Greatsword PvE build
I have my build as a 2 handed survivability sort. Power and Health max and the rest in toughness. Its back up is symbols, making them larger longer and adding effects or more damage. Farming wise the greatsword symbol is perfect to hit everything and get your tag on a creature and spinning gets you a good bit of health back. I have vigil armor stats though, thats one area I didn’t pay much attention to so I dont know what is most effective but it works for me. The slots are fill with traveler and pirate stuff for magic find a long with the jewlery, though I plan to do a second set of armor and jewels without magic find when I get the money to do so.
Trait wise though, on land they are very survivable, along with save yourself and… the ability to turn conditions to boons you can stop most additional incoming damage.
I have a very similar build but with only 20 points in Honor, and 20 points in Valor. Greatsword healing with CD reduction is great. I also use Cleric’s armor for more healing power so that my heals on hit are more effective. I use more healing runes so that my allies get the benefit of my healing power as well, since my build is for both solo farming and dungeon runs.
10 points Power
30 points Precision
30 points Endurance
Power, get spec 10% burning
Precision get whatever
Endurance get meditation cooldown, meditation instant, meditation heal