Guardian WvW Build

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I’m sharing my build with the rest of the community, it has never stirred me wrong. I do extremely well in all WvW situations and always feel in control of the situation. Hard to kill, burst damage, killing power, team support…..this build can do it all very well. Whether you enjoy roaming or fighting huge zerg battles. It also does very well in PvE of which I can solo Lupi in Arah, provide enough dps to do Arah p4, and destroy in CoF………Here’s my build

Here is a sample video of me in WvW….enjoy

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Rayya.2591


your traits are fine , but weapon set and utility’s are paper for large fights
i see no real reason to use SY on 30 vs 30 for example
same goes for scepter
no.1 WvW kills

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I change weapons when I know I"m fighting zergs. I"ll trade with all weapon sets and I do change my utilities to Wall of Reflection and Hallowed Ground depending on the fight. But mostly, the setup you see is my roaming/go-to setup….Unless I know I need to change my setup then I will. I use staff quite a bit…just haven’t recorded any video of me using it yet

Also, give scepter/focus with Sigil of Fire a shot…you’d be surprised on how much damage it will do to a front line of a zerg

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


Berserker gear is a nono in wvw. Guardians should also always run with staff as main weapon, it’s way too good to not use.
Retreat and SY are also two bad shouts imo.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I have half zerker half knights….I realized that when I had full knights that I had too much toughness. I shaved off toughness inch by inch until I came to a point I call my personal equilibrium

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kharel Arhew.1437

Kharel Arhew.1437

Looks like a good, strong spec. Fairly similar to what I run myself, actually, though I run half-celestial, 1/4 soldier’s, 1/4 ‘zerkers, and use Signet of Resolve rather than Shelter (given that I roam more than engage in zerg fights, and I have little interest in commanding). I’m gonna have to start recording some of the fights I get into as well.

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: xiv.7136


I have something similar but dropped pure of voice and went over to absolute resolution to remove conditions and make the passive stronger on voResolve

Makes for much better condition removal when you need it (lots of condis and need a quick heal), and improves boon duration from the traitline which helps for group play

It doesn’t seem like much, but it helps both the long run sustain and the quick recovery when overloaded with condis which happens a lot in wvw – with the side benefit of adding more retal when activating virtues, it all meshes well together.

I like pizza

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


i see no real reason to use SY on 30 vs 30 for example

I see six reasons: Protection + Regen + Retaliation + Vigor + Swiftness + Stun Break.

There are few better non-elite anti-focus-fire skills than SY, and if you’re frontlining your zerg in 30v30 you’re gonna be getting focus-fired a lot.

Then again, I run with full Clerics + Boon Duration runes, so SY works really well in that setup. With OP’s build, the boon duration will be way less, but the defensive boons will probably be even more valuable since his gear makes him so glassy. And, short cd Stun Break is always clutch.

(edited by kurtosis.9526)

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Rayya.2591


i see no real reason to use SY on 30 vs 30 for example

I see six reasons: Protection + Regen + Retaliation + Vigor + Swiftness + Stun Break.

There are few better non-elite anti-focus-fire skills than SY, and if you’re frontlining your zerg in 30v30 you’re gonna be getting focus-fired a lot.

Then again, I run with full Clerics + Boon Duration runes, so SY works really well in that setup. With OP’s build, the boon duration will be way less, but the defensive boons will probably be even more valuable since his gear makes him so glassy. And, short cd Stun Break is always clutch.

you got perma vigor/swiftness/retailation anyway , specialy with boon duration runes, you get more vigor swiftness that you need, and specialy in zerg vs zerg whee everybody blast the light fields
considering that you got 2 major runes of water /2 supperior of monk / 2 supperior of water + 20 points in virtues +omnomberry chocolate cream – you reach 80% extra boon duration
so you got all boons except stability for 18 seconds every 48 seconds (Trained)
Compared with
1. stand your ground -retaliation / stability -9 seconds x 5 ally’s +stun breaker every 24 seconds
2.hold the line- protection – 7 seconds / regeneration 10.1/2 seconds x 5 ally’s every 28 seconds
3. hallowed ground – stability -18 seconds x 5 ally’s +fire field (64 seconds trained)
i am sorry but SY is an poor choice even for boon durations and clerics, and i gave you 3 reasons for that
no.1 WvW kills

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


so you got all boons except stability for 18 seconds every 48 seconds (Trained)

You must not be fighting any boon-stripping zergs then.

i am sorry but SY is an poor choice even for boon durations and clerics, and i gave you 3 reasons for that

Actually you gave me 1 reason – HG. I already run the other two shouts with SY.

But HG is a good reason, and I swap SY for it sometimes depending on the situation.

For example, if our zerg is defending a Lord Room vs an attacking zerg, HG is better, because we’re stationary bunkering on top of the Lord, and everyone can stay in HG for the duration.

But if we’re blitzing another zerg in open field, or breaking into a keep and attacking another zerg bunkered up in it, I use SY for a couple reasons:

1. Strip Necro mark/well conditions from allies as we run through them. Staff Necros first line of defense neutralized.

2. The fight is more likely to be mobile, won’t have the luxury of bunkering in HG the full duration.

3. Another stun break. After SyG Stability has worn off, multiple on-the-move stun breaks are clutch in ZvZ.

4. Almost half the cd. I get more use out of short-cd shouts than long-cd, stationary Consecrations in all open-field ZvZ fights, and some keep fighting.

5. As I said – anti-focus-fire defense. Particularly useful for my huge Norn guardian frontlining our zerg that gets targeted all the time. Maybe not so much for tiny Asura guardians and the like, who knows.

Saying SY is a “poor choice” is hyperbole. At worst, depending on the situation, it’s the second best choice after HG. At best, it’s better.

(edited by kurtosis.9526)

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Remember, with Rune of the Soldier with Pure of Voice; SY will FIRST get rid of 2 conditions on your allies (including yourself). 90% of the time I never pick up conditions from others, so it’s basically a free super buff with a stun breaker. I do frontline a lot, and I’m really hard to kill. I can remove 8 conditions every 48 seconds…that’s a good amount of condition control. I only ever get killed (which is still hard) against a “skilled” necromancer. Thieves, rangers, and glass-cannons just bounce off me. There has been many times I 4v1 and won…or was in a worst situation and was able to get away or wait for friends to show up (since I have my commander tag on). I have defended camps solo against unspeakable odds. I’m very happy with this build

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace