Guardian Needs a New Off-Hand
I’m of a completely different opinion. All our main hand weapons are horrible imo. So much so that I sit here brain storming builds for the off chance we get a short bow or long bow since I really dislike everything but GS, hammer, and torch and I don’t want to use any combination of the 3.
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger
focus is our best off hand IMO.
i dont think we should get a new off-hand until they fix torch.
Yea fix torch 5 and shield 4
Shield 4 is useful – but it is one of the least exciting skills I’ve ever used – pop it for a couple seconds protection on every CD.
Both Torch skills are counter intuitive and hardly feel like attacks – Torch 5 is too similar to the ele’s dragons breath, only with the bonus that it cures conditions. Torch 4 I find awkward using.
I don’t think any of these skills are unbalance or anything, I just think they suck – they’re not fun, and they don’t really make sense.
Shield and Torch do their job,
If their job is to be terribad.
I vote offhand sword or dagger.
I think offhand mace makes more sense for a guardian to be wielding. Gives us access to a knock down for instance.(Though they’d probably F us over and make it do a symbol and have no CC). I’m just jealous of that sword#5 on warrior. That block is so pro for lupi….
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
You would think our shield would have such a block. I would rather get a rework of the guardian shield than to get a new off hand personally. I think it’s sad that our symbol is a shield and Engi and War both have better shield skills than Guardians.
Also Shield for main hand because I want to Dual Shield Wield.
I don’t think we desperately need one, but stuff does get boring after a while and it’s nice to add something new. I think Mace or Horn would be an appropriate addition.
Gee whiz.. Can’t we have a thread without a guardian whining about this and that? If some people find their way to utilize something that you can’t, it doesn’t mean it’s is terribad.
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?
Hmm, i’ll take a crack at this.
skill 4- Grasping Light – Detonate Grasping Light (this skill would have similiar mechanics to binding blade.)
chain Part 1 -Grasping Light
The guardian slashes the target with their sword inflicting damage, and applying Brilliant Light for 20 seconds.
damage: (Not sure, but thinking mediocre to low.)
CD: 20 seconds
range: 130
cast time: 1/2s
note: should have a somewhat noticeable telegraph
chain part 2- Detonate Grasping Light
The guardian detonates grasping light interrupting the target, applying blind, 5 seconds of chill, and teleporting the enemy 900 range closer to the guardian, enemies that were not interrupted are not teleported.
dmg: ~
CD: ~
cast time: Instant
Range: blinks the target a maximum of 900 range closer to the casting guardian. Does not blink targets that are not interrupted.
Skill 5- Divisive Justice
A ward is placed travelling straight from the guardian in the direction that he/she is facing, targets that are hit by the ward initially are stunned for 2 seconds and take damage. The ward remains in place for 3 seconds.
range: 900
damage: 600 base
duration: 3 seconds
CD: 30 seconds
cast time: 1/2
note: again, at least somewhat noticeable telegraph
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(edited by Entioch.6594)
Horn sounds like a good idea.
I use focus but to be honest there is nothing spectacular