering an ability will cause the guardian to jump back and throw a spear that pierces the target, crippling them and making them vulnerable.
Skill 3:
Righteous Wing- Charge up and throw a mighty spear fueled by your virtues, piercing foes that it hits.
Skill 4:
Rising Justice- Summon a spear head at target location that launches foes it hits.
Skill 5:
Judgment’s Command- Imbue your spear with divine light and launch it into the sky. The spear lands at targeted location blinding, weakening, and crippling foes. Allies are given vigor and the impact leaves a light field. This attack is unblockable.


Expeditious Spirit -> Spirit Warden
Spirit Weapon summon skills have reduced recharge. Spirit Weapons give a light aura and specific boon when commanded.
Kindled Zeal -> Symbolic Spirits
When Spirit Weapons go on cooldown or are destroyed a weapon specific symbol is dropped under the Guardian. Symbols last 5s. (Symbol of Retribution would have something on the lines of: damage, cripple, vuln pulses, while giving fury. Plus it would be a light field.)


in Guardian

Posted by: Indure.5410


So when you are not using them as a weapon they will still suck?

Do they have a time limit to how long you can wield them? I would find it silly for them to just be kits, and have the issue of replacing my greatsword with a greatsword kit.


in Guardian

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


edit, somehow posted in teh wrong thread…. i don’t actually care about spirit weapons, even if they were viable, i not gonna use them


in Guardian

Posted by: XFX.7328


For got to put it but i was thinking these changes would last like 60s, like conjure weapons, and until anet fixes spirit weapon AI they will still be meh at passive attacks.


in Guardian

Posted by: Canakun.8031


Spirit Weapons as being similar to conjure weapons is a very exciting prospect to me.

Mamorou Itou Defense Club.
Protect him at all costs.