(edited by Svenghali.4716)
Guardian Videos - High DPS WVW
I’d be interested to see the build you’re running there
What is your build?
seems like its a 2/1/4/6/1 build using force of will for more vitality and lower cd on 2 handed weapons. probably using retributive armor and glacial heart for valor as well.
That is pretty much my build – pretty impressive you were able to determine that just watching the vid.
My guild is very small – 6 people – so this gives us the WvW burst of thief with the added option of a boon duration or healer build when needed for PvE, PvP or any other time that burst damage is not needed.
This is one of the reasons I love the Guardian class – extremely versatile.
My vids are just a fun hobby I have and I wanted to show a different kind of burst damage guardian that isnt glass and capable of putting out consistent and reliable big damage while being able to handle a variety of situations and classes.
From Booms post and video number 1 I tried to reverse engineer his build. The closest I could come to his stats was this build:
he gets 250 power from bloodlust stacks I presume. Higher numbers than in the video probably result from me inputting all gear as ascended while him having a few exotics still. Only stat I cannot see in the video is the # of condition damage. Might have to do with a celestial piece of gear. You can hit his “2219” vitality by subbing something for an additonal 1 or 2 Sentinel pieces.
Anyway, it looks like a very solid build. A very well-rounded one, but focusing more on physical damage rather than burning. Hence why this would be better than a celestial build one.
Good. I am too, a fan of the crazy AoE damage that GS and Hammer set provides.
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?
Hey all thanks for the responses – the way you guys can reverse engineer is impressive as anything! You are pretty spot on.
THe burning I use only to boost damage on certain moves – there is very little in the way of using burning for damage, hence condi is negligible.
THis is an area control, highly mobile, anti-burster build. My job in the guild runs is to disable, deny and destroy the enemy burst players. The damage this build puts out is more than enough to either flatten them right out or keep them dancing so that their DPS doesnt land home.
My vids are to try and show this and the versatility of a DPS build in many situations and up against many classes.
Any chance you could post your actual build and gear? I’m a fairly newbie 80 Guard and this build looks great.
Nice damage… but you waste your cooldowns… a lot.
- You use Virtue of courage before the fights, even though you don’t really need the protection / you don’t use unscathed contender. Need to save those blocks for important skills, such as eviscerate, backstab and hammerstun.
- You randomly use Virtue of resolve at 80-90% health. Why ? By using it so early you lose your sustain.
- You use bane signet, followed by binding blades and immediately pull. Why?
Last but not least, the signet of resolve. Any competent player will annihilate you without shelter. It’s our best heal and arguably one of the best heals in the game. Use it.
Appreciate the feedback – for the benefit of anyone reading this thread:
- You use Virtue of courage before the fights — yeah, its a byproduct of the build change – its a force of habit – but you are absolutely right. I need to stop that – the missing mitigation would be beast if I stopped that.
- You randomly use Virtue of resolve at 80-90% health. – strategy choice; every time I dodge I get a heal and Inspired Virtues gives me regen after popping VoR. I primarily use it to negate the initial spam button damage the enemy players heap on me at the start of the fight effectively giving me almost 28K hit point pool. Using it early means I get it again if the fight goes long. The overtime heal effect of this is less useful in my build than to use it outright to counter the initial spam burst. As you can see in the videos – I am not a “wear you down overtime while mitigating your damage” Guardian build. The ranged folks that worry me the most aren’t going to notice the VoR when they are doing 5K+ at range just by pressing a button while running from your melee.
- You use bane signet, followed by binding blades and immediately pull. Why? – it does over 1K damage and knocks the enemy flat – this interrupts their start up chains – the binding blades are almost guaranteed to hit since they are immobilized – which does another 1K damage – followed by another interrupt when I yank them into the whirling blades which does up to 10K. It is possible to 100-0 many people before they can react – my primary targets are the zerkers without much hits. People with more hits such as Necros and Warriors are usually thrown into a panic because 50% of their hits just dissipated before they can react. I have plenty of other tools to control the fight and mitigate damage if the fight goes longer than that.
Last but not least, the signet of resolve. Any competent player will annihilate you without shelter. It’s our best heal and arguably one of the best heals in the game. Use it.
