Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580



Newer Build:

  • Min/Max optimized mix of Berserker and Knight sets
  • A very nice mix of survivability and damage
    - 3.3k attack
    - 2.9k armor
    - 15k health
    - +50% critical chance
    - +74% critical damage
  • Superior Rune of the Pack has a chance to give Might, Fury, and Swiftness (5s)
  • Possibility of 70% critical chance during fights
  • Two stunbreaks and two condition removals (one with a complete wipe)
  • Greatsword and Staff skills recharge 20% faster
  • +20% Swiftness Duration provides an extra 2 second duration to Staff Skill #3
  • +10% bonus damage to burning foes

I main as a Warrior and I’ve found that Guardians are naturally defensive and needs work on its damage/DPS, whereas Warriors are the complete opposite and are naturally offensive but needs work on its defenses.

Note that this is only for WvW. I do not recommend this at all in sPvP/tPvP.

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

(edited by Oreoginal.1580)

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


What do you guys think?

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

This isn’t really aimed at you specifically, but people really need to start developing a relative understanding of what “high” DPS is. I see so many “high DPS” builds that in fact give almost no DPS that the adjective has pretty much lost all its meaning.

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


:DD i love your Warrior vids!

are you still mainly gonna be roaming with this build / class as well? with a meditations build, i feel the staff would be a secondary choice. it’s nice to have for the swiftness but what i like to do is when i am running frmo A to B, i’ll switch in staff, throw down symbol of swiftness then switch back to my regular weapon set.

i personally feel it’s not the best weapon in a 1v1 situation, rather, it works better when you’re in a small group or more. that being said, there are some that have found success with the staff even in small-scale or even roaming fights.

i will say that 13k health is definitely on the low end, but if you feel you can sustain enough then go for it. though you can easily fix that with a few gear swaps or maybe even with food, if you feel like you need to. or just use your dodges, blinds, blocks effectively. ; )))

the aegis removal heal i feel is rather underwhelming as well but i haven’t really tested it since the revamp, though mainly since you really only get aegis from your VoC (F3), i feel it might be more beneficial to take say Writ of Exaltation for larger symbols since you’re running GS and staff.

i quite like Rune of the Pack even in WvW. though many Guards don’t feel it’s the best choice, or the proc effect is too low. many will go with 5 Citadel + 1 ruby orb or sth along those lines for Fury procs (30s!) instead. : )) though personally i use Pack runes myself (and it matches this one particular build’s background story lolll)

i have a feeling you’ll have a lot of fun with Judge’s Intervention paired with Whirling Wrath, binding blades, etc do give the hammer a shot as well one of these days! hope this helped a bit.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


surely a nice build… but there are few problems:
1) what did you use for condition removal? (46sec CD is very long… and the 16sec one isnt enough)
2) resistence isnt enough in my opinion because of low HP and no real way to mitigate incoming damage expecially from condition)
3) you put 20 points in zeal for 5% gs damage while refusing 5 more points in Honor and get +10% damage while endurance is not full (according to wiki), 500 more hp and a more reason to spam your roll and get heal, evade, damage and support XD
4)Staff is very usefull in Zergs but i strongly recomende sword/focus because of their infinite utility for you and party (3# blocks, 5# blocks, aoe regeneration 4# and blind)

meditation are very good… but i still prefer the boonway coming out from shouts because you can easily heal more than a meditation and get more usefull boons

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: phokus.8934


That is some really low health you have there and no decent way of maintaining condition removal or condition reduction. I’d sacrifice some power for more vitality and go make Lemongrass for -40% condition reduction. Maybe even take Purity instead.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: Blasino.3128


What is the purpose of the build? Solo roaming? Small Group? Zerg?

Uturunku Yana, Guardian / Chullachaqui Yana, Engie
Group Stability is a hell of a Drug – Rick James

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


This isn’t really aimed at you specifically, but people really need to start developing a relative understanding of what “high” DPS is. I see so many “high DPS” builds that in fact give almost no DPS that the adjective has pretty much lost all its meaning.

