Guardian PvP advice
This has always been a problem with bunker guard, due to their mobility. When you’re playing with a team, the problem isn’t really there since some type of third party communication will probably be used. However, when it comes to soloq and just playing with randoms, it’s one of the hardest things about bunker Guardian, you don’t know how your teammates will react nor do you really know their skill level.
It’s going to come down to your map awareness, your experience, and your ability to read fights. For instance, let’s say your team is holding mid and home, you see your teammates having issues and might lose home even though it’s a 3v3. If you leave mid; it’s pretty much guaranteed to get capped since you don’t really know where the other enemy players are. However, helping your team is paramount and preventing a wipe, so it would be best to go. However, this could also backfire; your team could get a hold of the situation before you get there and you’ll lose mid for no reason now. Nevertheless, there are also other factors you need to take into consideration; current score, if players are respawning, and also your and your opponent’s comp.
I know this probably isn’t the answer you wanted because it’s really not clear. You’ll make good decisions and other times your decisions will be questionable. All I can really recommend is try to be in team fights as much as possible, also the more you play the better you’ll get at making these types of decisions.
Heavens Rage
Well it depends what build you run…
If you have Staff/GS and Retreat you can safely poke out from mid and help far or close for a few hits and still be able to run back before they capture mid.
If you run Mace/Focus and Hammer it’s a bit trickier. You have no chance to get back to the point before they capture it.
I know a lonely MID guardian is looking strange but it’s a mobility issue. And even if you are seen by the enemy players this can turn the tide of the battle. They can not be sure if you join in the fight or run back. You can lay a staff5, stack some might and heal, lay down a symbol and immediately heading back to mid if you have to.
Even a few skills can be a changer in a 2v2 if you are a +1. But equip yourself with some mobility weapons.
A mace-focus/scepter-shield build won’t go anywhere unless they use JI.
my 2 coppers