Guardian Hammer PVE Build

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Epix.4839


Hello, I’m fairly new to GW2 and pretty much just learning about all the mechanics/playstyles throughout the game. I have tried different prof/wep combos and etc and have come across a playstyle I really enjoy. Guardian-Hammer from a PVE aspect, as I’m mainly a PVE player when it comes to MMOs(not too huge on pvp and will probably focus on that later on, if I’m ever tired of PVE content).

So pretty much I’ve been doing a ton of research over the past few days on what kind of build I should follow for this kind of playstyle but not really seeing anything up to date/helpful and decided just to make a post. So my question for you lovely folk, can somebody either link a helpful guide to assist me with this kind of guardian playstyle and/or inform me what traits to spec into. ANY information will be much appreciated. Thank you!

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: spoj.9672


Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: tanshiniza.8629


Here is a DPS Guardian build based on Hammer/Staff that I played for a while and was pretty darn fun.

You can use the staff for healing/ranged+mob control and the hammer for DPS and mob control. The Altruistic healing and boons while give you some reasonably good survivability and remember to keep dodging

Calm Caril – Level 80 – Guardian
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Epix.4839


Oh great this is very recent and a video to go along with it, thanks alot.

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Epix.4839


Here is a DPS Guardian build based on Hammer/Staff that I played for a while and was pretty darn fun.

You can use the staff for healing/ranged+mob control and the hammer for DPS and mob control. The Altruistic healing and boons while give you some reasonably good survivability and remember to keep dodging

That’s very useful and gives me a good feel on what I should be speccing for, but I see you used the term “was”, do you not play this style anymore? If not what kind of guard do you play now?

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: spoj.9672


The meta for dungeons is dps and zerker gear. So if your serious about dungeons, going for an altruistic healing spec will make you a laughing stock.

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Epix.4839


The meta for dungeons is dps and zerker gear. So if your serious about dungeons, going for an altruistic healing spec will make you a laughing stock.

Ahahaha well that’s good to know. I don’t want to be backtracked and shunned from dungeons just because of my speccing, Thanks for the tip.

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: tanshiniza.8629


Here is a DPS Guardian build based on Hammer/Staff that I played for a while and was pretty darn fun.

You can use the staff for healing/ranged+mob control and the hammer for DPS and mob control. The Altruistic healing and boons while give you some reasonably good survivability and remember to keep dodging

That’s very useful and gives me a good feel on what I should be speccing for, but I see you used the term “was”, do you not play this style anymore? If not what kind of guard do you play now?

I use the term ‘was’ since I don’t really PvE anymore only really do PvP if you’re interested in my PvP build I can give you a write up on it.

Calm Caril – Level 80 – Guardian
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Chew Magna.4830

Chew Magna.4830

The meta for dungeons is dps and zerker gear. So if your serious about dungeons, going for an altruistic healing spec will make you a laughing stock.

This “meta” is a big load of bull. Find a build you like, play with friends and guildies who also play builds they like and just have fun. Not everyone who plays this game wants to constantly do speed runs and blow by all the content.

I play a healway guardian in dungeons with a hammer and have tons of fun with it. Normal pve is a joke with it, just run into as big of a group as you can find and aoe them all down.

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: spoj.9672


The meta for dungeons is dps and zerker gear. So if your serious about dungeons, going for an altruistic healing spec will make you a laughing stock.

This “meta” is a big load of bull. Find a build you like, play with friends and guildies who also play builds they like and just have fun. Not everyone who plays this game wants to constantly do speed runs and blow by all the content.

I play a healway guardian in dungeons with a hammer and have tons of fun with it. Normal pve is a joke with it, just run into as big of a group as you can find and aoe them all down.

What you described is not the meta though… I was informing him of the optimum way to build in dungeons. Not everyone is so against building so they are most effective in the content they are playing. If you want to play with healy and tanky builds thats fine. But they arent viable for serious and efficient dungeon runs.

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Epix.4839


The meta for dungeons is dps and zerker gear. So if your serious about dungeons, going for an altruistic healing spec will make you a laughing stock.

This “meta” is a big load of bull. Find a build you like, play with friends and guildies who also play builds they like and just have fun. Not everyone who plays this game wants to constantly do speed runs and blow by all the content.

I play a healway guardian in dungeons with a hammer and have tons of fun with it. Normal pve is a joke with it, just run into as big of a group as you can find and aoe them all down.

What you described is not the meta though… I was informing him of the optimum way to build in dungeons. Not everyone is so against building so they are most effective in the content they are playing. If you want to play with healy and tanky builds thats fine. But they arent viable for serious and efficient dungeon runs.

Well that lil discussion helped me understand dungeon runs “meta” a lil better. I mean I’ve seen others post that you can play whatever you want in pve, doesn’t really matter etc, although it’s nice to know I should be able to find dungeon runs regardless of my build/playstyle. Just really depends on the individuals I’m running with.

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: spoj.9672


You will find it easier to find groups if you build zerker and have the ability to join “speedrun groups”. Most pug speedrun groups are pretty bad though, it just filters out bad builds atleast.

I also personally think healing/tanky builds are leeching builds due to them slowing the runs down and being selfish. Lots of people seem to take offense to that. If you arent that fussed about how you build, but you enjoy being useful and contributing to a group then you should deffo look into sticking with dps builds for classes. Noone will tell you you are wrong to build zerker in pve. If they do then they are stupid.

ps. Might take a bit of practise to get use to being that squishy, but its better to learn the hard way than to start off with forgiving gear and get into bad habits of not dodging or wasting dodges.

(edited by spoj.9672)

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Shifu.4321


You can go hybrid and do an AH spec with zerker gear if you’re not comfy with full zerker.

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: colesy.8490


The meta for dungeons is dps and zerker gear. So if your serious about dungeons, going for an altruistic healing spec will make you a laughing stock.

This “meta” is a big load of bull. Find a build you like, play with friends and guildies who also play builds they like and just have fun. Not everyone who plays this game wants to constantly do speed runs and blow by all the content.

I play a healway guardian in dungeons with a hammer and have tons of fun with it. Normal pve is a joke with it, just run into as big of a group as you can find and aoe them all down.

There’s nothing wrong with friendly bads playing with bads they know, it’s when you take that healway guardian in to a PUG. It’s not fair to run a build which is going to leech when you’re going to be wasting the time of your four other party members.

Also, funnily enough I can run in to a group, evade their first attack, binding blade them all, whirling wrath (activating virtue mid-way through so their next attack misses), leap of faith for an extra blind, symbol then cleave them to death (if they aren’t dead by then … I haven’t played guard in a while so I’m probably underestimating their DPS).

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Blazin Blunt.6908

Blazin Blunt.6908

Talic the Protector – 80 Norn Guardian
Blunt of Balthazar – 80 Human Guardian
Khan of Feurt – 80 Charr Necromancer

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: colesy.8490


Why aren’t you running full berserker?

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Guardian Hammer PVE Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Blazin Blunt.6908

Blazin Blunt.6908

Because i do more wvw as dungeons, so when i run wvw i like to have at least 15k HP and 2600 armor. Next to that i already hate to swap weapons and traits according to situation then i also have to switch armor so that is why :P

Talic the Protector – 80 Norn Guardian
Blunt of Balthazar – 80 Human Guardian
Khan of Feurt – 80 Charr Necromancer