I guess I meant relative to other builds. Don’t most Guardians go with Soldier or Knight set? A mix of Berserker and Soldier set will still lack Precision, which means lower Critical Chance. If this isn’t considered a “high DPS” build then I’m sorry for confusing people.

:DD i love your Warrior vids!

are you still mainly gonna be roaming with this build / class as well? with a meditations build, i feel the staff would be a secondary choice. it’s nice to have for the swiftness but what i like to do is when i am running frmo A to B, i’ll switch in staff, throw down symbol of swiftness then switch back to my regular weapon set.

i personally feel it’s not the best weapon in a 1v1 situation, rather, it works better when you’re in a small group or more. that being said, there are some that have found success with the staff even in small-scale or even roaming fights.

i will say that 13k health is definitely on the low end, but if you feel you can sustain enough then go for it. though you can easily fix that with a few gear swaps or maybe even with food, if you feel like you need to. or just use your dodges, blinds, blocks effectively. ; )))

the aegis removal heal i feel is rather underwhelming as well but i haven’t really tested it since the revamp, though mainly since you really only get aegis from your VoC (F3), i feel it might be more beneficial to take say Writ of Exaltation for larger symbols since you’re running GS and staff.

i quite like Rune of the Pack even in WvW. though many Guards don’t feel it’s the best choice, or the proc effect is too low. many will go with 5 Citadel + 1 ruby orb or sth along those lines for Fury procs (30s!) instead. : )) though personally i use Pack runes myself (and it matches this one particular build’s background story lolll)

i have a feeling you’ll have a lot of fun with Judge’s Intervention paired with Whirling Wrath, binding blades, etc do give the hammer a shot as well one of these days! hope this helped a bit.

Haha thanks!

I’ll be roaming with my girlfriend (she can use a Thief, a Mesmer, or a Warrior). So there’ll always be two of us roaming.

I really like the Greatsword and I feel like the Staff is needed in WvW for the Swiftness. The other weapon set I’d consider is the Hammer. I like using Greatsword and Hammer in tPvP but I feel like I lose so much mobility. Is Greatsword and Hammer viable in WvW?

Hmm… 13k health. I guess it is pretty small, eh? I figured that’s normal for Guardians since they have more sustain than Warriors (which have a naturally high health). Alright, I’ll definitely adjust it! Thanks.

I’ll also be getting Writ of Exaltation over Pure of Heart! (:

I’m trying to figure out which of the two can offer more. Rune of the Pack gives Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 5s BUT it also has a 10s cd whereas Rune of the Citadel give Fury for 30s but has a 60s cd. I figured I’m gonna’ be tanking a lot during fights anyways that my Rune of the Pack will be procing whenever it’s out of cooldown. But I’ll definitely check both out!

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


surely a nice build… but there are few problems:
1) what did you use for condition removal? (46sec CD is very long… and the 16sec one isnt enough)
2) resistence isnt enough in my opinion because of low HP and no real way to mitigate incoming damage expecially from condition)
3) you put 20 points in zeal for 5% gs damage while refusing 5 more points in Honor and get +10% damage while endurance is not full (according to wiki), 500 more hp and a more reason to spam your roll and get heal, evade, damage and support XD
4)Staff is very usefull in Zergs but i strongly recomende sword/focus because of their infinite utility for you and party (3# blocks, 5# blocks, aoe regeneration 4# and blind)

meditation are very good… but i still prefer the boonway coming out from shouts because you can easily heal more than a meditation and get more usefull boons

1. I have 2 utilities that gives condition removal. I’m also planning on getting the -36% condition duration & +60 vitality food for my build. Are 2 condition removals not enough? I guess it’s different from Guardians ‘cause I don’t even run with any condition removal in my utility slots for my Warrior and I do just pretty well. Thanks!

2. I really need to do something about my low HP. Hmmm…

3. Oh! I didn’t even notice that. Yes, I’ll definitely do that! I need the extra health.

4. I really don’t like the Sword and Focus playstyle. The only other weapon I’ll consider is the Hammer although my mobility basically dies if I run a Greatsword and Hammer build.

