General questions about boon durations (PVE)
Whenever you receive a boon, the duration is taken from the caster’s Boon Duration stat. So if you cast an AoE skill, all the effected players will receive boons based on your duration stat and not their own, therefore boons cast on yourself by other players will take their duration from their stats and not your gear/traits.
The only possible exception being is that you could cast Hallowed Ground under a team mate, which will give them +20% boon duration and any boons they cast on you will then have that increased duration.
FAQ#41 has some general information about Boon Duration stacking.
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
I think you mean Swiftness and not Quickness.
1) Yes. I got 80% boon duration (with food) and I apply 36 seconds swiftness on both myself and others.
2) Sadly, boon duration does not work that way. It only works with boons you apply.
Oops yes I meant swiftness. Although I wouldn’t mind perma-quickness either
Thanks for the help.
dont get boon duration gear, ever. the loss of that extra stat will put you at a huge disadvantage in every situation.
2 superior runes of the monk/water/traveler(45%)+ 30 in virtues+ 20% food = 95% boon duration. you could use doubloons for that extra 5% but 95% is already overkill.
the only time i see a use for boon durations is in wvw to support the group.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)