Your Home Hardcore PvE Guild focused in doing Speed/Record Runs & Guild Missions!
(edited by The Kape.3672)
So far we have:
Thief 7sec
Guardian 7sec
Warrior 8sec
Elementalist 10sec
Ranger 11sec
Necro 14sec
Engineer 14sec
Mesmer 16sec
(edited by The Kape.3672)
Sorry, but it hurts to see how you activate your skills…
dosent matter how i activate them …
i almost cried
/15 chars
Im not impressed, fail signets, fail gameplay (Torch 5 dps < sword AA dps).
link your own times then you are helping me.
I hate that kitten giant. I kill him through rallies on my thief. Though i should try him on guardian (when i get there, only 52).
That was a pretty quick kill, though.
These aren’t my tests, but here you go.
thats not yours and its outdated similar times btw
(edited by The Kape.3672)
Here is a test that does a DPS guardian justice in 11s
Here is a test that does a DPS guardian justice in 11s
It’s funny because that was faster than his warrior kill.
The power of keybindings!
Skill clicking , -1
…..I have to ask is there really a point to these kill time videos?
Almost every one one involves some type of might vulnerability stacking which is great and all but in a party especially an organized one these are a given. If feels like you play up some burst spec that won’t work in PvE or any place else to maximize solo dps but at the same time practical application and results don’t really mean anything due to party mechanics boosting your dps far past anything you can do solo. The results, the test, clicking or key binding none of it seems to matter because unless you are in a party setting none of it means a thing.
Without too much setup I got a 13s kill time. Obal, of course, showing me up with an impressive 11s. I’m pretty certain I could get my time lower if I were to precast Tome of Wrath or Hounds, but the difference should be minimal (2-3s). Do note, though, that I am using force on GS and only have exotic sword/focus. I was using a 10/25/0/10/25 build.
Edit: Ugh, uploaded this with my google account instead of my youtube account, stupid google+ integration.
(edited by Kelnis.1829)
What else could you talk about when you class is one of the top?
…..I have to ask is there really a point to these kill time videos?
Almost every one one involves some type of might vulnerability stacking which is great and all but in a party especially an organized one these are a given. If feels like you play up some burst spec that won’t work in PvE or any place else to maximize solo dps but at the same time practical application and results don’t really mean anything due to party mechanics boosting your dps far past anything you can do solo. The results, the test, clicking or key binding none of it seems to matter because unless you are in a party setting none of it means a thing.
I usually use the 20/25/0/0/25 build I used in the video in places where I don’t need vigor which is pretty much anything other than Arah and Fractal. Any gs + sword/focus variant can be considered a burst spec since GS is a burst weapon. Here is a party one of GS burst or just an overall run
…..I have to ask is there really a point to these kill time videos?
Almost every one one involves some type of might vulnerability stacking which is great and all but in a party especially an organized one these are a given. If feels like you play up some burst spec that won’t work in PvE or any place else to maximize solo dps but at the same time practical application and results don’t really mean anything due to party mechanics boosting your dps far past anything you can do solo. The results, the test, clicking or key binding none of it seems to matter because unless you are in a party setting none of it means a thing.
I usually use the 20/25/0/0/25 build I used in the video in places where I don’t need vigor which is pretty much anything other than Arah and Fractal. Any gs + sword/focus variant can be considered a burst spec since GS is a burst weapon. Here is a party one of GS burst or just an overall run
I have seen that video before. My comment isn’t about all kill time videos (though it could be looked at in that way) but the solo ones. Even if I knew that was a great DPS build with a party its just sort of pointless. We see them op up to show the great DPS of a class (not only guardians do this obviously). At the same time I could jump on a glass DD thief find a good party and show insane numbers. I would have to eat food and pop impractical buffs to to show how fast I drop a vet giant solo. Just seems pointless to me.
… Just seems pointless to me.
You’re not wrong, it is pointless, but it is fun to compete. The best thing about the vet risen giant is that he is a very “average” monster for a veteran (2600~ armor, medium-low health.) He’s a glorified punching bag, but a very “fair” one when comparing between people.
Without too much setup I got a 13s kill time. Obal, of course, showing me up with an impressive 11s. I’m pretty certain I could get my time lower if I were to precast Tome of Wrath or Hounds, but the difference should be minimal (2-3s). Do note, though, that I am using force on GS and only have exotic sword/focus. I was using a 10/25/0/10/25 build.
Edit: Ugh, uploaded this with my google account instead of my youtube account, stupid google+ integration.