That is some really low health you have there and no decent way of maintaining condition removal or condition reduction. I’d sacrifice some power for more vitality and go make Lemongrass for -40% condition reduction. Maybe even take Purity instead.

I’m trying to figure out how to balance DPS with tankiness. The last thing I want is to be incredibly tanky that can probably survive 3-5 enemies with no problem, BUT not having the DPS to kill those people. But yeah, I wasn’t sure what’s considered “low health” with this class because of its many sustains. I’ll definitely, definitely look into that!

What is the purpose of the build? Solo roaming? Small Group? Zerg?

I guess a really small group? I usually roam with my girlfriend so it’s usually just the two of us. She can play a Thief, a Mesmer, or a Warrior. I main a Warrior, but I also have a Thief and a Guardian.

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


1. I have 2 utilities that gives condition removal. I’m also planning on getting the -36% condition duration & +60 vitality food for my build. Are 2 condition removals not enough? I guess it’s different from Guardians ‘cause I don’t even run with any condition removal in my utility slots for my Warrior and I do just pretty well. Thanks!

2. I really need to do something about my low HP. Hmmm…

3. Oh! I didn’t even notice that. Yes, I’ll definitely do that! I need the extra health.

4. I really don’t like the Sword and Focus playstyle. The only other weapon I’ll consider is the Hammer although my mobility basically dies if I run a Greatsword and Hammer build.

1) 2 single condition remover aren’t enough for me… so i suggest you to use sigil of genereosity but, in this way, you need more crit chance in order to activate it or you can always put more 5 points in honor and get Pure of Voice wich give you an aoe condition removal (and 500 more hp) which give you, also a random boon… i have both and still there are few situation where i cant remove all conditions… but will work

2-3) glad to be of help

4) i can also suggest you to try scepter+torch because of the immobilize, the range and the burning up time (which give you a more consistent damage bonus from your 10 points trait in zeal)

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: Lurock Turoth.9085

Lurock Turoth.9085

Here is the medi build I use.

1: Neither my build or your build are high dps, they have good damage but nothing crazy

2: You have really low hp and you don’t have the damage avoidance to make up for it (blinds, protection and blocks)

3: Rather light on condi purge, some fights that wont be a problem but if you ever come across a good condi necro you could have problems.

At the end of the day its up to you, I would just load up and try it. You will find the things that really seem to cause problems for you. The issues pointed out in this thread can for the most part be fixed by team composition. Remember, there is no do it all perfect build don’t be afraid to leave a weakness in your build if a guildies build can pick up the slack and vice versa.

Angst Hex, [FLOT] BG Havoc/Roaming

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


Haha thanks!

I’ll be roaming with my girlfriend (she can use a Thief, a Mesmer, or a Warrior). So there’ll always be two of us roaming.

I really like the Greatsword and I feel like the Staff is needed in WvW for the Swiftness. The other weapon set I’d consider is the Hammer. I like using Greatsword and Hammer in tPvP but I feel like I lose so much mobility. Is Greatsword and Hammer viable in WvW?

Hmm… 13k health. I guess it is pretty small, eh? I figured that’s normal for Guardians since they have more sustain than Warriors (which have a naturally high health). Alright, I’ll definitely adjust it! Thanks.

I’ll also be getting Writ of Exaltation over Pure of Heart! (:

I’m trying to figure out which of the two can offer more. Rune of the Pack gives Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 5s BUT it also has a 10s cd whereas Rune of the Citadel give Fury for 30s but has a 60s cd. I figured I’m gonna’ be tanking a lot during fights anyways that my Rune of the Pack will be procing whenever it’s out of cooldown. But I’ll definitely check both out!

heh, nice. makes me happy to hear you two still roam together.

i used to run hammer and greatsword a lot (hammer is usually my weapon of choice but i mess around with everything). whenever using the hammer you do feel like you lose a BIT of it, but paired with Judge’s Internvetion is SO FUN. pre-cast any of #2, #3, #4 or #5 (the latter two being more popoular) for a giant hit out of nowhere, an almost guaranteed immob on the hammer since it can be hard to land, a knockback out of nowhere, or trap them in a bubble and have your way with ‘em. great for setting up AoE damage to a group. and i usually swap staff in and out for the swiftness symbol, then swap back right away to eitehr hammer or GS. makes it easier too sinc eboth are 2h. i often swap to staff when i’m using 1h and then i have to click through my inv to find my offhand lol.

