Glacial Heart CD 45 Seconds Is Just Too Much
Either the internal needs to be reduced or have the Trait fire on 50% HIT instead of Crit.
The Issue:
Crit oriented builds with Hammer are really week cause your asking a player to spec for 35%+ crit with a slow weapon. That doesn’t make since at all esp considering Hammer is more about control than damage. (if it was on HIT it would work well with #2)
The internal is WAY to long to be consistent choice esp for a Major.
At most the internal should be 10s.
So in short:
Re tool the trait to be 50% chance on hit with a (10s internal CD) and it may be considered a viable trait.
GW2Guru – Aodan
Its strange how sigil of ice is better than glacial heart.
Sigl of Ice: 30% chance to cause a 2s chill on a critical hit. 10sec cd
Glacial Heart: 50% chance to cause 4s chill on critical hit: 45sec cd
I’m not sure how it warrants a 35 sec cd increase over the sigil version. Essentially its doing the exact same thing except the chances around 2×. It would make more sense if the cd was 20secs.
Windows 10
what I really don’t like is the lack of control, proc chance off of a crit and then huge cooldown, that’s just so much randomness that by murphys law it will go off when you don’t need it and vice versa