Nice one mate
im using same traits on this one tried all weapons combo have to try again that inspired me
Obal mentions it, but don’t forget that you can get some free extra burst by using binding blade when all the larvae adds appear – if you make sure you’re inside the giant’kittenbox then all the blades will hit him at once
That is true regarding binding blade, Tarsius, but there is an opportunity cost to consider. I’ll admit I haven’t spent a lot of time with binding blade in this type of scenario. I’ll give it a try or two using it after work tonight (boo 10 hour shifts!)
Lol. Didn’t know they had those…
…..I have to ask is there really a point to these kill time videos?
Almost every one one involves some type of might vulnerability stacking which is great and all but in a party especially an organized one these are a given. If feels like you play up some burst spec that won’t work in PvE or any place else to maximize solo dps but at the same time practical application and results don’t really mean anything due to party mechanics boosting your dps far past anything you can do solo. The results, the test, clicking or key binding none of it seems to matter because unless you are in a party setting none of it means a thing.
I usually use the 20/25/0/0/25 build I used in the video in places where I don’t need vigor which is pretty much anything other than Arah and Fractal. Any gs + sword/focus variant can be considered a burst spec since GS is a burst weapon. Here is a party one of GS burst or just an overall run
I have seen that video before. My comment isn’t about all kill time videos (though it could be looked at in that way) but the solo ones. Even if I knew that was a great DPS build with a party its just sort of pointless. We see them op up to show the great DPS of a class (not only guardians do this obviously). At the same time I could jump on a glass DD thief find a good party and show insane numbers. I would have to eat food and pop impractical buffs to to show how fast I drop a vet giant solo. Just seems pointless to me.
It’s just there to show what the class is capable of. Maybe some of the stubborn or ill-informed AH and clerics guards might convert to zerkerism after seeing it . As far as DPS tests go I agree for the most part.
It’s just there to show what the class is capable of. Maybe some of the stubborn or ill-informed AH and clerics guards might convert to zerkerism after seeing it
. As far as DPS tests go I agree for the most part.
But how fast can the Gandalf build do it in?
improoved 10 sec still struggling a lot, not full zerker also.
but some people here helped a lot
i will get better when fix all gear and rotation
16 Sec
here it is
(edited by The Kape.3672)
It’s just there to show what the class is capable of. Maybe some of the stubborn or ill-informed AH and clerics guards might convert to zerkerism after seeing it
. As far as DPS tests go I agree for the most part.
But how fast can the Gandalf build do it in?
I did a 3.5s kill first try. I’m sure Gandalf can do better.
Sorry, but it hurts to see how you activate your skills…
Ugh, skill clickers. This is why people think Thieves are OP. All the skill clickers I’ve killed who can’t move their characters. :o
I was expecting a PvP video also. XD Maybe I’ll go beat on him with my Guardian when I’m bored and see how fast he poopz him.
It’s just there to show what the class is capable of. Maybe some of the stubborn or ill-informed AH and clerics guards might convert to zerkerism after seeing it
. As far as DPS tests go I agree for the most part.
But how fast can the Gandalf build do it in?
I did a 3.5s kill first try. I’m sure Gandalf can do better.
FGS isn’t a staff!!!
Here is a real staff guard test that Gandolf approves.
(edited by obal.3218)
Ohhh man, obal. Staff killing that poor, Giant – and so quickly too. Very nice!
Probably close to the best I can do solo: 0:09s kill
Undead slaying potion, +100 power / +10% crit damage food and I changed my build to a 20/25/0/0/25 build and abused precasting Hounds and SoJ. I was able to shave off about four seconds from my previous attempt. This kill wasn’t exactly stacked, but you really would not see SoJ or Hound usage outside of test situations like this. Those skills are just too bad to be reliable damage CDs in a dungeon or pvp. I did make one change that likely had a more drastic affected: I swapped my force sigil for an undead one for testing. I think, once I get an ascended sword, I’ll try again, see if I can do any better.
Edit: Did a few “less gimmicky” attempts with no hounds/soj, I seem to be averaging right at 11s for a kill, so they don’t really add a whole lot considering the extra effort. The sigil, 5% GS damage from trait, and the extra power from the investment in zeal is making the biggest difference.
Also, @OP
Well done, that drastically improved your dps and kill time. Keep it up!
(edited by Kelnis.1829)
You should binding blades in the hitbox when there are adds. That might have shaved off a second or so.