but yes, hammer GS i feel is viable. and if your girlfriend runs Warrior for e.g. warhorn is always nice to have if she doesn’t mind running that. and you have two of the hardest hitters available on swap.

i saw the changes you made, which does put your health at a more comfortable level. ; )) though we start at the very bottom in terms of base health, in WvW, i’d say i’m more than comfortable with 14k, 15-16k could be a sweet spot. you still need to play your blinds, blocks, smart. which looking at your build, you have one blind from GS3 and it’s not like the port from the sword.

it’s a strong, sustainable build and you won’t hit lightly by any means. Packs is qutie decent and i see the procs enough throughuot a fight. and i really like ‘em. you bring up fair points as well and again if your girlfriend runs warr, depending on what builds, you’ll have plenty access to fury, etc. give it a shot first if you have ‘em already and then if you don’t like it, give citadel a shot. i know a few guards who swear by them.

and just for fun, this is a PvP vid, but i’ve brought the exact same build over to WvW and it’s fun jumping people, while retaining enough sustainability if your opponent survives your opening
Mace RHS Burst build

i feel like you might enjoy some of these as well. some vids are different builds from yours, while some are quite similar.
Amins Guardian WvW vids

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: Blasino.3128


Yeah as others have pointed out, some issues with the build. But if this build is enjoyable roll with it. In no way I want to change your play style, these are just my opinions.

Your lack of condition removal and low vitality which makes you more susceptible to conditions.

Going 10 into Zeal almost seems like a waste. You do not have the burst to take advantage of the Fiery Wrath Trait. I would take that 5 into virtues since the minor is very strong regardless of build. I would also take 5 into radiance to take justice is blind since zealot’s speed is not a very good trait. The blind will give you more damage negation increasing your defense.

Writ of exaltation is a waste as symbols aren’t the best thing for www, especially with your setup. Normally you would want to run writ of mercy and have a mace handy with that trait. I used to run a DPS/Support symbol build because I enjoyed it, but it definitely had its short comings.

Your weapon sets are popular with most guardians, though I’m not a fan of GS.

The GS, is tough to use against skilled opponents due to its tell signs except for the auto attack and leap of faith. Too land some of the attacks you really need to use JI in conjunction. For example Binding Blades and JI at the opponent before the animation is finished will almost guarantee a hit. Same with whirling wrath (though you still won’t land the full burst). Now for roaming a GS is helpful due to leap of faith which gives you some mobility.

In addition to roaming, sword #2 gives you additional mobility. But like the GS, Zealot’s Defense is hard to land due to tell signs and the ease of getting away from the attack.

Running save yourselves and lyssa runes are addition sources to give you quick swiftness and boons to recovery if you need to pull out.

I only point out the last two, because with just you and your girlfriend out there you will most likely needs ways to get out of trouble (IE getting blind sided by a zerg, or getting overwhelmed by a skilled group). As a warrior it’s easier; however, its tougher for a guardian.

Also, Stand your ground is a very strong skill even with a meditation build. I’m not saying you have to use it, but just keep in mind that it is probably one of our best skills for a guardian.

I hope you find these useful =).

Uturunku Yana, Guardian / Chullachaqui Yana, Engie
Group Stability is a hell of a Drug – Rick James

Guardian - Mobile Meditation Build (High DPS)

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


i agree with Blasino here that with a 5/30/30/5 setup, the AoE blind on activation of F1 is almost to die for. add on extra might to that as well.

i still quite enjoy writ of exaltation, even in WvW. if i am specced into honor and have weapons with symbols, i’ll most likely take it. though, like you mentioned, specific to Oreo’s build, there may be better choices to be had.

and just a quick note, don’t forget about the combo’s that you can pull! especially with hammer #2 if you decide to go with hammer. hard hitting blast finisher on super short cooldown.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall