Guardian Staff Skills
My only interest in staff was for the speed, though I know some like staff 1 for tagging in WvW. When I found out that sometimes the speed symbol doesn’t even pulse as I run over it, I discarded it altogether.
Now I’m just slow and dependent on the charity of others. =)
Tarnished Coast
Staff is great for some playstyles. The OP is basically suggesting a ranged replacement for scepter but I’m pretty sure there are many people out there who enjoy the staff as it is. I also think that most guardians would absolutely hate it if they got rid of line of warding (skill 5) as it’s kitten useful.
If you want to range from the top of the wall just switch to scepter when you’re in the keep (as I’m assuming you don’t have it equipped).
All is Vain
These need to be revamped, if for nothing else, WvW. It is immensely frustrating because I hate being the guy to run behind on the wall of a Keep. We NEED better skills.
1. Beam of Light – Fire a concentrated beam at the enemy, lasting 4 seconds and with a range of 1500.
2. Rays of Light- Fire 10 rays of light in all directions, blinding all enemies and doing X damage
3. Keep Same
4. Keep same
5. Light Rain – Call down rain of light from the heavens to smight your foes, dealing X amount of damage in a 1400 range. Enemies who are hit are blinded.
Please comment.
So you want to;
-remove our wide aoe auto attack and replace it with a single target 1500 range attack
-remove our 12 second cool down aoe heal and replace it with an aoe blind
-remove LoW and give us some kittenty sounding aoe that does nothing but blind?
and you some how think this will help us in WvW? The kitten? Get off your kitten keep wall and actually fight. -.-
LoW is useful only in PvE. In WvW, you just run around it or wait half a second for it to disappear. Most times you can’t even get it to face the direction you want.
We NEED a ranged WvW weapon. All other classes have one. For some reason, Elementalists, Necromancers, and Rangers have more melee skills than we have ranged.
Guardians are useless as an offensive profession as the game currently stands.
It needs to be changed.
Don’t underestimate LoW. A full squad of guardians placing them back to back can break a siege like a boss. Quite a site to see really.
LoW is useful only in PvE. In WvW, you just run around it or wait half a second for it to disappear. Most times you can’t even get it to face the direction you want.
Running around it causes groups to split up, which is the exact reason you drop it in the first place. If you expect it to halt a zerg you’re going to be disappointed.
Line of warding is used along side other CC to break up melee trains/organized pushes.
Um NO.
Staff is a brilliant weapon.
1. Brilliant spam attack, great for when zerging to spam as you push through an enemy line, or in defense when standing ground under a sanctury against an incomming zergball
2. ok, this one is pretty meh, but it hits a lot of targets if fired into a group, the detonate is pretty pants, but every heal counts sometimes.
3. Great ability, speed boost, dmg, lightfield, heals (when traited)
4. Brilliant ability, 12 stacks of might? yes please, aoe heal? yes please. Good for groups and for solo play, use bfore a weapon swap to GS and smash groups of mobs hard.
5. possibly one of the more powerful abilities in teh game for group play.
If you want to rework weapons, Scepter should be top of the list. Staff is not meant to be a ranged weapon as such, its a group support tool and it excels in that role.
You dont defend keeps by firing off walls. That just wont work against a decent group. You need to either arrow cart them to death, or counter push them back. Group up, charge out and slaughter a section of them, retreat back into keep. Buff, repeat as necessary.
(edited by Cameirus.8407)
Run around in circle, spam Wave of Wrath. Omnomnom Bag of Loot.
Although it hurts me to admit this, Staff 1 (and 4) are overpowered in wvw, zerg vs zerg. It’s like an never ending aoe, that ticks every second, the auto attack. Just to powerfull. Single target auto attacks, don’t stand a chance against it.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Although it hurts me to admit this, Staff 1 (and 4) are overpowered in wvw, zerg vs zerg. It’s like an never ending aoe, that ticks every second, the auto attack. Just to powerfull. Single target auto attacks, don’t stand a chance against it.
sure its hit a wide range, but its still 5 targets per hit, and it does not hit for very much, and the staff has no other real attack like other weapons do.
Staff 4 is good, but requires you to be rooted to channel, and gets best results from a well organised group who can stack properly.
Only amendments I’d like is the detonate on ability 2 to be a blast finisher like the trident skill )and apply burning but that may be going to far), to make detonate worth it occasionally
(edited by Cameirus.8407)
the only fix that guardian staff needs is on skill 1, so it can deal with elevation. otherwise, it’s the best setup staff in the game. don’t fix what’s not broken. (try ele staff sometime, for something outright broken.)
skill 1 – cleaves, 5 targets, large area.
skill 2 – massive damage, which hits EVERYTHING it passes through – throw it into a zerg and refresh.
skill 3 – swiftness on demand – if traited, eternal swiftness. if you’re not proccing when you pass through it, learn to play. that’s a problem with you, not the skill.
skill 4 – might for yourself and allies – in an AH build, a complete heal on yourself.
skill 5 – block pinchpoints, and provide condition removal for your team.
seriously, if you don’t know how to use it, don’t comment on it.
LoW is useful only in PvE. In WvW, you just run around it or wait half a second for it to disappear. Most times you can’t even get it to face the direction you want.
We NEED a ranged WvW weapon. All other classes have one. For some reason, Elementalists, Necromancers, and Rangers have more melee skills than we have ranged.
Guardians are useless as an offensive profession as the game currently stands.
It needs to be changed.
Just read this, and realised, dude doesn’t know how to play. If you’re not playing offensively on the guardian, you’re doing something incredibly wrong.
GS for melee, staff for mid-range. If you’re at max range, you’re either about to die, or retreating. Either way, “fixing” the staff won’t change it.
Honestly guardian needs access to bows or rifles more than staff needs a retooling. Staff is an extremely powerful support tool and I’d hate to have it changed up. Scepter is pretty lacking even in PvE since the orbs take so long to travel to their target. I guess the obvious solution is just to up the speed on the orbs, but bows look way cooler. :v
Staff is a bit OP if you want a honest opinion from someone who actually uses them. In fact, it is my main weapon of choice in WvW right next to 1 hander and shield. Only time I’m not using it is if I’m solo then I go GS/sword/focu or GS/mace/shield.
Skill 1 is great and comes in handy for defending (waiting for it to get nerfed actually)
Skill 2 is meh – needs a bit of tweaking maybe
Skill 3 is what it is when it works.
Skill 4 – already mentioned above. prz leave it alone
Skill 5 – you wanted to pass what again? Double the fun when guardians work together
Now scepter? That is another story but Staff is pretty solid already.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Leave the staff alone, there’s nothing to fix in it, except some buggy behaviors.
Maybe, the only thing that i’d ever might think to change of the staff is skill n°2.
But n°1 is great for sweeping/tagging, n°3 it’s a capless group quickness, n°4 is great buffing (and almost second heal skill if you’re AH), n°5 is great Area denial/guarding (yes, even if defiant and stability bypass it).
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
please don’t touch staff. staff 1 AoE is amazing. even without super high crit, you actually do alot of damage Staff 2 could be changed, but it’s pretty amazing as is. staff 5 is one of the best skills in the game. you can knocksomeone down by just placing it on top of them. watch them stubmle again as they try to get up. and if you use it in choke points? no one’s walking anywhere but into it.
Guardians can be amazing offensively. even with the staff. you’ll realize how much pressure you can place on even a zerg with jsut staff 1. now mix is usage of the other skills and a second weapon set and you’re definitely a formidable force.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Are you daft? Staff is Guardian’s best weapon in WvW. Staff #1 is the best way to farm for loot in zergs, just spam it and because of it’s large cone you can tag many targets. After all the buffs, Staff is just perfect. If anything needs to be fixed, it’s the Symbol of Swiftness bug where it doesn’t apply Swiftness sometimes.