— I cannot disagree more if you mean that not running Shelter means I get annihilated. Each heal has its use. As you can see in my vids – even outnumbered – against gold and silver level players I am not annihilated. I am highly mobile and can get a Signet of Resolve heal for the most hit point restore PLUS I get a free condi removal. Using SoR does NOT require you to plant yourself in place which Shelter does. I use my SoR typically at 50% health which is 12K hit points for me, which puts my hits back to 20K+ and I last long enough to use it again. I cannot think of a time I was ever burst down from 12K hits by a single player on this build. I use it on occasion when I know I will be locked down (zergs, camp takes), the same way I occasionally use the Anti Toxin Spray (zergs to counter the condi bombing). They each have a bonus and a downside. There is no one best healing skill – they totally depend on your build, playstyle and role.
Against other more defense oriented Guardians I see them pop that shelter I back off and then once their heal is done – my next hit is fully capable of eliminating that 5K hits they just got back. The 8K I get from the signet with my already substantial hit point pool is the optimal choice for my build.
Yo man, any chance you could post your rotation(s)? I’d like to try this out.
How dependent is this build on consumables? hate builds dependent on them.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
From Booms post and video number 1 I tried to reverse engineer his build. The closest I could come to his stats was this build:
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fVUQJASRn0HShQ2KEmDB/QqgfoyxmqCAsnhd4PvMGyRA-T1CBAB7pL4SVRw4BAE9+DcqGxoqMglyDAuEAZpEjRlgMcEAIFArKjA-whe gets 250 power from bloodlust stacks I presume. Higher numbers than in the video probably result from me inputting all gear as ascended while him having a few exotics still. Only stat I cannot see in the video is the # of condition damage. Might have to do with a celestial piece of gear. You can hit his “2219” vitality by subbing something for an additonal 1 or 2 Sentinel pieces.
Anyway, it looks like a very solid build. A very well-rounded one, but focusing more on physical damage rather than burning. Hence why this would be better than a celestial build one.
Thats a good build stats wise, but it lacks sustain, where does his sustain come from?.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
Last but not least, the signet of resolve. Any competent player will annihilate you without shelter. It’s our best heal and arguably one of the best heals in the game. Use it.
I don’t agree with this. If you manage your utilities well, signet of resolve can easily be just as viable as shelter.
Thats a good build stats wise, but it lacks sustain, where does his sustain come from?.
Im not exactly sure what you mean by sustain here, but Ill try to answer what I think you are asking – and no – the build is not dependent on consumables per se. THere are many times in the vids that you can see me without food and/or WvW Guard Stacks.
My sustain is timing mostly. Dodging alot and using Glacial heart and knockdowns. I also have the buff to my Virtues so I get blinds, regen etc.
Fully buffed I run approx 25 K hit point pool. Unbuffed its approx 21K
THe signet heals me for 8K and my dodge rolls heal another few hundred each.
That answer your question?
Yo man, any chance you could post your rotation(s)? I’d like to try this out.
I dont really have any. I just adjust to what and who I am fighting.
1 example I can give you – Typical lead in on glass cannons (thieves, Elies,rangers) is Signet of Rage (knockdown), then if I have to close the gap I use Leap of Faith or Judges intervention depending on range, then binding blades, follwed with Whirling Blades, then immediately switch to Hammer and use Mighty Blow. Everything else from there is dependent on how they react….and most soil themselves, blow their elites and every cooldown they can think of. At that point its cleanup. Other more experienced players will do far more clever things and you have to be ready.
In the Vol 6 I show ALOT more duels so that can probably help demonstrate how the build works.
man, if you could post a build or PM :P
It would be much obliged!
you say they are “pretty” spot on….but not exact
(edited by Jordo.5913)
Can you remake your vids as a Race other than Charr please? The way they hold their weapons kills me inside.:( It’s a personal problem.
Warrior – The New Burninator! Strongbad would be so proud!
Guardian – Burn for you, heal for me, block for me and uh…sorry Im all out of gifts.
lol – yeah, I have a slight issue with how they animate the rested weapons position, too.
I would have to re-level and I hate leveling so Charr it is!
Love it, inclined to try on my human guardian seeing my charr guardian is fully build for bunker xD
Wonder when ArenaNET is going to implement trait builds, would be awesome to switch between this and medi build >_>
EDIT: From the build posted by Latham, it says it uses Exuberance runes, are those the actual runes you use? Wouldn’t traveler benefit you as well seeing you say your build is focused on high speed, providing 25% speed bonus? Assuming you mean speed in both DPS and movement :P
Would you mind sharing your actual build?
Messed around a bit on the build editor, opted for a cheap(er) setup, seeing I have no access to ascended gear apart from my jewellery.
Stats can be improved by taking better food/utility and getting ascended backpiece (I have none atm, and went for rare since the exotic I have is not lvl 80 so no high grade orb possible).
It has a little less HP, but the overall crit chance is higher. Opted for rune of speed since it is cheaper but my overall preference would be traveller!
Had fun taking a look though
(edited by Furesy.6935)
I am beginning to take footage and think of a theme for Volume 7 – if anyone is so inclined what would you think I should focus on? A theme, more of a specific kind of fighting? A narration? Team? A video full of fighting as many variations as I can find of a specific class?
Just looking for some ideas to entertain the community with!
Hell do you guys even really watch the entire thing? Maybe too long?
I’m interested to know/see how you deal with enemies that rely heavily on condition spam and/or control :p
Thats awesome! loved the vids. I really like GS/Hammer setups so i may have to give this a go. The Hammer is the weapon that makes Guard so much fun for me. I will have to exotic pieces though since i cant really afford to make ascended stuff.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Thats awesome! loved the vids. I really like GS/Hammer setups so i may have to give this a go. The Hammer is the weapon that makes Guard so much fun for me. I will have to exotic pieces though since i cant really afford to make ascended stuff.
Hey thanks! I want to show that there is an alternative to the standard Medi Builds and Retaliation/block builds. I think the Guardian has ridiculous mobility (NOT to be confused with disengagement) and tricks and wanted to find a way to annihilate what I like to call Flavor of the Month builds (Power Rangers, 5-2 Thieves, Spam-Elies, etc, etc, etc).
With the right combos I can actually spike my damage up 30%. It is not uncommon for me to see 8K Mighty Blow hits if I line everything up right. My fastest kills are in the 2 second range. In the last video you can see me do it a number of times for proof. This build is powerful, it has survivability, BUT it has little mitigation and as such, Xv1 fights are tough because everyone spams their IWIN buttons at the same time —- now, if you can get past that, they are friggin lunch meat.
The builds I have trouble with are actually only special builds that people have come up with on their own – which fit their playstyle. After talking to these guys I find that they are running their own special builds like I have. I will tell you this – negation builds are killer in my case. The ability to negate (not control) damage from me just stings.
I have no problems with standard “meta” builds.
THe build works perfectly fine with exotics. The ascended adds about 10% overall and since you can see me fighting with no food or stacks in many cases you can get an idea of how it will work.
I’m interested to know/see how you deal with enemies that rely heavily on condition spam and/or control :p
My last video contains quite a few duels that may be what you are looking for.
Specifically, the condi-regen warrior with the Pumpkin Head that I lost to on the first and wrecked on the second. Shows that the build is about pressure and control while shrugging off high damage attacks.
So if there is a specific class/build you have in mind that you wanna see me fight feel free to call it out and Ill go hunt them down. =P
(edited by Svenghali.4716)
The charrdian hate in this thread makes me sad.
I put your build onto my main guardian and have been running it even in PvE (it’s a lot of fun). I’m not a very good PvPer and have been doing some WvW and EoTM here and there. I mainly have problems with Thieves that rely heavily on stealth and mesmers.
The thief themselves are not a very big problem (so far), since they often can’t kill me, but just reset the battle every time before I can finish them off.
Anyway, I feel that is just because I still need to get used to the build and still have to get better as a PvP player, seeing I’m fairly new to it and haven’t figured it all out yet So for your next video, your enemies don’t really matter, as long as you keep making them :P
Anyway, I feel that is just because I still need to get used to the build and still have to get better as a PvP player, seeing I’m fairly new to it and haven’t figured it all out yet
So for your next video, your enemies don’t really matter, as long as you keep making them :P
I fight alot of thieves in my vids. I try to ensure they are different builds. FOr teh slippery shadow stepping types its about timing and reading the other player. The vast majority do the same thing over and over. So after a “round” with them I can usually anticipate them – which is key. THe thing to remember is this build uses cleaves, so even if they stealth, as long as you are already in the attack they will more than likely still take damage.
Always keep the pressure on them. When using binding blades, let it tick until they stealth or refuge, then yank them. Even if you cant see them, use whirling blades because they are likely right at your feet.
More than anything its just practise.
Mesmers – ug. OK, if they are PU shatter Im screwed. I just dont fight them. I do WAY too much damage and when it gets refelcted onto me – with confusion bombs – then I am basically killing myself. They are the rock to my scissors. Tough fights. They get it too easy – dodge roll clone, cast clone, teleports and stealths – then just shatter. I dont have enough CC or escape skills to make that a fair fight. I have a PU Stealth Mesmer and I am fully aware of this ability and its cheesy so I got bored and rolled Guardian.
Now any other mesmer build its just a matter of how long it takes to kill em. =D
THanks for the replies and watching my vids!
haha yes that’s the exact mesmer I was talking about!
Anyway, yesterday I decided, for the first time, to enter sPvP. Rather than use a meta build I opted for your build, with a few changes
This actually works REALLY good. Since everything was new, I first had to explore the maps and get into the conquest type of play. So at the start I just engaged everything haha. That didn’t go that well, but after a few games it started to go a lot better.
I got totally wrecked against a really well organized team, but at the end of the day I feel things were going really well (see attached screenie ;D). I even started to get PM’s from enemies (and team mates) about which build I was using etc. lolz
What I love most is, that I totally wipe the floor with the “current” meta DPS medi guard!
Love this build, totally gonna stick with it, even decided to finally get Ascended gear, just for this :p
It appears to me, that you’ve got a few misconceptions regarding Mesmers, so let me try to clarify some things for you. It might even help you in dealing with them (if they run builds that usually give you trouble).
Mesmers – ug. OK, if they are PU shatter Im screwed..
A “PU shatter” build doesn’t exist. A Mesmer is either PU, or he is shatter. Or something else. But never PU shatter. Because for a shatter build, you’d want Deceptive Evasion (4 into Dueling) and then either Illusionary Persona or Maim the Disillusioned (if condi-shatter) (both 6 in Illusions), which would not leave enough points to go 6 into Chaos to also get PU (Prismatic Understanding). Of course every Mesmer can use shatters, although it normally isn’t advisable unless you go for a real shatterbuild (exceptions are situational, like avoiding damage with your F4 shatter for example). Especially PU builds normally do NOT want to shatter… power PU builds rely on phantasms for damage, and condition PU builds depend on you killing their clones to trigger on-death traits and maybe (sometimes) also on their phantasms. So naturally, they do not want to shatter.
I do WAY too much damage and when it gets refelcted onto me – with confusion bombs – then I am basically killing myself.
Ever since confusion damage got nerfed, it’s no longer the main damage source for condition Mesmers. However, against unexperienced players, it might still do some nice damage, and you seem to be one of them when it comes to Mesmers. First of all, confusion does NOT reflect damage. It does NOT make any difference how much damage you deal. Confusion deals damage to you every time you use a skill. So if you use one skill that deals 6000 damage, you will get way less damage from confusion than if you autoattack 4 times for 4000 damage. So if you have a couple stacks of confusion on you (hint: scepter 3 can actually easily be dodged unless they cast it from stealth so you don’t see the huge windup animation), just cleanse as soon as possible and/or don’t spam skills like a madman for a couple seconds.
They get it too easy – dodge roll clone, cast clone, teleports and stealths – then just shatter. I dont have enough CC or escape skills to make that a fair fight.
PU condi might be easy to play, but they will never kill anybody who knows how to deal with them. And if they shatter, they are not playing PU, for the reasons I’ve explained above. Last but not least, you don’t need superior escape skills if you want to escape from a PU Mesmer, since they usually lack any chasing skills. Most don’t even have access to any kind of increased movement speed.
Oh… one more thing. Well, two things. If a Mesmer is condi PU, avoid killing the clones unless you can do it from range. If a Mesmer shatters, dodge into the clones that are running towards you as soon as they get into melee-range.
(edited by Saturn.6591)
Well then… consider me schooled.
THanks for that.
Well then… consider me schooled.
THanks for that.
You’re welcome.
Added Vol 7 — its a long one, but I havent released a video in a while and I couldnt make up my mind on the subject matter – so its a little bit of large scale combat, getting jumped, roaming, duels and a few other special situations.
As always I appreciate the feedback! I love making the videos and can only be better with criticism positive or negative.
Please be sure to vote or subscribe!
Thanks again !!
Added a new video switching out the GS for S/F to show a slightly different flavour of the build.
Undecided if I am going to try the gs/hammer of the hammer scepter build. You seem to have a lot of mixed gear though. Do you need certain amount of health/power to do this ? Or can we swap toughness with Vit around a bit? Thanks for answering.
No, I just use Vitality to soak up damage from Conditions. There is a slight psychological effect to this I have noticed as well – because I dont have a large amount of toughness the other guy gets big hit numbers – it tends to send them into frenzy mode and they ddont notice that the big 6K hit they got or the 8K hit they blew up on me barely got me to half. That makes them press when they should be defensive because I am dishing out 2-8K everytime I hit you.