Guardian "Commando" build for WvW (Zerg)

Guardian "Commando" build for WvW (Zerg)

in Guardian

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Curious to hear ppls. opinions on this build. I realize the video may not be up to date with current “Metas” but none the less im still trying to figure out the best set up for a front line guard. I currently use this build and would like to know if there are any better armor, trinket, and weapon variants that anyone can suggest for me. Thank you all.

Guardian "Commando" build for WvW (Zerg)

in Guardian

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


You put max pts in Valor and Honor, but don’t neither AH or Pure of Voice?? And you replace them by trait that simply give you some stats?

Other than that 3700 armor is insane. Between 2.8-3.2k is what you should run. There is no reason to have more than that.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Guardian "Commando" build for WvW (Zerg)

in Guardian

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


I probably didnt mention that I’m a somewhat new player and this was not a build I created. However, I do agree with you that 3700 armor is a bit on the high side which perhaps could mean I could swap out some toughness items for a bit more dps?

Thank you for the reply, but if you could help me out with a bit more insight or suggestions it would be appreciated.

Guardian "Commando" build for WvW (Zerg)

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


x/x/6/6/x is a pretty common build, however there are a lot of questionable decisions with this variant. If you have 50% CC there is no reason to take Intelligence sigil. Also that high of CC is somewhat pointless with this build, due to the low power and ferocity. Generally if you go 6 into Valor you take AH, same applies to Honor with Pure of Voice and Battle Presences.

The consumables and runes are fine. There is nothing wrong with Knight, however it would be to your advantage if you mix it. Mixing Valkyrie with Knight is generally a safe bet, same goes for Solider.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

(edited by Harbinger.8637)

Guardian "Commando" build for WvW (Zerg)

in Guardian

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Definitely take AH; I’d drop purity. Build is fine otherwise. I would suggest taking a staff though.

I recommend zerker weapons/amulet and get some energy sigils instead of intelligence. You still have too much crit, so get force (or fire) instead of accuracy.

Force of Will is not needed but if it keeps you alive, then that’s your choice. Pure of Voice does help, but as you are running melandru and not trooper, it’s kind of a wash anyways.

I’m not a fan of zeal; I think you’re better off putting a 1 point in inspired virtues and another in virtues for consecration cooldown or 1 in radiance for blind on virtue of justice.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Guardian "Commando" build for WvW (Zerg)

in Guardian

Posted by: the krytan assassin.9235

the krytan assassin.9235

i’d personally pick
with Furious sharpening stones @ utility slot. Tbh every single armor counts difference btween 3100 and 3600 armor is still 16% less dmge (xcept for condi ofc) makes you abit squishier at spikes but higher surviveability in the end when you include healing. By adding furious sharpening stones this build really hits like a train (187% crit dmge) with a fairly high power and crit chance aswell.
Personal preference for pugzergs is stamina on staff, but in smaller zergs/guildraids pick force instead, also i’d advice to pick force of will trait incase you don’t have applied fortitude yet.
last but not least your last utility is optional, you can either go for judge’s intervention (aggressive and very nice bombing skill), purging flames(anti condi, switch vengeful to master of consecrations) or signet of judgement (incase problems surviveing)

DDD|elementalist| Piken commander|RaW|

Guardian "Commando" build for WvW (Zerg)

in Guardian

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Frontline guardian often if not always have the AH trait for the sustain healing which is really good when you are in a zerg.

Here some different trait distribution that can be nice.
0/0/6/6/2 : Main things here are AH for self healing, Pure of Voice for condition removal and Master of consecreation for lower cooldown for you purging flame.
0/1/6/6/1 : Lose the CD on consecration, but gain a blind on F1 for stomp and a aoe blind against a enemy zerg.
0/0/6/4/4: This is the current meta, you lose condition removal (but with melandru runes and lemongrass food you aint that much affected by them), but you gain stability on F3 and boon duration. Stability is the most important boons in zerg fight today, but that’s more for organized group, not that much important for pugs zerg.

Runes choice :
- Melandru is the go too choice for big zerg of 20+ ppl. With lemongrass food that’s 65% less condition duration on you.
- Soldier runes used to be the main choice and its still a good cheap choice in pugs zerg, but for organized group the guardian shout have group support purpose and can’t be kept for condi removal.
- Monk runes : Give you a good boost of sustain healing. A good choice for small zerg of 10-15ppl.
- Hoealbrak runes : A good all around runes, you only have 20% less condi duration on your compare to 25% with melandru and you loss the decreased incoming dmg when stun, but stun is far less a problem now than it use to be. Hammer Warrior were dominant in melee dmg, but now the need for stability mean that there is more guardian and less warrior (so less risk of stun). But in return you get a good amount of might duration, which is perfect since guardian is the main source of might in a zerg fight. This is more of an organized zerg rune, you are better off with another rune if you just want to pug zerg.

Start by choosing your mix of trait and rune depending on what you prefer and what are your weakness. Once your trait and runes are settle, then choose your gear. You shouldn’t change your armor, it will probably always be soldier. Soldier is a better choice in my opinion because you can’t have too much power, so you will never have to change your armor, while knight gear can be good in some situation, you don’t want that with melandru rune for exemple.

You also need to choose your weapons. Usually ppl keep a staff and then choose between hammer or GS depending on what you prefer. Not a big deal. Hammer + GS can be good, but only in very specific situation and shouldn’t be use all the time. You usually have GS or Hammer to attack and staff when you regroup for healing and might. Zerker weapons are usually the choice so you don’t have to change them when you change your stuff around later.

Now you have your trait, your weapons, your runes and your armors. You need to choose your trinket. You want to choose them last because they only change your stats so they are perfect to make the last little touch. You want to reach a comfortable point in HP and Armor, the rest should all be dmg. You don’t want to have less than 15-16k hp or the burst on your will be too hard. 16-17k hp is a comfortable zone for a experimented player. That’s the sweet spot you should looking for. Keep in mind that HP is only there to give you time, there is no amount of hp that will protect your from a zerg burst. You need to use either Renewed Focus or Shelter to get out of a burst and your hp is what give you enough reaction time. More hp = more reaction time . 18-19k is a good amount for new players. More than that is useless. except if you are a commander that need to stay alive to lead.

Like I said for your armor. 3k is the sweet spot. 2.8-2.9k is good if you feel you can survive. 3.1-3.2k is good when you need more protection. Higher than that and you will be a tank with a pea canon doing nothing but absorbing hits.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

(edited by Thaddeus.4891)

Guardian "Commando" build for WvW (Zerg)

in Guardian

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


Thaddeus pretty much summarised it!

But I would like to link another build I currently work on… (00266) It’s not mine of course and it isn’t new either…

Utility-bot guardian with nice group healing abilities and some CC potential….

Low damage due to low crit chance and ferocity.
Excellent survivability.
Nice healing: dodge: 1000, symbol: 180/sec, VoR: 500/3sec, Empower: 2400.
Group support with protection, stability, regen, condi cleanse and might.

#I no words have"

Guardian "Commando" build for WvW (Zerg)

in Guardian

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Thaddeus pretty much summarised it!

But I would like to link another build I currently work on… (00266) It’s not mine of course and it isn’t new either…

Utility-bot guardian with nice group healing abilities and some CC potential….

Low damage due to low crit chance and ferocity.
Excellent survivability.
Nice healing: dodge: 1000, symbol: 180/sec, VoR: 500/3sec, Empower: 2400.
Group support with protection, stability, regen, condi cleanse and might.

Noo not another lootstick guard, the OP started with hammer and GS. Stick with that.