Guardian - Legendary weapon

Guardian - Legendary weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: sshansss.1795




I have been thinking a lot about buying a legendary weapon for my guardian, but the only thing that discourages me from it, is that the second skill of guardian greatsword build (Whirling Wrath) has totally different colour animation than the weapon (Twillight/Sunrise).And I am not the only one that thinks that. I mean the animation is blue tornado, in which is spinning dark blade. The contrast doesn’t look very well. Dont you think that the colour of tornado should change in order what legendary you have? It would look much more realistic and the game would be perfect.

What do you think about that?


(edited by sshansss.1795)

Guardian - Legendary weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Charak.9761


Not like it matters, you won’t see your character since you need to be WWing INSIDE of your target for effective damage.

Guardian - Legendary weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Farzo.8410


Gold seller post in disguise.

Guardian - Legendary weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: sshansss.1795


@Charak.9761 Well you do not stand exactly in the enemy character and even if you did you would still see your whole character and the tornado. Even if there were 10 people. It’s about the animation, it would look better if the tornado had different shape and colour, according to the legendary. Since they changed warrior, why wouldnt they guardian ??

@Farzo.8410 Didn’t realize that! I was just printscreening some youtube video. I will fix it straight away

Guardian - Legendary weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Vizor.7185



I have been thinking a lot about buying a legendary weapon for my guardian, but the only thing that discourages me from it, is that the second skill of guardian greatsword build (Whirling Wrath) has totally different colour animation than the weapon (Twillight/Sunrise).And I am not the only one that thinks that. I mean the animation is blue tornado, in which is spinning dark blade. The contrast doesn’t look very well. Dont you think that the colour of tornado should change in order what legendary you have? It would look much more realistic and the game would be perfect.

What do you think about that?

Finally someone post it. I agree with sshansss.1795. The colour animation in this case should be changed. The blue colour of tornado in combination with The Guardians LEGENDARY Greatsword looks awful and i think, this weapon deservers perfect visuals. It is hard to get it and when you get it, you expect flawless visuals.

Guardian - Legendary weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


I do believe the blue tornado animation should change

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Guardian - Legendary weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Kubajz.8349


I agree with #sshansss.1795. Once you craft so awfully expensive weapon, which I happen to have, it should change the animation of weapon skills. Legendary weapon isn’t just an ordinary weapon, just by wielding it, everything should change. Unfortunately it doesn’t.

Please, change the animation of tornado at least.

Thank you very much.

Guardian - Legendary weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Vikkela.7261


Instead of changing skill animation they could do something like this instead

9 Guardians later…