Yeah, actually, wow. I underestimated the amount of damage potential that has when grubs are up.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t always spawn grubs in an ideal situation. I’ll play with it some, see if I can push that kill time down another second or two.
Edit: I ended up posting a 7s kill, it could have been faster, but the grubs that land near the giant don’t always survive the initial burst of damage from focus/leap.
(edited by Kelnis.1829)
Yeah, actually, wow. I underestimated the amount of damage potential that has when grubs are up.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t always spawn grubs in an ideal situation. I’ll play with it some, see if I can push that kill time down another second or two.
Edit: I ended up posting a 7s kill, it could have been faster, but the grubs that land near the giant don’t always survive the initial burst of damage from focus/leap.
Nice one
Im asking in the other threads if someone can do the test for ele and engi would be great.
(edited by The Kape.3672)
I did a 3 second ele kill. Could surely get it down to 2s.
If true, awesome – if you can post a video I’m certain we’d love to see it, if troll…. very creative.
Its true and legit but some people might not like the way its done. xD
Ahh, fiery greatsword #4? It still counts… even if it is cheating ;D!
lol, the skill clicking blew my mind. Are you an octopus?
He might not have fgs in mind.
Not only, although i’ll just be posting my first attempt (which was fgs because i was lazy).
Edit: The video is actually 3 seconds, youtube just weirdly adds 1 second to any video you upload. The kill was everything but optimal, i didn’t bother stacking might, was on my WvW traits, was under 90% because of w/e and lagged like kitten.
New instability inc: Hotkeys disabled, skillclicking required
Thanks to the 7sec video i could improove my 16 to 13sec
Vet didnt wanted to colabored to spawn the mobs it took me many attempts to have this one and i did a lot of mistakes :P
64crit chance with 5 ascended zerker
74 crit dmg
According with obal specs in the 11sec video im loosing 10stats in the crit dmg
If you run head chest legs gs sword focus with assasin stats crit dmg/chance will be higher
(edited by The Kape.3672)
Any new tests after patch?
So far we have:
Guardian 7sec
Warrior 8sec
Elementalist 10sec
Ranger 11sec
Necro 14sec
Engineer 14sec
Mesmer 16sec
I finished my ascended sword on patch day, I may try again sometime in the future, but I’ll probably wait until I get all my ascended armor up and running. I saw in some of the sister threads people QQing about my racial elite use, however, I did several tests without hounds too. I can still hit 9s~ without them, I’ll record without hounds in the future iterations, though, so no one can QQ.
(edited by Kelnis.1829)
I finished my ascended sword on patch day, I may try again sometime in the future, but I’ll probably wait until I get all my ascended armor up and running. I saw in some of the sister threads people QQing about my racial elite use, however, I did several tests without hounds too. I can still hit 9s~ without them, I’ll record without hounds in the future iterations, though, so no one can QQ.
yes some people dont get what i want with all of this but i already explained in 1 sister thread and im aware of the racial dosent count much for what i wanted i agree but im aware also without the racial its still very fast and its what im looking with all this ty for keep this alive will wait to see an update.
It isn’t much, but I redid a few pulls without hounds – best I could get was: (7.5s~)
Now get out there and break the Guardian lupicus solo record and go next level.
It isn’t much, but I redid a few pulls without hounds – best I could get was: (7.5s~)
Very impressive. Nice vuln/might stacking in such a small space of time – it’s hard to see how you could improve on it ( I’m guessing triggering sword command towards the end would interrupt your AA flow too much to be worth it )
Now get out there and break the Guardian lupicus solo record and go next level.
A full skill clicking solo would actually be fun to watch. I don’t think I have the patience to attempt that.
It isn’t much, but I redid a few pulls without hounds – best I could get was: (7.5s~)
Very impressive. Nice vuln/might stacking in such a small space of time – it’s hard to see how you could improve on it ( I’m guessing triggering sword command towards the end would interrupt your AA flow too much to be worth it )
Honestly, the Sword seems to do very little in terms of damage – at least in the time span of the kills. The activation seems to be off the “global” so I could cast it, but I’ve had issues with the range on the giant – it seems to whiff a lot.
Hah, I only recently got back in to playing GW2 – my dungeoning skills are out of practice. Perhaps I’ll give myself that goal, though, something to do.
It isn’t much, but I redid a few pulls without hounds – best I could get was: (7.5s~)
ty for trying without racial
So far we have:
Thief 7sec
Guardian 7sec
Warrior 8sec
Elementalist 10sec
Ranger 11sec
Necro 14sec
Engineer 14sec
Mesmer 16sec
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